Clinton's fuzzy math


New member
Okay, so she's losing in # of states, popular vote and (& this is the only one that counts) elected delegates.

So, she tries a few trial ballons on "I won the big states!", which doesn't really work, because WI, MO, VA & IL are all important in the general, and no one believes for a second that Obama won't easily win CA & NY & MA in a general.

With no other math that conceivably works, they've found the one - the ONLY - metric that they're winning on: electoral votes! The states Clinton has won have more total electoral votes than the states Obama has won. I just saw, heard & read at least 3 of her surrogates push the "new" math argument, which their braintrust must have been up all night formulating.

Who are they f'ing kidding? Even if superdelegates were dumb enough to buy this, which they're not, and overturn the elected delegates, they would lose a huge portion of the Dem electorate. Hell - I would probably take a month off from my job just to campaign against Hillary if she won because of it.

I've had it with their cynical, comtemptuous attitude toward anyone that gets in their way (in this case, the American primary voter...)

That's actually pretty effin' funny. LMAO.......Like NY, MA or CA is poised to be taken by any republican. ROTLMAo. They are getting desparate.

The Clintons will continue to fight on even at the detriment of the party. That's pretty evident and I'd hope that the super delegates realize this too.
yah she lost the battle for the Michigan and Florida last week tho the war isnt over. also keep your eyes open for some funny stuff with Puerto Rico.
yah she lost the battle for the Michigan and Florida last week tho the war isnt over. also keep your eyes open for some funny stuff with Puerto Rico.

no doubt. the clinton camp is in its last throws.

Side note:
I wonder if Obama will pick up Bill Richardson as a VP. Now that would be the new dream ticket.
no doubt. the clinton camp is in its last throws.

Side note:
I wonder if Obama will pick up Bill Richardson as a VP. Now that would be the new dream ticket.

you see obama say hes no liberal the other day? i think hes more moderate then people think he is based on listening to him talking in forums. hes definitely an unknown.
you see obama say hes no liberal the other day? i think hes more moderate then people think he is based on listening to him talking in forums. hes definitely an unknown.

He called himself a progressive and pragmatic. The Republicans are going to obviously try and stick the liberal label on him with its supposive (or hoped for from a Republican perspective I'm sure) negative conotation.
no doubt. the clinton camp is in its last throws.

Side note:
I wonder if Obama will pick up Bill Richardson as a VP. Now that would be the new dream ticket.
I don't know that it would be. I have mulled this over in my mind and I don't see what Richardson brings to the ticket. In the last two elections Bush only won among hispanics in Texas. New Mexico, Arizon and California were 2 to 1 in favor of the Dem. Nationwide Gore and Kerry were by far the beneficiaries of the Hispanic Vote. Now I know that Hispanics over 30 vote for Hillary overwhelmingly, but will they stay home or vote for McCain on election day? I can't see it, but maybe. That would be the only benefit that I can see of for Richardson on the ticket, that and New Mexico would vote for them, Richardson destroyed his two republican rivals for governor and people still really like him. I think that Obama has promised him SecState. Just my guess. I think Biden is the best choice for Barack for VP.
I don't know that it would be. I have mulled this over in my mind and I don't see what Richardson brings to the ticket. In the last two elections Bush only won among hispanics in Texas. New Mexico, Arizon and California were 2 to 1 in favor of the Dem. Nationwide Gore and Kerry were by far the beneficiaries of the Hispanic Vote. Now I know that Hispanics over 30 vote for Hillary overwhelmingly, but will they stay home or vote for McCain on election day? I can't see it, but maybe. That would be the only benefit that I can see of for Richardson on the ticket, that and New Mexico would vote for them, Richardson destroyed his two republican rivals for governor and people still really like him. I think that Obama has promised him SecState. Just my guess. I think Biden is the best choice for Barack for VP.

I think you are correct. Biden is the best choice for Obama, although I think you underestimate Richardsons value a bit. He would bring the foreign policy experience to the ticket and thus shore up one of Obamas weaknesses. (obviously so would Biden)
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Yeah! Biden is the best choice!!
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Yeah! Biden is the best choice!!

Man, you are such a fucking idiot....

If biden was a republican you assholes would have called him a racist for those remarks. Now you fucking idiots are talikng about hime being your VP. What a joke you guys are.
shit, you guys slammed Romney because he said "bling bling" and "who let the dogs out".

What utter hypocrites you are!
hes going to prob pick someone from this list:
Senator Joe Biden
Governor Bill Richardson.
Senator Chris Dodd:
Michael Bloomberg
Tom Daschle
General Wesley Clark
Hillary Clinton
Former Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown
Virginia Governor Tim Kaine
Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius
Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack
Senator Jim Webb from Virginia
Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana
former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn
Senator Bob Kerrey
Senator John Kerry