Confirm John Bolton


Not So Junior Member
I thought this board might find this an interesting pov:

On confirming Ambassador Bolton

At the end of July Dr Demarche (formerly of the DailyDemarche) and I traded emails about John Bolton and Bolton’s upcoming round of confirmation hearings. Demarche and I agree he deserves confirmation. Moreover, he’s earned it

Mix emails and –presto (with Demarche’s approval)– a discussion produces a joint declaration:

The situation is ironic, given the accusations Bolton faced during his first round of confirmation hearings: Bolton represents a curious form of renewed confidence in the UN. He is an honest voice who understands UN strengths and wants to correct UN weaknesses. If the U.N. has any hope of being relevant in the coming years it must change in deep and meaningful ways, and Ambassador John Bolton is just the catalyst needed.

The rap on Bolton is he’s a prickly boss, a tough taskmaster, and possesses a sharp tongue. (Demarche aside: Austin says he’s not as bad as Hillary Clinton, and he has a point.) The appropriate response to this rap is: So what? Our diplomatic system isn’t designed to promote good bosses, but rather good diplomats. (Another Demarche aside: The fact that it rarely produces both is fodder for another post.) “Good” diplomats deliver policy decisions without interpreting them- they remember their oath of office and duties as representatives of the Executive office. And here’s another point to remember: an Ambassador is the direct representative of the President, and when he speaks, those on the receiving end should be aware of that fact. When Bolton (like Secretary of State Condi Rice) speaks, he makes it clear whose power lies behind the words.

John Bolton also supports real human rights, not the rhetorical human rights favored by thug nations like Sudan and Zimbabwe. Bolton hasn’t reformed the UN Human Rights Commission — not yet. But he has laid the diplomatic and political groundwork for significant change.

Let’s also note another recent success. Any US ambassador on duty at the UN when China votes for sanctions against North Korea should get a medal on top of confirmation. That’s right, China did not cast an abstention, but voted for sanctions.

We’ll see how the confirmation games play out over the next six weeks.
I doubt any of shitbricks here would wanna see Bolton confirmed, afterall he is the choice of the adminsitration......
I doubt any of shitbricks here would wanna see Bolton confirmed, afterall he is the choice of the adminsitration......
I wouldn't care if he were the personal choice of Jimmy Carter. The only post I want to see him confirmed for is Flamming Asshole.
I wouldn't care if he were the personal choice of Jimmy Carter. The only post I want to see him confirmed for is Flamming Asshole.

I was going to say what Evil did, but *ahem* perhaps a tad more politely: :cool:

What is wrong with the analysis of Mr. Bay?
I love john bolton. Seriously. He is god.

Sarcasm or reality?

I like the selection for the very single reason that he will help expose the useleness of the UN, unless serious headway is made within I would be all for getting out of it alltogether.
lol no, I wasn't being sarcastic. Maybe a little over the top, but I really do think bolton is the man.
"I would be all for getting out of it alltogether."

I completely agree, except I don't think any serious headway CAN be made.
"I would be all for getting out of it alltogether."

I completely agree, except I don't think any serious headway CAN be made.

I am afraid that is the case as well! You can be certain that many of the problems exisitng in the middle east right now are part of the UN failures so for anyone to lay blame on the US should take a closer look at the UN and their failures.

How incredibly naive you dear boys are. Out of the UN.

Yeah, that's the agenda.

Wake up. The UN is simply a tool of the United States. We're not going to get out of it, we control it. Oh sure, we allow our little puppets to once in a while go for a whirl on the national state without their strings, but that's just for appearances. And it's just for talkin. When it comes to doin, we say what, we say where, we say when, and we say who.

And the UN says, yes sirs.

You boys do make me laugh though.

How incredibly naive you dear boys are. Out of the UN.

Yeah, that's the agenda.

Wake up. The UN is simply a tool of the United States. We're not going to get out of it, we control it. Oh sure, we allow our little puppets to once in a while go for a whirl on the national state without their strings, but that's just for appearances. And it's just for talkin. When it comes to doin, we say what, we say where, we say when, and we say who.

And the UN says, yes sirs.

You boys do make me laugh though.

Speaking of incredibly naive!

Tell me Darla, why did the U.S act without the UN's consent if we are such controllers over it? Why will there be a need for unilaterall action against iran when UN sanctions are not enforced? Why so many failures period from the UN? is it all the fault of the US?
Speaking of incredibly naive!

