Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal

Wrong again leftist halfwit. Hunter created shell companies to hide the bribes coming in from corrupt oligarchs trying to buy daddies influence.

Jarod's isn't a "shell" company. It is an "INVESTMENT" fund. I get now why you voted for Biden. You're an uneducated, dishonest lying leftist dumbass. :palm:

Then produce the evidence in public
You don't know what TDS is, that's hilarious.

You should Google it so you quit embarrassing yourself here.

TDS is what Trump supporters on the right have when they instantly, reflexively and always rage defend all things Trump, regardless of merit.

You are stretching yourself into weird contorted defenses to try and say what Jared did was good and fine despite him abusing his position of power from WITHIN the Trump government Administration to get billions of dollars (twice) and to make 100's of millions, for himself, off of that.

No one on the right should be happy with what Jared did even if they hate what Hunter did. Only someone with TDS feels the need to try and rationalize what Jared did as good.
The best example of TDS is anyone who PRETENDS that Jared simply creating a company to receive the grift funds means that he is qualified to get any of the grift funds.

Hunter could have first created a corporation called Affinity Partners and took in all the money he got thru that. Would that make you derps defend him?

NO, because what you are mad about is that he was NOT qualified in any way to get any of the money he got and he was trading off the JOe Biden name and his connection to gov't.

Jared was ALSO not, in any way qualified to get any of that money he took in and he too was trading not just off Donald Trump name, but also his Trump Admin position from within gov't.

Imagine if there was statements on the record of those giving Hunter money saying anything like this...

...the panel that performs due diligence for the Saudi fund concluded Kushner’s firm was a joke—that management was “inexperience[d],” that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk,” that its fees were “excessive,” and that the firm’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects.” ...

And yet extreme TDS makes people read the above and still argue that it was not wrong for Jared to get that money.

The very Board put in power to determine this say him as a JOKE and UNSATISFACTORY IN ALL ASPECTS and yet they still defend it.

That is TDS to the power of 1000.
TDS is what Trump supporters on the right have when they instantly, reflexively and always rage defend all things Trump, regardless of merit.

You are stretching yourself into weird contorted defenses to try and say what Jared did was good and fine despite him abusing his position of power from WITHIN the Trump government Administration to get billions of dollars (twice) and to make 100's of millions, for himself, off of that.

No one on the right should be happy with what Jared did even if they hate what Hunter did. Only someone with TDS feels the need to try and rationalize what Jared did as good.

No, TDS is what we on the right labeled the lefties who freak out about Trump lol.

It stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome because the left are deranged about Trump.

You really need to get up on your pop culture references.

Here, let me educate you.

Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term, usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States president Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and presumed to have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.[1] The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of his actions, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world.[2][3][4] Politico co-founder John Harris wrote that TDS is related to gaslighting, "another psychological concept in vogue in the Trump era.

The origin of the term is traced to conservative political columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist, who originally coined the phrase Bush derangement syndrome in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush. That "syndrome" was defined by Krauthammer as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush".

Sorry to embarrass you like that but now you know.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said Thursday that Jared Kushner, former President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser while in office, “crossed the line of ethics” by accepting a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government in his private investment firm six months after he left the White House.

In an interview on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” Comer acknowledged an argument made by 2024 GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie, who noted Kushner’s extensive work in the Middle East on behalf of the Trump White House and claimed in an earlier interview “the Trump family has been involved in grifting for quite some time.”

Okay, so he's like a thousand times better at a deal using family influence than drug addled idiot Bagman is. Feel free to investigate him to while we're at it. Grifting and corruption are grifting and corruption. But it sounds to me like you are only concerned about it when it's a politician or person you personally despise or hate. When it's somebody like that you agree with, you want it swept under the rug.
Okay, so he's like a thousand times better at a deal using family influence than drug addled idiot Bagman is. Feel free to investigate him to while we're at it. Grifting and corruption are grifting and corruption. But it sounds to me like you are only concerned about it when it's a politician or person you personally despise or hate. When it's somebody like that you agree with, you want it swept under the rug.

