Clock is ticking for Trump to post bonds worth half a billion dollars

Yakuda will never answer that question above either. NO Magat will as it requires them admit that documents fraud is chargeable based on the SUBMISSION of fraudulent doc's even if none are ever funded.

They addressed the issues, it was the prosecutor who vowed to take Trump (a known criminal) down. This happens, but without a Trial and a judge finding that the law was broken... it would not have been possible. Checks and Balances. You just don't like the results or the facts that led to this verdict.

I don't like corrupt courts and corrupt prosecutors, corrupt judges, and corrupt you?
If anyone wants Terry to leave a thread and not reply for a while pretending he did not see the question, just ask him this.

... 'If you start a Mortgage Broker company tomorrow and submit your first batch of Mortgages to a number of banks trying to sell them, and it is found out 100% of those loans you submitted are fraudulent (NINJA loans) and the banks report you and you are charged with Fraud, do you believe they are wrong to charge you and shut you down because they did not get funded and none of them defaulted (yet)?'

Do you think you should be left alone and allowed to keep submitting them to other banks or buyers, and ONLY WHEN some default, then you can be charged?

Notice that Terry still has not answered the question.

QP! said:
If anyone wants Terry to leave a thread and not reply for a while pretending he did not see the question, just ask him this.

... 'If you start a Mortgage Broker company tomorrow and submit your first batch of Mortgages to a number of banks trying to sell them, and it is found out 100% of those loans you submitted are fraudulent (NINJA loans) and the banks report you and you are charged with Fraud, do you believe they are wrong to charge you and shut you down because they did not get funded and none of them defaulted (yet)?'

Do you think you should be left alone and allowed to keep submitting them to other banks or buyers, and ONLY WHEN some default, then you can be charged?
How is a question a lie?

Aside from that, no one was harmed by Trump's actions, no one.

“no one was harmed,” if you get a speeding ticket down the road just tell the Judge you don’t deserve any consequences because “no one was harmed.” Trump broke the law, he took advantages others did not have, the “no one was harmed” defense is inane
“no one was harmed,” if you get a speeding ticket down the road just tell the Judge you don’t deserve any consequences because “no one was harmed.” Trump broke the law, he took advantages others did not have, the “no one was harmed” defense is inane

No, Trump didn't break the law. He was never tried for any sort of crime connected to this case. That is the normal way this law has been used in NY. A speeding ticket doesn't have a fine made up by the judge attached either. There is a set amount charged that is codified. The judge decided, not based on any evidence, that Trump had inflated the value of assets to get loans.

The bank involved had their officers testify that the loans were paid back in full with interest and that the bank had done their own due diligence in granting those loans.

What this amounts to is the prosecutor giving Trump a speeding ticket while walking down the street and the judge deciding that the fine should be a half-a-billion dollars.
No, Trump didn't break the law. He was never tried for any sort of crime connected to this case. That is the normal way this law has been used in NY. A speeding ticket doesn't have a fine made up by the judge attached either. There is a set amount charged that is codified. The judge decided, not based on any evidence, that Trump had inflated the value of assets to get loans.

The bank involved had their officers testify that the loans were paid back in full with interest and that the bank had done their own due diligence in granting those loans.

What this amounts to is the prosecutor giving Trump a speeding ticket while walking down the street and the judge deciding that the fine should be a half-a-billion dollars.

The bolded is actually an excessively inaccurate characterization.
Because it's a Tu Quoque fallacy, that is, a loaded question.

What is 'loaded' about it?

We had all sorts of Mortgage brokers doing just that in 2007 and prior.

if they were discovered before any default for 'submitting fraudulent paper work to banks', do you think they can or should be stopped or do you feel they have to be left alone to push the fraud until they are bought by a bank and a default eventually happens?
No, Trump didn't break the law. He was never tried for any sort of crime connected to this case. That is the normal way this law has been used in NY. A speeding ticket doesn't have a fine made up by the judge attached either. There is a set amount charged that is codified. The judge decided, not based on any evidence, that Trump had inflated the value of assets to get loans.

The bank involved had their officers testify that the loans were paid back in full with interest and that the bank had done their own due diligence in granting those loans.

What this amounts to is the prosecutor giving Trump a speeding ticket while walking down the street and the judge deciding that the fine should be a half-a-billion dollars.


Documents frauds, such as what Trump did, but generally to a lesser scale are the MOST COMMON thing most State AG's and especially NYS AG prosecute. They call them the 'bread and butter' of the office.
If anyone wants Terry to leave a thread and not reply for a while pretending he did not see the question, just ask him this.

... 'If you start a Mortgage Broker company tomorrow and submit your first batch of Mortgages to a number of banks trying to sell them, and it is found out 100% of those loans you submitted are fraudulent (NINJA loans) and the banks report you and you are charged with Fraud, do you believe they are wrong to charge you and shut you down because they did not get funded and none of them defaulted (yet)?'

Do you think you should be left alone and allowed to keep submitting them to other banks or buyers, and ONLY WHEN some default, then you can be charged?

Okay, I'll answer your idiotic, poorly conceived, question directly.

First, Trump wasn't doing mortgages, he was / is a developer. His MO, if you like, was to plan out some grandiose hotel, casino, resort, whatever. He'd then go to the banks and ask for a loan based on his own wealth and previous assets that he owned giving the bank what he estimated those values to be to build that. The bank would then assess his claims, make their own, and based on the results offer him terms on a loan.

He built the whatever it is. That doesn't mean it always worked out to plan, but the bank didn't give a shit as long as they were paid back according to the terms of the loan--which they were. It doesn't matter what the property is actually worth as opposed to what it is claimed to be worth. Nobody--NOBODY--knows the actual value of a property unless it sells. That becomes the instant value of the property.

The state (Prosecutor James, in this case) decides they don't like the values Trump put on his properties so they take him to court. There, the state--and in this case the judge--make up values out of thin air that they then claim are the "real" values of the property even though they don't know what those properties are worth themselves. They bring in the bank management who tell the court in essence We don't give a shit about what the property is worth now because Trump paid us our loans back in full with interest.

The judge and prosecutor ignore that completely and state that Trump lied base solely on their own assessment of the worth of his properties. From that they say somebody--unnamed--or party was harmed by all of this even as they can't demonstrate any loss to anyone, and from that declare Trump owes them half-a-billion dollars. Talk about a total shakedown...
All of this unconstitutional malarky will be overturned. I hope that Trump gets to sue the state for all his costs for this gross partisan debauchery.

Won't happen, he is guilty as sin and the ruling will never be overturned. He might get some of it reduced but he will still have to pay one hell of a lot of money.