Tell me Darla, why did the U.S act without the UN's consent if we are such controllers over it? Why will there be a need for unilaterall action against iran when UN sanctions are not enforced? Why so many failures period from the UN? is it all the fault of the US?

For the stunningly obvious reason that countries such as France refused to provide ground troops for bush's war. But they also did absolutely nothing to stop the war they were supposedly so dead set against. The UN is completely powerless to stop the US from doing anything it wants to do. The idea that it is some threat to US sovereignty is laughable, and the war in Iraq is proof of that.

The recent debacle in the mid-east showed the absolute authority of the United States. Though it was widely held throughout the rest of the world, including in world leadership, that there should be an immediate cease-fire, the US told them "no" and "sit". And that's what they did.

As for Iran, you are stating something that has yet to pass. So we as of yet have no way of knowing that if and when (when actually) bush bombs, and probably nukes IRan, it will be unilaterally, though I imagine that if he goes through with the nuking, it will be. Other than Israel of course.
As for Iran, you are stating something that has yet to pass. So we as of yet have no way of knowing that if and when (when actually) bush bombs, and probably nukes IRan, it will be unilaterally, though I imagine that if he goes through with the nuking, it will be. Other than Israel of course.

Let's put it in perspective Darla, France held up the show fighting for a better deal in lebanon, they got it! Now they don't want to commit because they know damn well that they can't do what the peace agreement calls for! What amount of troops did they commit? how long has the UN been there? it's nothing that has'nt been seen before, the problem will not go away no matter the amount of peace agreements sanctioned by the UN because they simply don't enforce them.

Tell me how they enforced anything with iraq? this is why unilaterall action was taken, the UN is absolutely dysfunctional. Watch how iran will simply defy the UN over the nuke situation, why? because they can, and the UN can't stop them. The iranian leader already knows this, and has already openly said this about the UN.

So tell me Darla, what to do about iran? shall we sit back and let the UN handle it? if what will happen?
Let's put it in perspective Darla, France held up the show fighting for a better deal in lebanon, they got it! Now they don't want to commit because they know damn well that they can't do what the peace agreement calls for! What amount of troops did they commit? how long has the UN been there? it's nothing that has'nt been seen before, the problem will not go away no matter the amount of peace agreements sanctioned by the UN because they simply don't enforce them.

Tell me how they enforced anything with iraq? this is why unilaterall action was taken, the UN is absolutely dysfunctional. Watch how iran will simply defy the UN over the nuke situation, why? because they can, and the UN can't stop them. The iranian leader already knows this, and has already openly said this about the UN.

So tell me Darla, what to do about iran? shall we sit back and let the UN handle it? if what will happen?

In fact, the US held out, to give Israel the time it asked them for to finish the job. The problem arose when Hezbollah gave Israel far more than the bargained for, which was a swift kick in the ass. Now, Hezbollah has been streghtened and the perception of Israel has been weakened. This was a lose-lose scenerio for both Bush and Israel. I was watching a talk show today and it was amazing that all around, there was acknowledgement that this was a big loss for both bush and Israel, with righties as different as Patrick Buchanon (a traditional Paleo) and Tony Blankely (a neocon) both agreeing. Buchanon also said that you could see in bush's face that he was angry as hell about it, and Blankely said it didn't do bush's "credibility any good" to be claiming that Hezbollah lost. (poor sob, was actually still under the impression that bush has any credibility to lose I guess). And you know what? I think that generally, no good comes from murdering children, and that in any "war" or "self-defense action" or whatever the hell you want to call it, in which more children are killed than soliders, no good should come of it. So to propose the idea that the UN could have possibly made a bigger mess of this than the US and Israel did all by themselves, is ludicrous, and frankly, displays a mind in complete denial.

The UN inspectors were doing a fine job of containing Iraq. They didn't find any weapons. Guess what? There were none! The entire world, with the sole exception apparently, of Sean Hannity, knows this now. Outside of Hannity's mind, this is accepted historical fact now. There were no weapons. The inspections worked! Now, it's been obvious for sometime that Hannity is eating too many brownies (the boy's fat, in plain englise), but it is only now becoming apparant that they're hash brownies. We dont' all have to over the happy land edge along with the stoned fat boy though.