Kuchners biggest and most important building was going down. He got 2 billion from Arabs when he went to ME. If you think that was not strategic on the Arab's part, you are nuts.
There is no evidence of Hunter doing financial misdeeds. Calling him Bagman is dishonest and crude. Jared and Ivanka made a ton of money when daddy warbucks was in office. The entire reign of Trump was a financial transaction. Trump has a pile of court cases to deal with They are real. The innuendo that satisfies rightys is nothing but noise.
Kuchners biggest and most important building was going down. He got 2 billion from Arabs when he went to ME. If you think that was not strategic on the Arab's part, you are nuts.
There is no evidence of Hunter doing financial misdeeds. Calling him Bagman is dishonest and crude. Jared and Ivanka made a ton of money when daddy warbucks was in office. The entire reign of Trump was a financial transaction. Trump has a pile of court cases to deal with They are real. The innuendo that satisfies rightys is nothing but noise.

If you actually believe what you wrote there, you are a complete idiot, a mental retard. Bagman committed tax evasion, for years, as a starter. Using 20+ shell companies that have no records of doing actual business is another. This is without even getting to the money.
Show the documentation to the public to prove the claims against Hunter and Joe Biden

You don’t because you don’t actually have proof
No, TDS is what we on the right labeled the lefties who freak out about Trump lol.

It stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome because the left are deranged about Trump.

You really need to get up on your pop culture references.

Here, let me educate you.

Sorry to embarrass you like that but now you know.

WRONG it is called Trump derangement syndrome for those on the fight who freak out if any of Trump or his circles' criminality, lies or wrong doings are called out, as they jump in to immediate defense mode. They are deranged in their reflexive defense of Trump.

You are the perfect example. You know Kushner is wrong but because he is associated with Trump you immediately go in to full defense mode.

And i can write my own Wikipedia entry as well. You know how it works right? Just because a Derp wants to steal the term does not change its meaning.
Okay, so he's like a thousand times better at a deal using family influence than drug addled idiot Bagman is. Feel free to investigate him to while we're at it. Grifting and corruption are grifting and corruption. But it sounds to me like you are only concerned about it when it's a politician or person you personally despise or hate. When it's somebody like that you agree with, you want it swept under the rug.

Project much?

Almost all here on the left have no problem in saying if they find real evidence on Hunter and Joe, convict them.

I can quote jus above and many other righties in instant defense mode over Jared proclaiming his innocence and the is the norm on the left even after people around Trump get convicted. Full TDS as they deny real facts, evidence and even convictions.

And i am curious by what you mean when you say "better at a deal"? Better at grifting? If so I agree.

Better at business? NO chance. Say what you want about Hunter but we have heard nothing of him almost bankrupting himself and his family as Jared was about to do, losing hundreds of millions when his Condo tower was about to go broke, that only the blackmail bailout by Qatar, saved him from.
WRONG it is called Trump derangement syndrome for those on the fight who freak out if any of Trump or his circles' criminality, lies or wrong doings are called out, as they jump in to immediate defense mode. They are deranged in their reflexive defense of Trump.

You are the perfect example. You know Kushner is wrong but because he is associated with Trump you immediately go in to full defense mode.

And i can write my own Wikipedia entry as well. You know how it works right? Just because a Derp wants to steal the term does not change its meaning.

I already showed you a link dumbshit.

You want more of them?

It was a conservative who came up with the term, quit trying to save face here, I already proved you wrong.

Accept it and move on.
I already showed you a link dumbshit.

You want more of them?

It was a conservative who came up with the term, quit trying to save face here, I already proved you wrong.

Accept it and move on.

And i said prior and will repeat again i don't care about self created links by right derps when i can create a link and write my own definition now and know you would not then suddenly accept my definition.

So accept you are wrong and move on or admit if i provide a link, that you will then accept it.
And i said prior and will repeat again i don't care about self created links by right derps when i can create a link and write my own definition now and know you would not then suddenly accept my definition.

So accept you are wrong and move on or admit if i provide a link, that you will then accept it.

Sure, provide me a link saying TDS refers to Trump supporters and I will accept it.

I can't be more plain then that.

It's up to you now.

Not sure while you are digging this hole deeper for yourself though.
Sure, provide me a link saying TDS refers to Trump supporters and I will accept it.

I can't be more plain then that.

It's up to you now.

Not sure while you are digging this hole deeper for yourself though.

Because there is no hole. I just like exposing your stupidity.

And you make it so easy.

