Confirm John Bolton

To answer your question first....

I watched the hearing very closely....I am now a home maker so, I have the time to do such...

I did not think that he was the type of person that would represent me well, based on the way he treated the people below him....which you can read a little about in the article that was posted but honestly this article did not do justice in describing the situation.

Another head, testified against Bolton and how he treated his emplyees that came to a different conclusion than Bolton in their intelligence analysis and Bolton tried to get them to change their view or he wanted them fired...

Maybe it is because I am a female, but I was extremely turned off by him and his answers and the testimony against him by several other subordinents.

I also was concerned with his willingness to CHANGE intelligence reports to suit HIS needs....

In addition to this, I heard about his comments in the past regarding the UN.

I thought they were very juvenile and did not represent what I would expect someone of this high level in gvt to be like. I would have expected him to keep his MOUTH SHUT on what his goals for the UN and NOT HAVE SHOWN HIS CARDS the way he did and cause the controversy that was caused regarding his statement...basically, more diplomatic...

I agree that the UN needs repair, but I don't agree that John Bolton is the best man to get the UN working in our favor again, as it once did....when it was our "tool" to use....

Certainly President Bush can pick a better man for the job, that appears to be more diplomatic and sympathetic towards the UN....EVEN IF he really is not....this administration has stuck their foot in their mouth more than once and have shown their cards before the game is done, one too many times imo, and this is just another one...

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I beg to differ with you....Gulf war syndrone is more than likely from Du and there was an article about a week ago on this site or the other one, about this very subject....

our government may be denying any ills from this just like they did for Agent orange for over 25 years after vietnam, but stories4u is dead and my father is on his third cancer, NOW all attributed to the agent orange exposure he got while serving in Nam.
Just because there was once something they denied doesn't make every denial a lie. It gets repetitive. Yes, I don't trust the government either, but the radiation cannot be released until the metal is melted, and when it resets it is once again like any other metal. That is the nature of Du... Just saying it was because of this is ridiculous. There is fare more evidence that Gulf War Syndrome is from shots they were given that were not given to those of us who were say... oh... russian translators at the time, than there is that it was all caused by Du...
please continue this article at the link....

U.S. Soldiers Are Sick of It

Associated Press 10:20 AM Aug, 12, 2006

NEW YORK -- It takes at least 10 minutes and a large glass of orange juice to wash down all the pills -- morphine, methadone, a muscle relaxant, an antidepressant, a stool softener. Viagra for sexual dysfunction. Valium for his nerves.

Four hours later, Herbert Reed will swallow another 15 mg of morphine to cut the pain clenching every part of his body. He will do it twice more before the day is done.

Since he left a bombed-out train depot in Iraq, his gums bleed. There is more blood in his urine, and still more in his stool. Bright light hurts his eyes. A tumor has been removed from his thyroid. Rashes erupt everywhere, itching so badly they seem to live inside his skin. Migraines cleave his skull. His joints ache, grating like door hinges in need of oil.

There is something massively wrong with Herbert Reed, though no one is sure what it is. He believes he knows the cause, but he cannot convince anyone caring for him that the military's new favorite weapon has made him terrifyingly sick.

In the sprawling bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs, he has many caretakers. An internist, a neurologist, a pain-management specialist, a psychologist, an orthopedic surgeon and a dermatologist. He cannot function without his stupefying arsenal of medications, but they exact a high price.

"I'm just a zombie walking around," he says.

Reed believes depleted uranium has contaminated him and his life. He now walks point in a vitriolic war over the Pentagon's arsenal of it -- thousands of shells and hundreds of tanks coated with the metal that is radioactive, chemically toxic, and nearly twice as dense as lead.

A shell coated with depleted uranium pierces a tank like a hot knife through butter, exploding on impact into a charring inferno. As tank armor, it repels artillery assaults. It also leaves behind a fine radioactive dust with a half-life of 4.5 billion years.

Depleted uranium is the garbage left from producing enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and energy plants. It is 60 percent as radioactive as natural uranium. The United States has an estimated 1.5 billion pounds of it, sitting in hazardous waste storage sites across the country. Meaning it is plentiful and cheap as well as highly effective.

Reed says he unknowingly breathed DU dust while living with his unit in Samawah, Iraq. He was med-evaced out in July 2003, nearly unable to walk because of lightning-strike pains from herniated discs in his spine. Then began a strange series of symptoms he'd never experienced in his previously healthy life.

At Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C, he ran into a buddy from his unit. And another, and another, and in the tedium of hospital life between doctor visits and the dispensing of meds, they began to talk.

"We all had migraines. We all felt sick," Reed says. "The doctors said, 'It's all in your head.' "

Then the medic from their unit showed up. He too, was suffering. That made eight sick soldiers from the 442nd Military Police, an Army National Guard unit made up of mostly cops and correctional officers from the New York area.

But the medic knew something the others didn't. Dutch marines had taken over the abandoned train depot dubbed Camp Smitty, which was surrounded by tank skeletons, unexploded ordnance and shell casings. They'd brought radiation-detection devices. The readings were so hot, the Dutch set up camp in the middle of the desert rather than live in the station ruins.

"We got on the Internet," Reed said, "and we started researching depleted uranium."

Story continued on Page 2 »

please continue to read this article at the link provided above before comments on what you think....
Care - I read this article before and can't say anything about refutable evidence supporting the claim that this is something that came directly from a bunker buster bomb, did I miss that part? I dunno but either way when I came upon this part:
At the other end are a collection of conspiracy-theorists and internet proselytizers who say using such weapons constitutes genocide. Two of the most vocal opponents recently suggested that a depleted-uranium missile, not a hijacked jetliner, struck the Pentagon in 2001.

I kinda realized there was'nt going to be too much to the article that would be considered reliable.
I have classified you because of the content of your posts on here and those other poseters I know that you are supporting.

Of course you do, it's the sterotypical thing you all do here when someone has an opposing view!. Oh, as far as supporting other posters here, it's not something I do, in fact I think you are implying the ones that I may agree with but they posts their own opinions,and hardly need my support.

You are known by what you say and those you asscociate with.

What are we in grade school? :rolleyes:

I truly expected better from someone who claims to be of the older generation, but easy enough to see by the like cooments here that the elders are quite capable themselves of going along with a cause just because it sounds good.
Sir you would probably benefit in your credibility if you toned down the shitbrick comments.

Probably so, but if anyone really takes it to heart then I need not seek any credibility around here. :cof1:

Truly though if you notice I leave that one mostly for those who don't bother to reply with any credible source or a decent opinion of their own, so on that note I won't gain any credibilty with them either because they don't have any of their own!:cool:
Of course you do, it's the sterotypical thing you all do here when someone has an opposing view!. Oh, as far as supporting other posters here, it's not something I do, in fact I think you are implying the ones that I may agree with but they posts their own opinions,and hardly need my support.

What are we in grade school? :rolleyes:

I truly expected better from someone who claims to be of the older generation, but easy enough to see by the like cooments here that the elders are quite capable themselves of going along with a cause just because it sounds good.

Still in grade school, yes even after most of my life, this is true. Your disagreement tells me even more about you.
On the DU thing. Kinda hard to prove when the gummit stonewalls and covers up or sits on any evidence.
Heck we still have the same thing going on from our early nuke tests, the govt will never accept responsibility for their actions on this issue.

There was a good show on about this subject regarding the British nuke above ground tests in Australia. Areas that people were in then for the tests are now marked with unsafe radiation signs. but the govt still denies it was unsafe for the people that were there at the time of the blasts.
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Still in grade school, yes even after most of my life, this is true. Your disagreement tells me even more about you.

Quite cutting the cheese and cut me a break with your silly comments!

If ya wanna make me guitly by association fine, but at least add something debatable or original to your opinions so we can at least get a frame of what YOU may think instead of who you wanna claim to be associated with.

Can we do that pops?
On the DU thing. Kinda hard to prove when the gummit stonewalls and covers up or sits on any evidence.
Heck we still have the same thing going on from our early nuke tests, the govt will never accept responsibility for their actions on this issue.

There was a good show on about this subject regarding the British nuke above ground tests in Australia. Areas that people were in then for the tests are now marked with unsafe radiation signs. but the govt still denies it was unsafe for the people that were there at the time of the blasts.

Superb, you found a good show that may expose something shady by the government. Anythink factual or was it speculation?

Oh, and doe these terms of government responsibilty apply all the time or only when it seems deemable for your cause? If they apply the whole time then why not move to a country where you feel you can trust everything you hear from the government?
Superb, you found a good show that may expose something shady by the government. Anythink factual or was it speculation?

