Confirm John Bolton

Darn, dontcha hate it when ya have to go and quote yourself? Well the silince is deafening on this one! What can I say, I guess I am a glutton for punishment so please come back and school me y'all!!....Please......:cof1:

i'm here, and reading the thread, trying to catch the heck up!

btw....pretty good job keeping up with all the posts was fun, even though i still think you are just messed up in your thinking!!!!! lol j/k u...sort of ;) hehe

regardless, we haven't had anyone to even try to give us a run for the a while!

thanks....but you are still wrong :D time on here, and knowing how to read and comprehend such reading, will change some of your deadset, (partisan imho) thinking!!!!

ahhhhhhhhh, the challenge! hahaha!

i'm here, and reading the thread, trying to catch the heck up!

btw....pretty good job keeping up with all the posts was fun, even though i still think you are just messed up in your thinking!!!!! lol j/k u...sort of ;) hehe

regardless, we haven't had anyone to even try to give us a run for the a while!

thanks....but you are still wrong :D time on here, and knowing how to read and comprehend such reading, will change some of your deadset, (partisan imho) thinking!!!!

ahhhhhhhhh, the challenge! hahaha!


What, do my eyes deceive me? care, you admitted it was fun? yes, it was but don't you go trying to brainwash me now!

I'll be the first to tell ya care that no matter how hard ya debate a subject there really is no way of changing a persons view, it's a rare bird when ya do!
The whole thing is about the fun of offering an opposing view, and yeah it's fun that way as opposed to the same view from everyone. glad ya see that way Care!:clink:
I'll be the first to tell ya care that no matter how hard ya debate a subject there really is no way of changing a persons view, it's a rare bird when ya do!

Ahhhh, well...I would have thought the same as you....but two years and 3 months later, and alot of ym debates, I have one accomplishment under my belt!!!! hahahaha! really, though he may not admit it...yikes!

I have never given up on anything.....from birth, ask my mom for verification....too stubborn to accept defeat I guess?

Anyway....we are all humans and all Americans, and not one of us here, want to destroy our country.....not intentionally imo! (No matter what our party leaders may want us to think...)