I will do what you ask but only after we define how clearly your stupidity is by clarifying what you are asking for.

So lets be clear. Do you acknowledge what you are currently saying is 'regardless of source or who writes it as long as something is provided to you thru a 'link' you will then accept it as true and accurate'?

That is correct right?
Because there is no hole. I just like exposing your stupidity.

And you make it so easy.

I will do what you ask but only after we define how clearly your stupidity is by clarifying what you are asking for.

So lets be clear. Do you acknowledge what you are currently saying is 'regardless of source or who writes it as long as something is provided to you thru a 'link' you will then accept it as true and accurate'?

That is correct right?

Sure, can't wait to see what source you provide but it will be good for a laugh.

Everyone reading this already knows you are wrong.

Everyone but you knows what TDS actually ass.

But hell yeah I'll admit anything you want for shits and giggles.
Sure, can't wait to see what source you provide but it will be good for a laugh.

Everyone reading this already knows you are wrong.

Everyone but you knows what TDS actually ass.

But hell yeah I'll admit anything you want for shits and giggles.

The reason i love arging against stupid people is because they are stupid.


Trump derangement syndrome

Trump derangement syndrome (uncountable)


(colloquial, derogatory) Irrationally rabid support for former US President Donald Trump.

- 2019 June 17, John Pavlovitz, Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real. Trump and His Supporters Have It.,
If you can view it and not be appalled by his conduct, embarrassed by his neediness, concerned for his health, and worried about our nation under his care, I’m going to suggest that you’re enabling his neurosis and indulging his narcissism to the point of endangering all of us. If Trump Derangement Syndrome is a thing at all, it’s something Donald Trump is hopelessly afflicted with. If you’re still defending him, you’re not helping him—or America.[1]

- 2019 September 20, Lawrence Yee, Bill Maher Offers New Definition of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’, TheWrap
“This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome really is,” Maher explained. “Pretending that all of this is perfectly acceptable behavior for an American president.”[2]

- 2019 October 14, Thomas Mills, The real Trump Derangement Syndrome,
Trump Derangement Syndrome really describes the Republicans who just three years ago would deny they’d ever support the behavior and decisions they defend today.[3]

- 2019, Lynn Mandaville; David Young, One Small Voice: It’s GOP that has Trump Derangement Syndrome,
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. Its major symptom is blind trust and willingness to shill for a President who calls The Emoluments Clause (Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the US Constitution) “phony” among other 11,000-plus documented untruths President Trump has uttered and tweeted since he was inaugurated.[4]

- 2020 April 26, Trump Derangement Syndrome Works Both Ways,
I’ve recently diagnosed, much to the chagrin of Trump supporters, that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) works both ways. It’s not just a mental malady afflicting liberals and Democrats, but one that also afflicts, unbeknownst them, conservatives and Republicans. In both cases, it strips those suffering from it of their objectivity and obscures reality, which opens them up to unprecedented end-time deception.[5]

- 2020 October 15, John Harris, “Trump Is Suffering From Trump Derangement Syndrome”, in Politico:
Recent days have raised an arresting possibility: Trump himself appears to be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a satirical phrase. But there is a nonhumorous reality that Trump’s fraught brand of politics coaxes many people to the psychological edge.[6]

- 2020 December 16, John Avalon, "Trump derangement syndrome" has taken on a new twist, CNN
The term "Trump derangement syndrome has taken on a new twist, because those who might really be afflicted now are folks who simply can't accept the fact he lost the election. Patient zero is, of course, Trump himself, as a steady stream of unhinged tweets attest. But this is contagious, folks.[7]

- 2020 December 16, Mark Joyella, “CNN's John Avlon: Trump Supporters "Can't Accept The Fact He Lost"”, in Forbes:
In a “Reality Check” segment on the network’s New Day morning show Wednesday, CNN’s John Avlon talked about “Trump derangement syndrome,” which he described as a “political diagnosis” of people who “simply can’t accept the fact that he lost the election.”[8]

- 2021 October 6, Josh Barro and Ken White, Trump Derangement Syndrome with David Lat,
What is ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’? It’s a condition that afflicts conservatives and liberals alike – and lawyers in particular. This week, Ken White and special guest David Lat discuss the attorneys that, uh, have gone astray defending Donald Trump.[9]