Oh, and doe these terms of government responsibilty apply all the time or only when it seems deemable for your cause? If they apply the whole time then why not move to a country where you feel you can trust everything you hear from the government?

LOL, it was factual except for comments from people that were there. That would be their perspectives and recollections, but there were plenty of facts as well. Like how the govt lost their medical records, 15, 000 of them ?

I don't think you can trust any govt very much. If you do then you are mistaken.
Just my opinion though. Is this board only restricted to facts ?
LOL, it was factual except for comments from people that were there. That would be their perspectives and recollections, but there were plenty of facts as well. Like how the govt lost their medical records, 15, 000 of them ?

I don't think you can trust any govt very much. If you do then you are mistaken.
Just my opinion though. Is this board only restricted to facts ?

Well facts are an excellent starting point for any debatable discussion but opinions are worthy as well.

Now see, I agree with you on trusting governments but on the other hand I ain't compalining what they are supposedly doing seeing as I don't have a legitimate fact to proof it! I trust my government will do what it deems fit for it's own country, what you and I don't know will always be something that exisits out there.
I trust my government will do what it deems fit for it's own country

I trust my government will do what it deems fit for itself which of course is gaining more power for its favored members.
Care - I read this article before and can't say anything about refutable evidence supporting the claim that this is something that came directly from a bunker buster bomb, did I miss that part? I dunno but either way when I came upon this part:

I kinda realized there was'nt going to be too much to the article that would be considered reliable.

sir evil, you can't be that obtuse....

The article does mention where these soldiers got their du contamination it again.

And, that little clip from the article that you are pointing out was COMPLETELY TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT BY YOU, just to try to make some sort of valid point I presume? :(

The writer of this article was speaking about how there are all kinds of crazys out there on this issue, on the right...saying you basically can eat DU for breakfast and the left with the part you posted....

So exactly how did this comment discredit this entire article?

Don't you think you were being a little "quick" on this response opf yours?

And in addition to this, I may have missedyour answer to this because I had to step away and all hell broke loose on this thread, but .... are you saying that the usa did NOT DROP any bombs containing Du and you think that our soldiers have uranium in their urine because they came in contact with Saddam hussein's WMD collection or something like that...????

What exactly do YOU BELIEVE here? I guess I am confused?

sir evil, you can't be that obtuse....

The article does mention where these soldiers got their du contamination it again.
I guess I am, I missed anything in the article about bunker busters..

And, that little clip from the article that you are pointing out was COMPLETELY TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT BY YOU, just to try to make some sort of valid point I presume? :(
How did I take it out of context? I quoted what it said word for word and expressed my opinion on its credibilty.

The writer of this article was speaking about how there are all kinds of crazys out there on this issue, on the right...saying you basically can eat DU for breakfast and the left with the part you posted....
Precisely, the article plays right into what you wanna believe, that's fin but it's not what I choose to.

So exactly how did this comment discredit this entire article?
Again I did'nt say it discredits the entire article, well more or less said that I don't find it to be very credible when the comment I quoted in question is even mentioned.

Don't you think you were being a little "quick" on this response opf yours?
Not at all, I still fail to see the unrefutable evidence of this article. If you would like I can find a source to refute what was said in that article, and then you too would be all over it that it is just a bunch of bs!

And in addition to this, I may have missedyour answer to this because I had to step away and all hell broke loose on this thread, but .... are you saying that the usa did NOT DROP any bombs containing Du and you think that our soldiers have uranium in their urine because they came in contact with Saddam hussein's WMD collection or something like that...????

What exactly do YOU BELIEVE here? I guess I am confused?


Ok, last time now as I have already suggested this a few times within the thread. Find me an article that has gauranteed analysis, irrefutible evidence that iraq had never, nor at the time in question had wmd's...

Fact is you want to believe that it would be way off the wall for one of our soldiers to get sick from anything in iraq because was a swell guy, and we were lead to war on all lies.... I say present the evidence because I would tend to believe the intelligence before I would believe saddam, it's that simple!

Oh, and do you get a lot of your source of info from this site?
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Believing the intelligence or Sadam ? Whazzup with that strawman ?
If Bush had just waited 6 months all this would not have happened.