Clinton's WV landslide not as impressive as Obama's landslides


The Force is With Me
Obama 79%
Clinton 17%

Obama +62%

Obama 76%
Clinton 24%

Obama +52%

Obama 75%
Clinton 25%

Obama +50%

Obama 68%
Clinton 31%

Obama +37%

Obama 67%
Clinton 31%

Obama +36%

Obama 67%
Clinton 32%

Obama +35%

Obama 66%
Clinton 32%

Obama +34%

And on that "no democrat has won without winning here" thing .. no democrat has won the White House without winning Washington, DC .. where Obama won by 52%.
Clinton was making her initial sucking up to Obama speach last nite.
1. I'm not offensive
2. I can Help Obama
3. Obama is THE MAN
Clinton was making her initial sucking up to Obama speach last nite.
1. I'm not offensive
2. I can Help Obama
3. Obama is THE MAN

Do you think that's what she was shooting for? I have to watch her speech on youtube or something. I missed it last night, I was busy.
shes clearly toned it down.. playing nice for a couple contests and bowing out thus saving face.
yes she did her best to look Vice Presidential, she did everything but get on her knees and blow Obama.
She tried to look strong, she was not at all critical of Obama and praised him a little.
She even called the battles little dust ups.
She was kind of mailing it in. I was surprised; I thought her mindset would be much different.

I've gone from thinking that she's got tunnel vision & thinks of nothing but winning, to thinking that she feels like she just owes it to her supporters to hang in there until the last primary, and is ready to concede at that point.....
She was kind of mailing it in. I was surprised; I thought her mindset would be much different.

I've gone from thinking that she's got tunnel vision & thinks of nothing but winning, to thinking that she feels like she just owes it to her supporters to hang in there until the last primary, and is ready to concede at that point.....

Really? Because I'm still at tunnel vision and thinks of nothing but winning. I also think if she weren't getting pressure she'd still be throwing the kitchen sink at Obama.
Really? Because I'm still at tunnel vision and thinks of nothing but winning. I also think if she weren't getting pressure she'd still be throwing the kitchen sink at Obama.

Yeah, well, I could definitely be wrong on that. She might have just been tired.

I have no doubt that the supers will mainly break Obama's way, and he'll have a clear delegate lead in June when they are all tallied up. If she still decides to take it to the convention, she's totally bogus, as Bill & Ted would say....
she wont be vice president. Michelle hates her and shes Baracks closest adviser.
I don't see why she'd accept it. First, Obama may lose, if she's on the ticket she'll have a harder time gaining the nomination. Second, she has far more power as a Senator from NY than she ever would with the job of waiting for Obama to die.
I don't see why she'd accept it. First, Obama may lose, if she's on the ticket she'll have a harder time gaining the nomination. Second, she has far more power as a Senator from NY than she ever would with the job of waiting for Obama to die.

Vince Foster.

has a Republican ever won Washington D.C.?

I doubt that .. but DC isn't on the republican roadmap to the White House.

The significance of DC to the democrats is because it's black and democrats do not win the White House without energized black votes.

Make that energized hard-working black votes.
I don't see why she'd accept it. First, Obama may lose, if she's on the ticket she'll have a harder time gaining the nomination. Second, she has far more power as a Senator from NY than she ever would with the job of waiting for Obama to die.

Right, why would she want to be the first female vice president of the united states. And by the way, traditionally, vp’s don’t have to “wait for him to die”. They serve out their 8 years and run president, often, winning.

Unless you think she’ll be too old in eight years? In which case, explain why John McCain, who is older than she will be in 8 years, isn’t too old today.
Do you think that's what she was shooting for? I have to watch her speech on youtube or something. I missed it last night, I was busy.

The battle beyond the curtail is between the progressives and activists in the Democratic Party against the republican wing of the party as represented by the DLC.

What has happened is that all-out war has been declared. The Clintons have abandoned the progressives and now solely rely on conservative democrats and really dumb liberal democrats who think the Clintons are one of them.

This is why the money will keep on coming for Obama because he's representing a huge constituency of antiwar activists and liberal democrats.

But all out war has been declared and the winner will control the destiny of the Democratic Party.
Right, why would she want to be the first female vice president of the united states. And by the way, traditionally, vp’s don’t have to “wait for him to die”. They serve out their 8 years and run president, often, winning.

Unless you think she’ll be too old in eight years? In which case, explain why John McCain, who is older than she will be in 8 years, isn’t too old today.
Which ignores the first point I made.
I don't believe in that conspiracy. I'm just making the point that the VP has minimal power in our system and I don't think she wants that job.

She doesn't and she knows Obama will never choose her.

What the Clintons want is power for the DLC.

They may demand that Obama put someone like Ed Rendall on the ticket.

Obama will say no.