What's my "solution" to Iran? Well, how about, let's not invent a problem to start with ok? Think about how well that would have worked with Iraq. But no, you neocons had to go invent this huge threat to freedom, apple pie, virginity, poodle skirts, missionary position sex, and whatever else you all claimed Saddam was a "threat" to. And now, amazingly, instead of being instituionalized, ya'll are still running around screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" about yet another country.

I mean, fool me once, and...well, everyone except for W knows the rest of that.
I don't think even Bolton can change the un. Its a corrupt organization that needs to be completely disbanded. Its a big leech that just sucks the life out of everything it touches and gives back nothing.

The first critiera for membership should be the country is a complete demcracy with real and honest elections. Theocracies and dictatorships are not allowed. that includes any country with the democratic republic of in the name. And any country that's army parades in goosestep. It would make for a very small but effective un.

Darla what was france to do to stop the invasion of iraq. Rush in and join the iraq defense. They were supplying iraq with weapons systems and getting oil on the side inspite of the emargo set by the un. russia was also making big bucks from iraq which was why they opposed the war. germany too. There's a long list.They were all making money hand over fist and didn't want to interrupt that flow of cash they had coming in.

If the US controlled the un as you say they would have jumped right in with us as soon as we said we were going in. two thirds of the un are our enemies, the others are friends as long as it serves them to be. There's probably only half dozen countries we can really count on.

The only real power we have in the un is economic. Anyone gives us too much trouble and we cut off trade and aid. which many of them depend on. That's the only real leverage we have.
In fact, the US held out, to give Israel the time it asked them for to finish the job. The problem arose when Hezbollah gave Israel far more than the bargained for, which was a swift kick in the ass. Now, Hezbollah has been streghtened and the perception of Israel has been weakened.

I agree that the US stalled to let Israel more time but not enough. To really think hizbollah gained anything more than a good PR campaign out of this would be naive. They scored points amongst the islamic extremists but it's easy to see who took the majority of the punishment. Hizbollah has merely been embolded for not strengthened, already there are other muslim nations concerned with the situation due the the PR campaign won by hizbollah, it won't last. Lastly though France indeed held up the final peace agreement, it could of, should of been sooner!

This was a lose-lose scenerio for both Bush and Israel. I was watching a talk show today and it was amazing that all around, there was acknowledgement that this was a big loss for both bush and Israel, with righties as different as Patrick Buchanon (a traditional Paleo) and Tony Blankely (a neocon) both agreeing. Buchanon also said that you could see in bush's face that he was angry as hell about it, and Blankely said it didn't do bush's "credibility any good" to be claiming that Hezbollah lost. (poor sob, was actually still under the impression that bush has any credibility to lose I guess). And you know what? I think that generally, no good comes from murdering children, and that in any "war" or "self-defense action" or whatever the hell you want to call it, in which more children are killed than soliders, no good should come of it. So to propose the idea that the UN could have possibly made a bigger mess of this than the US and Israel did all by themselves, is ludicrous, and frankly, displays a mind in complete denial.
I have yet to say that it has been a victory for bush, in fact I think quite the opposite. But by facts it is nothing more than the PR campaign won here.
You wanna lay the blame on the laps of bush and isreal? once again the wonderful UN was residing there how many years? what did that do? This conflict will go on for evermore if the UN has the final say in it. You wanna cry about children being killed, who uses them to shield themselves? were are these so called hizbollah soldiers? today they claim to be a political orginization, tomorrow they claim to be a militia, anyway you slice it they are terrorists. I hate the fact that innocent women and children get killed in these conflicts, but I am smart enough to know that many,many more will die if things are left the way they are, and that includes any peace brokered by the UN!!

The UN inspectors were doing a fine job of containing Iraq. They didn't find any weapons. Guess what? There were none! The entire world, with the sole exception apparently, of Sean Hannity, knows this now. Outside of Hannity's mind, this is accepted historical fact now. There were no weapons. The inspections worked! Now, it's been obvious for sometime that Hannity is eating too many brownies (the boy's fat, in plain englise), but it is only now becoming apparant that they're hash brownies. We dont' all have to over the happy land edge along with the stoned fat boy though.
Really? a fine job indeed! Iraq thumbed their noses to anything the UN has to say, they defied world opinion for years. WMD's? do you have any gauranteed analysis there was never none? How about the claims of soldiers getting sick from depleted uranium? what is uranium used for to begin with? how about the anthrax they could never answer for, vx poisoning? maybe they were all depleted but to think that there is some sort of global proof that they never could of been there is rediculous! Take WMD's out of the scenario and iraq was still a danger to any of it's surrounding countries, hell saddam killed may of his own.

