Clock is ticking for Trump to post bonds worth half a billion dollars

You can enter an appeal without placing a bond or any money (Rudy did) but then it does not 'stay' the collection of the money and the winner of the case can immediately get orders to walk over to your banks, clean out any cash, and begin the process of seizing and selling your property.

Trump just did, just that with E Jean $83MM case, as is being reported. He filed the appeal but provided no bond and thus there will be no stay.

And no there is nothing unjust about it.

Think of it this way. YOu are fighting with someone over a hundred dollar bill you both believe is yours. It is in your possession.

In court you lose, and they say it is the other persons. You plan to appeal., fine, but the current ruling is that it is HIS (not your) property. So he should be the one holding it in the appeal and not you, so you do not blow it, out of anger before the next case. It is HIS until ruled otherwise so he should hold it.

BUt the courts allow you to escrow it instead (post it as security or a bond instead) to ensure you do not pay it to the person, and then you win in the appeal and the other person has blown it all and cannot repay you.

So the ONLY FAIR and JUST thing to do is to make the person who lost put the entire amount in escrow to protect it. The second best thing, is to give it to the winner. Last would be letting the loser keep it as appeals play out over years as they have the highest motivation to then make sure it is all spent before handing it over.

It is a stupid question which is why you think it is great.

If any person who LOST and owed the person his last dollars, as Rudy Giuliani does, for example, and they know the appeal would last years, they have a super high motivation to just go blow every penny in vegas trying to win enough to pay the judgement or lose every penny and just declare the same bankruptcy they were going to have to file anyway.

If you know your last $x are going to the winner and you will end up broke after, but you have a few years before the money leaves you, you will try everything possible, to turn that money into more money, so you can pay the judgement and yet still have money left over. If you lose it all, you lose nothing, as you were going to have nothing if you did not try.

You are passing along incorrect information. He is allowed to appeal, regardless.

Yes, but only after having a very short time to post a half billion bond which is constitutionally excessive and criminal. I wish you were honest and had even half a brain. Really I do. :palm:
You should read the final order issued by the judge, nothing was made up out of thin air.

The entire case is made up out of thin air. There were no victims. The banks did their own due diligence. The money was paid back in full. But here's your first clue of how moronically absurd this whole debate is:

They addressed the issues, it was the prosecutor who vowed to take Trump (a known criminal) down. This happens, but without a Trial and a judge finding that the law was broken... it would not have been possible. Checks and Balances. You just don't like the results or the facts that led to this verdict.

Engeron is a woefully inept, corrupt and stupid partisan hack. Who respects a judge who takes nude selfies in public bathrooms?

Any REAL judge who believes in the rule of law would have kicked this weak inept case out without a trial. It was a clown show in a city and a state that have become a sad joke.
Are you actually claiming those are not true? Trump also said he would never pay this one but he has. He sure loses a lot.

What has he lost? Elaborate. The only party that seems to be losing a lot are shrill, lying, low IQ Democrats with severe TDS.

You must enjoy looking like a dumbass.
Get used to it because Trump has pretty much destroyed the Republican party. He won't be elected as it is now and throw a few felony convictions on there and this election will be like the Reagan Mondale one.

November is going to be harsh on low IQ dimwits like you.