Congressional Budget Office On Obama-Care

Actually I think the Director of the Congressional Budget Office’s testimony was mostly a babbling bunch of horseshit. Congressional testimony by bureaucrats most usually is made up of linguistic gymnastics designed to make themselves look important and necessary. IMO, most of what Doug Elmendorf Said was kinda silly or stupid and unknowable conjecture. But as I said in the OP, the Congressional Budget Office is famous for under estimates of just about everything they estimate. I only watched that testimony out of boredom but found it interesting that the testimony left the lefties scrambling for pathetic excuses. I thought it’d be fun to see how they would spin it here. Man they jumped straight on to Jay Carney’s absurd talking points, huh?
The midterms are likely to be a referendum on the Obama administration, which is already struggling mightily with implementation of its unpopular health-care law.

The White House took another big hit on the law this week with release of a CBO report showing it would likely cause up to 2.5 million people to leave full-time work by 2024 due to new health-care subsidies.

The White House tried to spin the report as a positive, suggesting the new subsidies would relieve "job lock" and allow those working full time in jobs they don't like just for the health-care benefits to do something else.
When you can't or don't want to create conditions to increase jobs, I reckon you have to cover your ass by claiming that creating incentive to quit your job is the new "economic righteousness," huh? Go figure!!!!!
So now you can go and tell all of your lefty followers how you kicked rightwing ass. Only in Obama Land is reducing the incentive to work a good thingy. Can we spell B-I-G F-U-C-K-I-N-G G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T?????

Yes because in the minds of right wingers everywhere forced labor is what freedom and democracy is really supposed to be all about! You righties really are a ball of contradictions aren't you?
If I quit my job and someone else takes it, there is still one person unemployed.

There are millions of people approaching retirement and who've been working solely because of the health insurance benefits they've been receiving.

Now those people can retire without worrying.

An "unemployed retiree" is facing an entirely different set of circumstances than someone who is unemployed and actively looking for work.
So now you can go and tell all of your lefty followers how you kicked rightwing ass. Only in Obama Land is reducing the incentive to work a good thingy. Can we spell B-I-G F-U-C-K-I-N-G G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T?????

That's right.

I attempted to have a discussion with DY and he chose to respond with the same tired derision.

Why did he choose that "response"?

Because he can't refute the points I raised.
There are millions of people approaching retirement and who've been working solely because of the health insurance benefits they've been receiving.

Now those people can retire without worrying.

An "unemployed retiree" is facing an entirely different set of circumstances than someone who is unemployed and actively looking for work.

makes no sense. Ocare changes nothing except increase the cost and out of pocket not to mention reducing their choices of providers. They need to work unless their old policies were killed off by ocare.Put the koolaid down.
makes no sense. Ocare changes nothing except increase the cost and out of pocket not to mention reducing their choices of providers. They need to work unless their old policies were killed off by ocare.Put the koolaid down.

Of course it's just untrue that ObamaCare increases costs and out of pocket for everyone, but fantasy is pretty much the only thing Conservatives have presented to argue against it's implementation for months now.
Yes because in the minds of right wingers everywhere forced labor is what freedom and democracy is really supposed to be all about! You righties really are a ball of contradictions aren't you?

But I’m not a rightie. I despise the rightist bastards almost as much as I despise the leftist bastards. The rightist bastards are just ”Less Wrong” more often than y’all leftist bastards.

Can you elaborate on this “forced labor” you’re bemoaning? Where are those dirty bastard righties “forcing labor?” Oh! I bet it’s those Chinese that ain’t been unionized yet, huh? Never-mind that BIG fucking progressive government regulated and taxed American industry into China, huh moron?????
Of course it's just untrue that ObamaCare increases costs and out of pocket for everyone, but fantasy is pretty much the only thing Conservatives have presented to argue against it's implementation for months now.

Well for your information Goober, since the ACA kicked in 2 years ago with some of its mandates like “coverage for preexisting conditions” & “keeping your children on your insurance coverage until Obama can figure out how to implement Single Payer,” my cost for Medicare and secondary coverage went up 30%.

