Clintons Amazing Comeback

I don't see Hillary's people attributing her win to sexism. All I see is a comment that women were outraged at the treatment Hillary received.

If you bother to actually see what Clinton's people claim propelled them to victory it is her ground game in New Hampshire and well-tuned get-out-the-vote machine that knocked on over 105,000 doors the day before the election alone, made phone calls to over 50,000 women, etc. . .

I'd also point out that that people in the press are holding Clinton to a double standard or are throwing sexist comments around isn't "playing the sexist card." It's calling out sexism and nothing more.

its called being the front runner as well. thats the game. i will admit the media is on her for being a woman but that shouldn't give her a free pass to be president... because shes getting unfair treatment.
its called being the front runner as well. thats the game. i will admit the media is on her for being a woman but that shouldn't give her a free pass to be president... because shes getting unfair treatment.

Who's arguing that she should get a free pass? No one.
I don't see Hillary's people attributing her win to sexism. All I see is a comment that women were outraged at the treatment Hillary received.

If you bother to actually see what Clinton's people claim propelled them to victory it is her ground game in New Hampshire and well-tuned get-out-the-vote machine that knocked on over 105,000 doors the day before the election alone, made phone calls to over 50,000 women, etc. . .

I'd also point out that that people in the press are holding Clinton to a double standard or are throwing sexist comments around isn't "playing the sexist card." It's calling out sexism and nothing more.

Bingo. She's got a strong constiuency with women to begin with, given her history and her issues. And, she's an outstanding politican with and excellent organization. Not one that I neccessarily admire, but that's just a fact. The theory about the "pissed off" women is a bit simplistic, IMO. There's a lot of reasons that undecided women and her core supporters turned out for her. And, the "pissed off" women, may have been important only around the margins. But, the margins are what count in close elections.
Chap thinks that I am…of course I’m not even voting for her in the primary. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

well i just was resentful of you calling me sexist. I dont think i am. But i do think you are. i understand that your not going to vote for her in the primary.
i am not voting for her because my perception is shes a stock cheat, corrupt politician, and a chameleon. Not because shes a woman. It just annoys me she stole NH with fake tears... lol and the reason for the tears. its like the dem version of 2000 bush id have a beer with joe regular.
i am not voting for her because my perception is shes a stock cheat, corrupt politician, and a chameleon. Not because shes a woman. It just annoys me she stole NH with fake tears... lol and the reason for the tears. its like the dem version of 2000 bush id have a beer with joe regular.

CDS strikes again!

u were right cypress. Its sad that the fembots fall for this tactic.. then call sexist if you claim she won because of it... lol then you read this and see even her own people think thats what did it.

and darla is the biggest fembot on this board...she reminds me of the spoof movies..she was one of the fembots....boobie girl machine gun hunnies the movie for a trip to the Bahamas...or not...:cof1:

'Oh behave'...this is the clue!
CDS strikes again!

▪ A $100,000 windfall from cattle futures after a $1,000 investment.

• The Castle Grande real estate scam.

• Her role as attorney for the Rose law firm in what would become the endlessly controversial-cum-criminal Whitewater affair that would follow her to the White House.

▪ A $100,000 windfall from cattle futures after a $1,000 investment.

• The Castle Grande real estate scam.

• Her role as attorney for the Rose law firm in what would become the endlessly controversial-cum-criminal Whitewater affair that would follow her to the White House.

How much money was spent looking into this nonsense and what came of it all? Let it go, man. Let it go.
wow lots of nice things said about hillary and nobody attacked.

Calm down topper. I ain't voting for her in the primary. There are several things that piss me off about her. But a lot of those things are the same things that piss me off about Diane Fienstein, Joe Biden, and John Kerry. So, I've never totally jumped your shit for supporting hillary. She's better than some, worse than others, on an issue by issue basis.
I'm yanking your chain. Obviously you have much superior debating skills.
I'm for the democratic platform, who ever winds up with the mantle. I think it'll take several dem admins to reverse the ghestapo affect of the Bushite's.
You crack me up.............!

I predict there will be a new president in just over a year.

And when it happens, I'm going to run around posting all over the place what a genius I am for said prediction. Is that about right?


I do believe in kids own Cippie on this one........:cof1:

Must make a store run...outta beer...if I am sober(so far yeah) I have no idea what y'all are getting at!....or any rate carry on will be back later...or :)not!
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How much money was spent looking into this nonsense and what came of it all? Let it go, man. Let it go.

fuck that. shes guilty. just because it was covered up by burning or loosing paperwork and playing lawyer doesn't mean she didnt do it.. OJ Simpson got off as well.

lol her stock investment first time is utterly rediculous. even the best investor in the world couldnt match it.

believing her is like believing Kim Jong ill from north Korea:

Pyongyang media say North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il enjoys golf, having shot multiple holes-in-one during his first try at the game. He reportedly aced five holes and finished 38 under par on the golf course. The "Great Leader" routinely shoots three or four holes-in-one per round, the government-controlled media reported.
fuck that. shes guilty. just because it was covered up by burning or loosing paperwork and playing lawyer doesn't mean she didnt do it.. OJ Simpson got off as well.

lol her stock investment first time is utterly rediculous. even the best investor in the world couldnt match it.

believing her is like believing Kim Jong ill from north Korea:

Pyongyang media say North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il enjoys golf, having shot multiple holes-in-one during his first try at the game. He reportedly aced five holes and finished 38 under par on the golf course. The "Great Leader" routinely shoots three or four holes-in-one per round, the government-controlled media reported.

Your CDS is showing.
Bullshit Chap, just like Martha Stewart got railroaded cause she's a woman.
You don't think a lot of male senator are getting a shit load of inside information. Shit, their all millionaires I guarantee you they aren't risking their money like you and I are.