Confirm John Bolton

Care, you have two guys sitting around giggling over a "girl" because they still believe weapons of mass destruction were there!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at such willful ignorance, but I do know that they look like the utter fools that they are.

Pathetic bastards...CNN...I watch very little television news. I'm actuallly literate, that's why I'm aware of what the rest of the literate world is aware of: THERE WERE NO WMDS.

And anyone who is still arguing that there were? They live in an alternate universe where the only reality is the bush/Hannity reality and they are best left there, drooling into their grape nehi and scratching their private parts...until the next episode of Hannity and the corpse we dug up and slapped a liberal tag. When I think of all the of the people who are dead, and whom are still yet to die because of drooling morons like these, and yet they continue to take up air...sad.

Darla please explain the post then of one of yer fellow shitbricks here on how soldiers in iraq are getting sick from the depleted uranium, then explain what uranium is used for, then tell me how you can have it both ways.

So you are a literate, impressive! do you do most of your reading on blogs or what, where is all this factual info coming from?

Simply provide a link from a reputable source giving unrefutable eveidence that WMD's never existed in iraq, and I will eat crow here as long as you want!

Fact is that many like yourself here wanna accuse me, and Gaffer of being one sided fox watchers when simply we are not. Seems quite the opposite if anything as you all keep implying that we are something that you have no clue about. You all very narrow mindedly hate bush, and automatically classify us as major supporters because we have a different point of view.

It's all obvious to see who the one sided people are here.....:rolleyes:
Ohh so now that Rather is gone and couric is in charge the next target is CNN ?
Hmm if not for CBS we would still have Mcarthy in there. Bu then that seems to be just what the Busheeple would like, or at least think they would till it bites their butt :)

Hey ya ol' fart, If ya have'nt noticed the shitbricks instantly accusing us of one way fox watchers then I guess you too are one of those clown who see it one way. "it's good for us but not for you"? C'mon, I expected better from an ol' fart!
Hey ya ol' fart, If ya have'nt noticed the shitbricks instantly accusing us of one way fox watchers then I guess you too are one of those clown who see it one way. "it's good for us but not for you"? C'mon, I expected better from an ol' fart!
Yep this old fart has seen this same game before, but not to this depth. I actually thought the American people had more sense collectively, but alas....
Yep this old fart has seen this same game before, but not to this depth. I actually thought the American people had more sense collectively, but alas....

Explain yourself OF, can you tell me why the selection is so bad for the American people?
If you can't figure it out then you are part of the problem.

Ok I guess I am part of the problem but still not a good excuse to have nothing to offer other than what you have so far for why he is a bad candidate. Sounds to me that you would just add the typical left handed rhetoric. No big surprise though...
Many threads and news articles have been presented on why bolton Sucks. I don't feel the need to elaborate. If you are still the way you are after reading them then it is a waste of time debating this issue with you.
Darla please explain the post then of one of yer fellow shitbricks here on how soldiers in iraq are getting sick from the depleted uranium, then explain what uranium is used for, then tell me how you can have it both ways.

Sir Evil,

May I ask what you are implying here? We, the USA, dropped bunker buster bombs that contained depleted uranium, and this is how our guys have gotten sick... from our own ammunitions.

Are you saying that YOU DID NOT KNOW THIS? I'll get you a link if you haven't...or two or three or four links....???

Many threads and news articles have been presented on why bolton Sucks. I don't feel the need to elaborate. If you are still the way you are after reading them then it is a waste of time debating this issue with you.

See there is the difference between me and you, I need no opinion piece posted by this news source, or another news source to form my own opinion. I don't rely on a copy & pasted article to express my own opinion either. It's called having thought's of your own, you know, something original? I know that don't happen round' here too much but ya should try it sometime, the freedom of your own thought's is a wonderful thing!
Let's hear it in YOUR WORDS Sir Evil on why Bolton is a good candidate for the UN position and deserves this kind of promotion.
Sir Evil,

May I ask what you are implying here? We, the USA, dropped bunker buster bombs that contained depleted uranium, and this is how our guys have gotten sick... from our own ammunitions.

