Congressional Budget Office On Obama-Care

The CBO states in this report that the same number of people will not have insurance as before it passed. It didn't "fix" the problem that you say it fixed.

You guys keep saying that word, but apparently do not know what it means.

Obama promised "not one dime to the deficit or I won't sign it"... Now, Trillions added to the deficit per this report, and your dementia thinks it is a great "victory" when the same number of people won't have insurance, people will lose jobs because of this (per the CBO)... and your defense is: but the report says that they predict some health care jobs...

This idiot report says they can find no evidence of the shortened hours... took seconds to "find" that...

Yeah, "wonderful" piece of sh*... (did it again), I mean legislation.

go get the report and PROVE it says whats you claim.

No more right wing spin.

Repeating the same nonsense over and over does not make it any more truthful.

The DIRECTOR of the CBO has been quoted as saying that what you claimed just isn't true.

I never said it was the truth Numb-Nuts! I simply posted what I watched with my own eyes the director of the Congressional Budget Office say on TV at a congressional hearing.
As is so very typical with your partisan nitwit Righties when they realize they've once again lost the debate, out come the taunts and derision.

First Goober why have you aligned my label with the “right?”

Second Goober WHAT debate is it you believe the right has lost?

The DIRECTOR of the CBO says that what you claim is doesn't get more clear than that.

I simply posted exactly what I watched the Director Of The Congressional Budget Office say at a congressional hearing on TV as confirmed by the author of the piece I posted in the OP. So what do you find wrong with it.

Come on, call me names and make all the unfounded allegations you want, it's just more proof you haven't got anything.
The fact that you can’t seem to post specifics to support your purely partisan position seems more like proof that you haven’t a fucking clue about that which you post.
Have you ever debated him? He says he hands peoples' asses to them, doesn't he?

Yeah well most fucking lefties are malignant narcissistic bastards who need to reinforce their pathetic egos somehow so they go to their only admirer, themselves. Note that also defines Anti-Party. If they didn’t think they were smart and great, who would?

Narcissistic leftist also have to pretend they’re fucking a movie star every time they jerkoff too. In their world the universe revolves around them and their pathetic retarded political ideas.
Care to explain How Goober?

Right now there are approximately 2 million people hanging onto their jobs solely because they get their isnurance through their employer.

Under the ACA, these people can QUIT their jobs or RETIRE and still have their health insurance, opening up previously held jobs to the unemployed, thus reducing unemployment.
Right now there are approximately 2 million people hanging onto their jobs solely because they get their isnurance through their employer.

Under the ACA, these people can QUIT their jobs or RETIRE and still have their health insurance, opening up previously held jobs to the unemployed, thus reducing unemployment.

How many jobs does that create? :rofl2:

How many jobs does that create? :rofl2:

So once again we find that I attempt honest debate only to have my comments met with more taunts and derision.

I believe I mentioned something about how Rightie trolls respond consistently to attempts at debate, and BINGO...right on schedule DY proved the veracity of my claim.
Right now there are approximately 2 million people hanging onto their jobs solely because they get their isnurance through their employer. Under the ACA, these people can QUIT their jobs or RETIRE and still have their health insurance, opening up previously held jobs to the unemployed, thus reducing unemployment.

Is this how the Democrats planned to "create jobs" with Obamacare?
The CBO states in this report that the same number of people will not have insurance as before it passed. It didn't "fix" the problem that you say it fixed.

You guys keep saying that word, but apparently do not know what it means.

Obama promised "not one dime to the deficit or I won't sign it"... Now, Trillions added to the deficit per this report, and your dementia thinks it is a great "victory" when the same number of people won't have insurance, people will lose jobs because of this (per the CBO)... and your defense is: but the report says that they predict some health care jobs...

This idiot report says they can find no evidence of the shortened hours... took seconds to "find" that...

Yeah, "wonderful" piece of sh*... (did it again), I mean legislation.

I'll just address the biggest lie here; the CBO does not say people will lose jobs what ii says is people will choose to work less because they will be able to make that choice. And isn't that what you libertarians are suppose to be all about: people having the freedom to make more choices in their lives. Well that is what the bill allows people to do. It allows them to work less and still have health insurance and some will choose to do that. As a so-called libertarian you should celebrate that. As a person who claims to be honest and objective on these boards you should try for a little more of both and less spin.
Right now there are approximately 2 million people hanging onto their jobs solely because they get their isnurance through their employer.

Under the ACA, these people can QUIT their jobs or RETIRE and still have their health insurance, opening up previously held jobs to the unemployed, thus reducing unemployment.

If I quit my job and someone else takes it, there is still one person unemployed.
Is this how the Democrats planned to "create jobs" with Obamacare?

It's like how Democrats planned to lower the cost of healthcare by mandating that preexisting conditions be covered and your children can remain on your plan until the motor vehicle department becomes the fastest place in town, go figure!
So once again we find that I attempt honest debate only to have my comments met with more taunts and derision.

I believe I mentioned something about how Rightie trolls respond consistently to attempts at debate, and BINGO...right on schedule DY proved the veracity of my claim.

So now you can go and tell all of your lefty followers how you kicked rightwing ass. Only in Obama Land is reducing the incentive to work a good thingy. Can we spell B-I-G F-U-C-K-I-N-G G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T?????
I'll just address the biggest lie here; the CBO does not say people will lose jobs what ii says is people will choose to work less because they will be able to make that choice. And isn't that what you libertarians are suppose to be all about: people having the freedom to make more choices in their lives. Well that is what the bill allows people to do. It allows them to work less and still have health insurance and some will choose to do that. As a so-called libertarian you should celebrate that. As a person who claims to be honest and objective on these boards you should try for a little more of both and less spin.

Here is the rub. That choice comes at the expense if someone else.

It also helps contribute to the deficit because they stop paying income taxes and payroll taxes.

It is amazing what you lefties will try to spin.