Clinton's fuzzy math

hes going to prob pick someone from this list:
Senator Joe Biden Good Choice....

Governor Bill Richardson. good choice

Senator Chris Dodd: Um... no

Michael Bloomberg.... no way does he take a VP slot.

Tom Daschle.... ROFLMAO... yeah, that is not going to happen. Dead weight.

General Wesley Clark .... very good choice, but Obama prob won't choose him given Clarks relationship with Clintons

Hillary Clinton.... Hell no. Not a chance she would ever accept a VP role and I seriously doubt he would ever consider even asking her.

Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack ... possible, but there are much better options, so doubtful.

Senator Jim Webb from Virginia... good candidate, but I doubt they put a less than one-term guy with Obama.

Senator John Kerry..... LMAO... no way does Obama associate with Munster.

Some knee jerk reactions to some on your list....
"You guys" is another way of saying democrats. Guess the nuance is too tricky for you to follow.

That's a storybook, man!!

Oh...."you guys" meant about 72 million Americans. I don't think that's "nuance" so much as it is a complete over-generalization.

Man, are you a fucking idiot...really....
I don't know that it would be. I have mulled this over in my mind and I don't see what Richardson brings to the ticket. In the last two elections Bush only won among hispanics in Texas. New Mexico, Arizon and California were 2 to 1 in favor of the Dem. Nationwide Gore and Kerry were by far the beneficiaries of the Hispanic Vote. Now I know that Hispanics over 30 vote for Hillary overwhelmingly, but will they stay home or vote for McCain on election day? I can't see it, but maybe. That would be the only benefit that I can see of for Richardson on the ticket, that and New Mexico would vote for them, Richardson destroyed his two republican rivals for governor and people still really like him. I think that Obama has promised him SecState. Just my guess. I think Biden is the best choice for Barack for VP.

I like Richardson and I am starting to like Biden again. So either would be fine with me.
Even using his "you guys" as the relevant metric, he's still pretty far off the mark:

Anyway, the problem with Biden as a cabinet member is that he talks too damn much.

No way...his one word answers in the debates were great!

He did an excellent job positioning himself for SOS, and I think that's where it's headed for him. I don't see him getting the VP nod.

I do think Richardson would be a great choice; it doesn't all have to be "geographic strategy" with VP choice, though he probably could deliver NM. Richardson is almost universally loved by the Dem base; yes, he didn't get a lot of votes, but I'd wager he was a lot of voters "2nd favorite," and he brings a lot of experience to the ticket.
No way...his one word answers in the debates were great!

He did an excellent job positioning himself for SOS, and I think that's where it's headed for him. I don't see him getting the VP nod.

I do think Richardson would be a great choice; it doesn't all have to be "geographic strategy" with VP choice, though he probably could deliver NM. Richardson is almost universally loved by the Dem base; yes, he didn't get a lot of votes, but I'd wager he was a lot of voters "2nd favorite," and he brings a lot of experience to the ticket.

Cypress doesn't like him (sorry just had to throw that dig in there).
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius would be the ultimate Fuck you to Hillary. Pick a woman as your running mate but not THE woman who feels she is entitled to the office. Sebelius would work too because of her midwest connection.
No way...his one word answers in the debates were great!

He did an excellent job positioning himself for SOS, and I think that's where it's headed for him. I don't see him getting the VP nod.

I do think Richardson would be a great choice; it doesn't all have to be "geographic strategy" with VP choice, though he probably could deliver NM. Richardson is almost universally loved by the Dem base; yes, he didn't get a lot of votes, but I'd wager he was a lot of voters "2nd favorite," and he brings a lot of experience to the ticket.

“Iowa, for good reason, for constitutional reasons, for reasons related to the Lord should be the first caucus and primary,”

Wow, if a republican had said this there would be outrage. But since it was uttered by Richardson, it's just dandy. I hope you elect this holy roller as your VP. It will be fun to laugh about it.
"Wow, if a republican had said this there would be outrage."

Awww....poor widdle persecuted Republicans. Yeah - there is never any false outrage about anything Dems do or say, or about anything the people they know do or say. Good call.

Man, what a fucking idiot you are...
“Iowa, for good reason, for constitutional reasons, for reasons related to the Lord should be the first caucus and primary,”

Wow, if a republican had said this there would be outrage. But since it was uttered by Richardson, it's just dandy. I hope you elect this holy roller as your VP. It will be fun to laugh about it.
He's my governor and he is no holy roller. Nice troll though.
"Wow, if a republican had said this there would be outrage."

Awww....poor widdle persecuted Republicans. Yeah - there is never any false outrage about anything Dems do or say, or about anything the people they know do or say. Good call.

Man, what a fucking idiot you are...

I've noticed your only reply to the points I made are to call me names. Way to win the argument. Way to show your tolerant liberal ways! I wish I could be like you.
Can't find a complaint with any of those.

I don't really have a problem with those selections either except for Edwards. Just a personal thing for me but I don't care for him and don't like the idea of an ambulance chaser as Attorney General.