
Putting someone in prison for for life without parole for smoking marijuania is not wasteful? It's certainly a hell of a lot more expensive. But somehow, conservatives seem to think prison's free.

Who has ever been put in jail for life just for smoking pot?

BTW: If someone in jail for life has to work to earn his keep, it’s not wasteful at all- especially when you consider the danger such a person poses to society should he be turned loose where he could (and likely would) commit crime after crime.
1. It should be given how much it needs.

Which is what? I asked specific questions so why can you not give specific answers?

2. They aren't hourly workers.

I was referring to the pay rate they have.

3. ZOMG 30K?! That's so much for a college educated individual! I know construction workers who make more than that without even bothering to get an education.

Construction workers don’t get 2 weeks vacation at Christmas, a week at Easter and 3 months off in the summer. Nor do they get to work in a climatically controlled environment as teachers do.

BTW: Ages ago my mother was the treasurer/bookkeeper for a local interior design firm. An inexperienced interior designer with a bachelor’s degree who had to work 40 hours a week 50 weeks a year didn’t earn what a public school teacher with a comparable degree and amount of experience earned.

4. Teachers work more than 8 housr a day. They are not hourly workers.

What world are you living in?

5. Do you live in the 70's? 30K would be expected if you lived in the 70's.;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322)

As of 1997 the lowest paid public school teacher actually makes more in per day pay than most U.S. workers do.

Most teachers’ union contracts limit the number of hours per week that a teacher has to spend in the classroom and doing classroom-related work apart from the students’ school day. For most contracts this limit is 37-39 hours.

What's your plan to make schools function without money?

When have I said that schools could function without money?
Who has ever been put in jail for life just for smoking pot?

BTW: If someone in jail for life has to work to earn his keep, it’s not wasteful at all- especially when you consider the danger such a person poses to society should he be turned loose where he could (and likely would) commit crime after crime.

I seriously doubt many pot smokers, once "unleashed" upon society, would cause 2 or 3 million dollars of damage, like the government is doing by locking them up, but that's a nice try.

And let's say that we invent a magical program that allows prisoners to make roughly 60K a year worth of stuff while still being confined and unable to use any education they may have acquired. The total benefit to the American ecnomy would net 0. If they were allowed to work and make they're living, the total benefit to the American economy would be 60K. There is ALWAYS an oppurtunity cost, and righties fail to realize this.

And BTW, why couldn't they "work" in rehab? Stoopid righty. I'm sure it makes you feel ballsy though, proudly proclaiming your tough on crime, locking up non-violent offenders for 30 years or so, but it's just a stupid policy to put addicts in jail for being addicts, and it hurts our society tremendously, even disregarding the simple moral wrongness of the whole affair.
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They chose to become addicts like cancer patients chose to get cancer. In any case, none of them chose to go to prison. The state did that to them against their will all by itself.

They choose to use drugs. Most cancer victims do not participate in a risky behavior that brings on the disease (like smoking).
And BTW, why couldn't they "work" in rehab? Stoopid righty. I'm sure it makes you feel ballsy though, proudly proclaiming your tough on crime, locking up non-violent offenders for 30 years or so, but it's just a stupid policy to put addicts in jail for being addicts, and it hurts our society tremendously, even disregarding the simple moral wrongness of the whole affair.

Look you sanctimonious sonofabitch, anyone who is in favor of legalizing drugs in any way is an absolute fool. You obviously don’t understand how the drug culture works. During my first year in college my mother lost her business (a neighborhood grocery store) after she shot and killed a crack addict who came after her with a butcher knife during a holdup attempt. This likely wouldn't have happened if my neighborhood hadn't been on the descendant for a decade due to the drug culture. The first night my mother and I moved into our house in that neighborhood we had to call the cops on a woman who was sitting in the street out front high on marijuana. Because the war on drugs hasn’t been treated as a war, my neighborhood was destroyed and my mother and I both personally suffered as a consequence. As far as I am concerned every drug addict and every pothead should be shot on sight.
They chose to become addicts like cancer patients chose to get cancer. In any case, none of them chose to go to prison. The state did that to them against their will all by itself.

So there is no such thing as personal responsibility? How convenient for you.
Look you sanctimonious sonofabitch, anyone who is in favor of legalizing drugs in any way is an absolute fool. You obviously don’t understand how the drug culture works. During my first year in college my mother lost her business (a neighborhood grocery store) after she shot and killed a crack addict who came after her with a butcher knife during a holdup attempt. This likely wouldn't have happened if my neighborhood hadn't been on the descendant for a decade due to the drug culture. The first night my mother and I moved into our house in that neighborhood we had to call the cops on a woman who was sitting in the street out front high on marijuana. Because the war on drugs hasn’t been treated as a war, my neighborhood was destroyed and my mother and I both personally suffered as a consequence. As far as I am concerned every drug addict and every pothead should be shot on sight.

The majority of Americans who have smoked the peaceful drugs pot would be murdered by your irrational murdrous rampage. The drug culture was never much of a problem until we took the force approach. America banning opium caused the rise of Heroin. America banning Cocaine caused the rise of crack. We've just made the problem worse by being immoral and using force instead of using education. The foolish war on drugs has torn apart America and torn apart our neighborhoods. If you want to know who to blame for your mother losing her business, and for the descent of the said crackhead, look no further than Uncle Sam.

Singapore does have the death penalty for drugs. Despite the immorality of that approach, their drug problem is still raging. This ISN'T something we can solve by getting "tough on crime".

Now go kill yourself, fool. I'm putting you on block, you murderer with your apathy and ignorance.
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So there is no such thing as personal responsibility? How convenient for you.

There is no such thing as forcing a person to be free.

You can't put someone in prison for a personal decision that harms no one else. As far as I'm concerned, you're a murderer.
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