Clinton's fuzzy math

I don't really have a problem with those selections either except for Edwards. Just a personal thing for me but I don't care for him and don't like the idea of an ambulance chaser as Attorney General.

Personally I cannot stand Edwards either. I just think that is the direction Obama will go.
I don't really have a problem with those selections either except for Edwards. Just a personal thing for me but I don't care for him and don't like the idea of an ambulance chaser as Attorney General.

Remeber that huge house Edwards was building? Well he had them include an indoor track where he can run around regardless of the weather. Also included was an ambulence for him to chase around the track.
Remeber that huge house Edwards was building? Well he had them include an indoor track where he can run around regardless of the weather. Also included was an ambulence for him to chase around the track.
ROFLMAOPIMP! That is some funny shit. But on a serious note he would be a GREAT attorney general. The Civil Rights division would actually have teeth again. The AG does not sue people for falling on grapes in WalMart or soft tissue injuries so he could not do much damage there.
Remeber that huge house Edwards was building? Well he had them include an indoor track where he can run around regardless of the weather. Also included was an ambulence for him to chase around the track.

That is pretty funny. Though I don't like him I will give him props for building an indoor halfcourt basketball court at his pad.
I've noticed your only reply to the points I made are to call me names. Way to win the argument. Way to show your tolerant liberal ways! I wish I could be like you.

No, no - that's not the ONLY reply. I start by making fun of how silly & insignificant the "point" your making is, or how generalizing it is, or how baseless it is, and THEN I call you a fucking idiot.

Very dishonest of you. There isn't much of an argument to win when the best someone can muster is "LOLzers! If a Republican said this, 'you guys' would crucify him! LOL!!!"
You know what the difference between a girl from SC and a Bowling ball?

You can eat a bowling ball if you HAVE to.