Are you saying that YOU DID NOT KNOW THIS? I'll get you a link if you haven't...or two or three or four links....???


LOL, what on earth would be the purpose of filling a bomb with depleted uranium? I think if they needed to lace a bunker buster with something it need not be depleted. Maybe I am just dumb on the subject, it's possible, and I'll be the first to admit so, but please direct me to a relliable source of info on that one!

Now with that particular part of the story out of the way as I simply brought it up as it was posted here somewhere, can you also direct me to any definitive source that the intelligence was manipulated, that there is gauranteed analysis that wmd's never existed in iraq? or is it by your better judgement that this is the way to see it?
People do not get sick from depleted Uranium unless they are attempting to recast it without proper protection. It does not cause illness when it is picked up, held, used...
People do not get sick from depleted Uranium unless they are attempting to recast it without proper protection. It does not cause illness when it is picked up, held, used...

I beg to differ with you....Gulf war syndrone is more than likely from Du and there was an article about a week ago on this site or the other one, about this very subject....

our government may be denying any ills from this just like they did for Agent orange for over 25 years after vietnam, but stories4u is dead and my father is on his third cancer, NOW all attributed to the agent orange exposure he got while serving in Nam.
Let's hear it in YOUR WORDS Sir Evil on why Bolton is a good candidate for the UN position and deserves this kind of promotion.

Fair enough! I like the selection of Bolton not the promotion as you would call it.
I simply like the fact that he knows of the corruption exisitng within the UN, and knows that it is an orginization in need of an overhaul in order to function properly. I think his background is decent enough to provide the right insight for the psotion as well.

Honestly I was unaware of much of his background initially but liked the selection more after a bit of studying.

Now Care, please answer my question to you in your own words that I aked previously please.
I beg to differ with you....Gulf war syndrone is more than likely from Du and there was an article about a week ago on this site or the other one, about this very subject....

our government may be denying any ills from this just like they did for Agent orange for over 25 years after vietnam, but stories4u is dead and my father is on his third cancer, NOW all attributed to the agent orange exposure he got while serving in Nam.

Again Care, start by answering my question put forth to you above before jumping off to a different one.
See there is the difference between me and you, I need no opinion piece posted by this news source, or another news source to form my own opinion. I don't rely on a copy & pasted article to express my own opinion either. It's called having thought's of your own, you know, something original? I know that don't happen round' here too much but ya should try it sometime, the freedom of your own thought's is a wonderful thing!

LOL, I thought I did have origional thoughts and do to just accept political talking points as fact.
Watchout about that freedom of thoughts thingy shrivel, you will have the busheeple all over you with that kind of treasonous talk.
LOL, I thought I did have origional thoughts and do to just accept political talking points as fact.
Watchout about that freedom of thoughts thingy shrivel, you will have the busheeple all over you with that kind of treasonous talk.

Well so be it, I have nothing to hide, I have nothing but my opinions for why I lean the direction I do, and at least I offer them up without using stats or polls, or copy & paste jobs. Now if that there autmatically makes me a huge bush supporter, well then once again so be it. I have'nt the time nor the will to expalin in detail my political beliefs to people here that will once again autmatically classify me because they have stereotypical thoughts.
I don't expect much from Bolton. I doubt he will even try to reform the UN as is needed but will simply try to stymie and undermine it as he has voiced utter contempt for the body.

Perhaps some would see this as preferable but I can assure you it will not improve the body at least.

Frankly I don't care much about Bolton anyway whoever is in that postion is going to be a mouth piece for the president so it doesn't matter.
Well so be it, I have nothing to hide, I have nothing but my opinions for why I lean the direction I do, and at least I offer them up without using stats or polls, or copy & paste jobs. Now if that there autmatically makes me a huge bush supporter, well then once again so be it. I have'nt the time nor the will to expalin in detail my political beliefs to people here that will once again autmatically classify me because they have stereotypical thoughts.

I have classified you because of the content of your posts on here and those other poseters I know that you are supporting. You are known by what you say and those you asscociate with.