Clinton's WV landslide not as impressive as Obama's landslides

No, that again was a remark towards a quote from a past VP who said, (paraphrasing here), "The VP's job is easy you get up in the morning and check to see if the President is still alive." One of those things that I thought all people who are into politics might have heard and recognized.

My opinion is that she doesn't want the VP position because it is far less powerful than her Senate position, and she believes that Obama may lose and wants to position herself for 2012.

Ok, whatever. We’ll find out when we find out.
If you were Obama, would you want the Clintons sitting behind you .. checking to see if you're still alive?

I wouldn’t want the Clintons as my vp, because she comes with bill, and he is not equipped to be anything other than top dog. I think it would be an uncomfortable situation all around. I don’t really believe they’d be plotting his death though.

I would support an Obama/Clinton ticket if it were the only way he could get into the white house though, and I believe he’ll put her on the ticket if he and his advisors conclude he can’t win without her.

But, I don’t know that this is the case.
I wouldn’t want the Clintons as my vp, because she comes with bill, and he is not equipped to be anything other than top dog. I think it would be an uncomfortable situation all around. I don’t really believe they’d be plotting his death though.

I would support an Obama/Clinton ticket if it were the only way he could get into the white house though, and I believe he’ll put her on the ticket if he and his advisors conclude he can’t win without her.

But, I don’t know that this is the case.

Obama doesn't need Clinton and he doesn't need the DLC .. and he should not trust the Clintons one iota.
Obama doesn't need Clinton and he doesn't need the DLC .. and he should not trust the Clintons one iota.

Well, yesterday’s race in MS definitely seems to indicate that these polls showing McCain beating OBama, or coming close to Obama in some crucial swing states, might very well be completely irrelevant. It looks as if republicans simply are not turning out to vote, and democrats are. If that’s the case, then no, he won’t need her.

But, if they were to have information indicating it were the case, I’d support that ticket. You once thought it would be the most unbeatable ticket going! I think that you feel this way now, is yet another indication that this primary fight has been too bloody, and too spiteful, and unfortunately there are a lot of Hillary supporters who feel as you do because of it. It doesn’t make them bad people, in my estimation, is all I am saying.
Well, yesterday’s race in MS definitely seems to indicate that these polls showing McCain beating OBama, or coming close to Obama in some crucial swing states, might very well be completely irrelevant. It looks as if republicans simply are not turning out to vote, and democrats are. If that’s the case, then no, he won’t need her.

But, if they were to have information indicating it were the case, I’d support that ticket. You once thought it would be the most unbeatable ticket going! I think that you feel this way now, is yet another indication that this primary fight has been too bloody, and too spiteful, and unfortunately there are a lot of Hillary supporters who feel as you do because of it. It doesn’t make them bad people, in my estimation, is all I am saying.

Forget about polls about the general now. McCain has no chance of winning and the republicans know that all tooo well.

At one time I did believe that an Obama/Clinton ticket would be unbeatable, but that was before Hillary exposed the real battle within the party, and before she went completely over to the dark side.

Hillary supporters are not bad people just as all of McCain's supporters are not bad people. But this is a precarious and critical time for this nation and we face monumental challenges. Hillary's supporters may not be bad, but continued DLC control of the party most definately is bad. McCain's supporters may not be all bad, but McCain as president most definately would be.

I would not support a Hillary led ticket, I'd vote for McKinney, and I'd have to hold my nose real tight to even support a ticket with Hillary on it.

Obama does not need Clinton and a ticket of Obama/McCaskill or Obama/Nunn would make a stronger ticket with far less baggage than Obama/Clinton.

I'm amazed at how badly the Clintons have played their hand.
"Forget about polls about the general now. McCain has no chance of winning and the republicans know that all tooo well."

that is what I am becoming hopeful of, and that's all I really care about in the end. I know Obama is going to be the nominee. So this is all good.
As Clinton celebrates her WV victory, Obama picks up more key endorsements.

"The Wall Street Journal has it that three former chairmen of the Securities and Exchange Commission will endorse Mr. Obama, potentially giving him a lift among the business community.

William Donaldson, who was S.E.C. chairman for about 2½ years from early 2003, along with Clinton and Reagan appointees Arthur Levitt and David Ruder, will join former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker in endorsing Senator Obama, his campaign said. Mr. Volcker endorsed Senator Obama in January.

In a statement released by the campaign, the four men said they believed Senator Obama would take a “reasoned approach” to “balanced regulatory reform.” As with rival presidential candidates Senators John McCain and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Obama has advocated revamping financial regulations to head off a repeat of the current credit crisis. Unlike the other two, Senator Obama has said he would consider raising the capital-gains tax rate from its current 15% — a move that could have a profound effect on the financial industry."

This train has already left the station.
"Forget about polls about the general now. McCain has no chance of winning and the republicans know that all tooo well."

that is what I am becoming hopeful of, and that's all I really care about in the end. I know Obama is going to be the nominee. So this is all good.

Don't like to hear your spirits down my friend.

This is a very exciting time.

Keep hope alive.

(Geez I feel stupid sayin' that) :rolleyes:

Cue, poster "Desh".. (enter stage left, vapid look on face)

Line: "Yes We Can!" (somehow misspells the "!")

Cue: Desh,BAC and Darla exit stage right in November with heads hung low as John McCain takes the Oscar...They buy the rights to 'A Never Ending Story' and begin accusing voter ballot fraud!and the 'Never Ending Story' begins again!:cof1:
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Don't like to hear your spirits down my friend.

This is a very exciting time.

Keep hope alive.

(Geez I feel stupid sayin' that) :rolleyes:

I feel like I’ve lived most of my life in the bush years, even though I haven’t, that’s how it feels. I feel as if I’ll kill myself if I have to live in McCain country for four or eight years. I am willing to do anything to avoid that.

But I am very encouraged by these special elections, especially the one yesterday. I am holding my breath, but very hopefully.