What's my "solution" to Iran? Well, how about, let's not invent a problem to start with ok? Think about how well that would have worked with Iraq. But no, you neocons had to go invent this huge threat to freedom, apple pie, virginity, poodle skirts, missionary position sex, and whatever else you all claimed Saddam was a "threat" to. And now, amazingly, instead of being instituionalized, ya'll are still running around screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" about yet another country.

I mean, fool me once, and...well, everyone except for W knows the rest of that.

LOL, seems you are just a plain fool! Iran is openly claiming for how long now that Israel needs to be obliterated, they have been chanting the death to America for a quarter century now, Nuclear ambitions for peaceful purposes? do you wanna assume so and let the chip fall were they do? No thanks, it does'nt take a genius to realize what Iran wants, and even a fool would no it's nothing to do with peaceful purposes.
In fact, the US held out, to give Israel the time it asked them for to finish the job. The problem arose when Hezbollah gave Israel far more than the bargained for, which was a swift kick in the ass. Now, Hezbollah has been streghtened and the perception of Israel has been weakened. This was a lose-lose scenerio for both Bush and Israel. I was watching a talk show today and it was amazing that all around, there was acknowledgement that this was a big loss for both bush and Israel, with righties as different as Patrick Buchanon (a traditional Paleo) and Tony Blankely (a neocon) both agreeing. Buchanon also said that you could see in bush's face that he was angry as hell about it, and Blankely said it didn't do bush's "credibility any good" to be claiming that Hezbollah lost. (poor sob, was actually still under the impression that bush has any credibility to lose I guess). And you know what? I think that generally, no good comes from murdering children, and that in any "war" or "self-defense action" or whatever the hell you want to call it, in which more children are killed than soliders, no good should come of it. So to propose the idea that the UN could have possibly made a bigger mess of this than the US and Israel did all by themselves, is ludicrous, and frankly, displays a mind in complete denial.

The UN inspectors were doing a fine job of containing Iraq. They didn't find any weapons. Guess what? There were none! The entire world, with the sole exception apparently, of Sean Hannity, knows this now. Outside of Hannity's mind, this is accepted historical fact now. There were no weapons. The inspections worked! Now, it's been obvious for sometime that Hannity is eating too many brownies (the boy's fat, in plain englise), but it is only now becoming apparant that they're hash brownies. We dont' all have to over the happy land edge along with the stoned fat boy though.

What's my "solution" to Iran? Well, how about, let's not invent a problem to start with ok? Think about how well that would have worked with Iraq. But no, you neocons had to go invent this huge threat to freedom, apple pie, virginity, poodle skirts, missionary position sex, and whatever else you all claimed Saddam was a "threat" to. And now, amazingly, instead of being instituionalized, ya'll are still running around screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" about yet another country.

I mean, fool me once, and...well, everyone except for W knows the rest of that.

You need to do more than watch cnn to get your info. For one thing the inspectors in iraq were led around in circles and weren't allowed to find anything. They were not doing the job, they were kicked out. There have been miles of documents captured that are still being deciffered and interpretted that show that iraq did have wmd's and that the russians moved them out before the invasion started, because they were mostly russian made. They were moved to syria and some at least went back to russia but its not sure if all of them were taken out or not. The liberal media doesn't cover these stories tho.

yes hezbollah won that little action with Israel, they only had to stay alive till the cease fire to declare victory. You didn't mention the Israeli children killed in that war. You also didn't scknowledge the fact that hezbollah set up their forces among the civilian population to insure plenty of innocents would be killed that they could show on tv and impress people like you with how terrible the Israelis are. Are you aware that all hamas and hezbollah leaders are always surrounded by children whereever they go to keep the Israelis from taking them out. Its a common practice there.

Your solution for iran is to hide your head in the sand and hope they go away.This is the head of the snake, the leader of the islamo-facists. They want to take over the entire middle east. They want to wipe out Israel and then move west. They want nukes to start a nuclear war to bring about the destruction of the world so their 12th imam will return and turn the world into a paradise. This has all be stated publically by the leader of iran.You need to research and read up on things. You have been fooled more than once and your going to continue to be fooled until you get your head out of the sand.