

New member

Generally speaking liberals want:

Universal healthcare paid for by the government

A “living” minimum wage

Legalization of marijuana and narcotics, or at least lax penalties coupled with treatment paid for by the government for people who violate existing drug laws

Amnesty and welfare benefits for illegal aliens

Higher taxes for the “rich”

To stop global warming

Human rights for animals, especially primates

To stop the war in Iraq and war in general

Less spending for the military

Public financing for political campaigns

More spending for public education

More spending for Social Security programs.

Generally speaking conservatives want:

Lower taxes

To uphold the sanctity of monogamous heterosexual marriage

Tighter border security

To end abortion

Line item veto for the president on spending legislation

Balanced budget either with or without an amendment to the Constitution

A public education system that works

More spending for the military

Win the war in Iraq

Stronger penalties for drug offenders

Privatize Social Security.

Now, is there anything that the liberals would accept from the conservative list in exchange for getting something in the liberal list? What are you willing to trade?
Your list of liberal stuff is pretty accurate, but I am not sure many conservatives as you outline em still exist.

also you forgot to mention that cons only like line item veto for Republican presidents.
that whole line item veto thing was pretty funny.
"Legalization of marijuana and narcotics, or at least lax penalties coupled with treatment paid for by the government for people who violate existing drug laws"

And conservatives want prison paid for by the people? It seems they're being just as wasteful. Actually, far more, since prison is an idiotic and childish response to someone being an addict.
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Your list of liberal stuff is pretty accurate, but I am not sure many conservatives as you outline em still exist.

Not on the net anyway. What passes as a conservative on the net is usually a libertarian, which is an entirely different animal.

also you forgot to mention that cons only like line item veto for Republican presidents.

Then why did the Republican Congress back in the 1990s pass a law that gave the president a line item veto even though Bill Clinton occupied the Oval Office? I realize that this law was struck down by the Supreme Court- as it should have been since a line item veto would require a constitutional amendment.
"Legalization of marijuana and narcotics, or at least lax penalties coupled with treatment paid for by the government for people who violate existing drug laws"

And conservatives want prison paid for by the people? It seems they're being just as wasteful. Actually, far more, since prison is an idiotic and childish response to someone being an addict.

Repeated stints in rehab for people who won’t stay straight is not wasteful?
A public education system that works

...without money.

What conservative has ever wanted this? Just how much money should it take to run a public school? Just how much money should public school teachers make per hour? In Florida a new public school teacher with only a bachelor’s degree and zero classroom experience makes at least $30,000 a year (likely much more since I first saw this figure back in the 1990s). If a teacher works an 8 hour day every day of the 180 day school year then he makes over $20 an hour. There aren’t many jobs out there that would pay such a low educated and inexperienced applicant this kind of money.
The "conservatives" want perpetual war and the police state that comes with it. They'll easily give in on all of these for those concessions.
What conservative has ever wanted this? Just how much money should it take to run a public school? Just how much money should public school teachers make per hour? In Florida a new public school teacher with only a bachelor’s degree and zero classroom experience makes at least $30,000 a year (likely much more since I first saw this figure back in the 1990s). If a teacher works an 8 hour day every day of the 180 day school year then he makes over $20 an hour. There aren’t many jobs out there that would pay such a low educated and inexperienced applicant this kind of money.

You forget that once you become a teacher your training is not over.

What conservative has ever wanted this? Just how much money should it take to run a public school? Just how much money should public school teachers make per hour? In Florida a new public school teacher with only a bachelor’s degree and zero classroom experience makes at least $30,000 a year (likely much more since I first saw this figure back in the 1990s). If a teacher works an 8 hour day every day of the 180 day school year then he makes over $20 an hour. There aren’t many jobs out there that would pay such a low educated and inexperienced applicant this kind of money.

There are only three teachers in my county school district that I am friends with and respect...they teach the kids the ABC' frills like the others about how to put a condum on a cucumber...and why their parents(the kids) should leave education up to friends... are worth more than $30,000 per year the others should hit the curb...imho
You forget that once you become a teacher your training is not over.

Not always. One of the surest ways for a teacher in some places to get more pay or an administrative job (where they don’t have to work at all) is get a higher degree. But you don't have to get extra training in order to keep your existing teaching job. Going back to school is not required for teachers in Florida who don't want to advance in the public school hierarchy. In my county public schools give students a half day off ever so often (4 times a year, I think) so the teachers can get extra training. But these half days are always scheduled on the last day before a holiday or school vacation- so most teachers leave the school when the students do.
Your nominee.

Where’s the logic here?

First of all I don’t have a nominee because I don’t belong to any political party.

Second, I gather you are referring to the Republican Party, but that party does not yet have a nominee.

Third, John McCain is not a conservative.

Fourth, you don’t define a political ideology by the views of a single person single person.
Que? What are you, a Romniac?

Didn’t I just say that I don’t belong to any political party? Since Florida is a closed primary state I cannot legally support the nomination of any party’s candidate.

Furthermore, Romney is worst than McCain in that at least McCain won’t change his political ideology to win an election (at least not yet).
Repeated stints in rehab for people who won’t stay straight is not wasteful?

Putting someone in prison for for life without parole for smoking marijuania is not wasteful? It's certainly a hell of a lot more expensive. But somehow, conservatives seem to think prison's free.
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What conservative has ever wanted this? Just how much money should it take to run a public school? Just how much money should public school teachers make per hour? In Florida a new public school teacher with only a bachelor’s degree and zero classroom experience makes at least $30,000 a year (likely much more since I first saw this figure back in the 1990s). If a teacher works an 8 hour day every day of the 180 day school year then he makes over $20 an hour. There aren’t many jobs out there that would pay such a low educated and inexperienced applicant this kind of money.

1. It should be given how much it needs.

2. They aren't hourly workers.

3. ZOMG 30K?! That's so much for a college educated individual! I know construction workers who make more than that without even bothering to get an education.

4. Teachers work more than 8 housr a day. They are not hourly workers.

5. Do you live in the 70's? 30K would be expected if you lived in the 70's.

What's your plan to make schools function without money?