Confirm John Bolton

Believing the intelligence or Sadam ? Whazzup with that strawman ?
If Bush had just waited 6 months all this would not have happened.

Is that the best you have to offer pops? C'mon your likeminded agrred to this in the begining too. It would of happened sooner or later and you would of came to the same exact conclusion if it did'nt turn out just swell! Well then again I guess had some you prefered in office made the decision you would probably be ranting how on track things are..
I guess I am, I missed anything in the article about bunker busters..

How did I take it out of context? I quoted what it said word for word and expressed my opinion on its credibilty.

Precisely, the article plays right into what you wanna believe, that's fin but it's not what I choose to.

Again I did'nt say it discredits the entire article, well more or less said that I don't find it to be very credible when the comment I quoted in question is even mentioned.

Not at all, I still fail to see the unrefutable evidence of this article. If you would like I can find a source to refute what was said in that article, and then you too would be all over it that it is just a bunch of bs!

Ok, last time now as I have already suggested this a few times within the thread. Find me an article that has gauranteed analysis, irrefutible evidence that iraq had never, nor at the time in question had wmd's...

Fact is you want to believe that it would be way off the wall for one of our soldiers to get sick from anything in iraq because was a swell guy, and we were lead to war on all lies.... I say present the evidence because I would tend to believe the intelligence before I would believe saddam, it's that simple!

Oh, and do you get a lot of your source of info from this site?

let me guess...the associated press is not a good source for you because they mentioned in their article that there are people out there at the pentegon that say you can eat DU for breakfast and it wouldn't harm you and those that think the the twin towers was hit by a DU missle on the other side of the aisle....makes this article unreliable.....but oh, if it came from FOX, it for sure would be credible in your book?

you are being silly....just plain silly!

And what is your point about the DU bombs, that they are NOT the same bombs as bunker busters? all this dancing of yours is making my head all of you republicans go to the same school to learn all these moves and spins?

Do some reading of your own... I don't see you supplying ANY SOURCES what so ever, to back up any of your (imo :) )WRONG claims, but we are suppose to think that you have something truely credible to say? NOT! ;)

give us some links to YOUR WMD CLAIMS...backing up what YOU say about it.

Give us some links to the gulf war 1 and 2 sick.... that you say are not sick from the 130 du bombs we dropped in this war or the 250 Du bombs we dropped in gulf war 1 that has caused these men to be sick...and proof or even an opine of anyone that says they are sick because of saddam's wmds...(I'll be anxiously awaiting that one! lol)
The inspectors would have had time to verify no WMD's. so no invasion.

Ok, well I don't wanna argue your point, but the inspectors were unable to complete inspections, Kay has said on many occasions that he was not getting the cooperation needed to complete these inspections. Kay himself was against US position on this to begin with, but that came from the mouth of the source, he said on numerous occasiions that without the cooperation that complete inspection would be a tough thing.
Ok, well I don't wanna argue your point, but the inspectors were unable to complete inspections, Kay has said on many occasions that he was not getting the cooperation needed to complete these inspections. Kay himself was against US position on this to begin with, but that came from the mouth of the source, he said on numerous occasiions that without the cooperation that complete inspection would be a tough thing.

do you just make up this crap? link please.....and SOMETHING RECENT from Kay....pretty please, to back this spin of yours up....

but a link, just might show your DELIBERATE ignorance on this i don't expect to see one, not a recent one!

come can keep spinning forever without some facts shown....!!!

it's not fair!

Ok here is a link after a two second search, even though it is not something that helps the argument of wmd's in iraq it states the point I was making about the cooperation:

Care - good of you to jump in and request something current from Kaye seeing as he made the statement at the end of the time they had to inspect.:rolleyes:
do you just make up this crap? link please.....and SOMETHING RECENT from Kay....pretty please, to back this spin of yours up....

but a link, just might show your DELIBERATE ignorance on this i don't expect to see one, not a recent one!

come can keep spinning forever without some facts shown....!!!

it's not fair!


Coming from someone who quotes an entire article from wired news as an argument?
human nature says if I tell you I'm going to slit your throat I better have a knife to do it with. If I want to slit your throat i will just do it. but if my purpose is to make you fearful and run away then by telling you and you running I have achieved what i wanted.

We don't need a cuddler in the un we need someone that has the balls to say I'm gonna slit your throat.

Bullies may get a little lunch change now and again, but who gets the girl? Not an ugly, stupid bully like John Bolton. It's much better to manipulate and get what you want than to "have balls" just so you can feel manly and get nothing out of it.
do you just make up this crap? link please.....and SOMETHING RECENT from Kay....pretty please, to back this spin of yours up....

but a link, just might show your DELIBERATE ignorance on this i don't expect to see one, not a recent one!

come can keep spinning forever without some facts shown....!!!

it's not fair!


Here you go Care:

Blix: Iraq Showing New Signs of Real Cooperation

Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Fox News,2933,79611,00.html
Bullies may get a little lunch change now and again, but who gets the girl? Not an ugly, stupid bully like John Bolton. It's much better to manipulate and get what you want than to "have balls" just so you can feel manly and get nothing out of it.

i agree, and you are just wayyyy too smart for your britches sometimes! ;)
Coming from someone who quotes an entire article from wired news as an argument?
i linked that article from the associated press for your benefit and lazy ass sir should be thanking me for doing YOUR legwork WORK for ya! :D
i linked that article from the associated press for your benefit and lazy ass sir should be thanking me for doing YOUR legwork WORK for ya! :D

Ummm, funny that when ya click on the link it takes ya to wired? am I the only one getting the link that way?

What leg work? I didn't start this thread about confirming John Bolton, and then turn it into the Iraq issue, I did'nt ask upon you the particular piece of news, I was asked to provide a link to what I said about Kay stating the lack of cooperation, then I admitted my mistake on the name and provided a link about what I was speaking of. You chose to remember what the other link corresponding with Blix as the way you remember it, so are you now stating that fox has it right and cnn was wrong?:confused:

Oh well Guess I am just a lazy ass for not interperating things the way you do...