You damned lefties have no logical explanation of how Obama-Care can possibly lower the cost of health insurance or even keeping it at current levels by adding government mandated coverage to every policy in America. One size fits all is a fucking guarantee of added cost for everybody except those being covered by taxpayer’s subsidies.

The ACA is simply another unconstitutional leftist redistribution of wealth and another raping of America’s MIDDLE CLASStaxpayers and another guarantee of boosting the National Debt rocket ever faster thereby it’s financial abuse of the children of America’s future generations.
Well for your information Goober, since the ACA kicked in 2 years ago with some of its mandates like “coverage for preexisting conditions” & “keeping your children on your insurance coverage until Obama can figure out how to implement Single Payer,” my cost for Medicare and secondary coverage went up 30%.

You damned lefties have no logical explanation of how Obama-Care can possibly lower the cost of health insurance or even keeping it at current levels by adding government mandated coverage to every policy in America. One size fits all is a fucking guarantee of added cost for everybody except those being covered by taxpayer’s subsidies.

The ACA is simply another unconstitutional leftist redistribution of wealth and another raping of America’s MIDDLE CLASStaxpayers and another guarantee of boosting the National Debt rocket ever faster thereby it’s financial abuse of the children of America’s future generations.

So what you MEANT to say was YOUR insurance went up and you just assumed that everyone's did the same.
Not really, Zappa... Everybody's insurance rates went up, even if some of the increases are hidden by subsidies. (And we should note that in 5 states where insurance requirements were actually relaxed by this nonsense there was a decrease in cost).
Of course it's just untrue that ObamaCare increases costs and out of pocket for everyone, but fantasy is pretty much the only thing Conservatives have presented to argue against it's implementation for months now.

Of course that’s untrue. Everybody should know that Obama-Care being what it is, i. e. another BIG government socialist “share the wealth” program and folks that have been buying their own insurance and getting some of it paid by their employer are now the folks that are experiencing Obama-Care’s soaring rate hikes while high-school dropouts and deadbeats are experiencing taxpayer’s subsidies to lower whatever insurance rates they should be paying in any justifiable world of personal responsibility.

So what you MEANT to say was YOUR insurance went up and you just assumed that everyone's did the same.

Actually that’s not what I meant to say. I meant to say what I said, “my insurance went up 30%.” Beyond that I’ve always assumed that within Obama-Care the reason my insurance went up 30% was because Obama placed one size fits all mandates on insurance companies to cover every fucking body with lots of shit I and lots of others don’t need like OBGYN care, insurance for my adult children and preexisting conditions folks may not have so we would share our hard earned fortunes with those grasshoppers who fiddled while we aunts prepared for winter.
Of course that’s untrue. Everybody should know that Obama-Care being what it is, i. e. another BIG government socialist “share the wealth” program and folks that have been buying their own insurance and getting some of it paid by their employer are now the folks that are experiencing Obama-Care’s soaring rate hikes while high-school dropouts and deadbeats are experiencing taxpayer’s subsidies to lower whatever insurance rates they should be paying in any justifiable world of personal responsibility.

The above is merely the PERSONAL OPINION of another partisan Rightie who is angry that he couldn't badger the American people into accepting his nonsensical talking points about ObamaCare.

Maybe if Republicans had tried to discuss ObamaCare HONESTLY, people might have listened, but with your side constantly tossing outlandish fabrications like Palin's "death panels" at the American people, they saw through the idiotic lies the Right tried to pass off as fact.

Actually that’s not what I meant to say. I meant to say what I said, “my insurance went up 30%.” Beyond that I’ve always assumed that within Obama-Care the reason my insurance went up 30% was because Obama placed one size fits all mandates on insurance companies to cover every fucking body with lots of shit I and lots of others don’t need like OBGYN care, insurance for my adult children and preexisting conditions folks may not have so we would share our hard earned fortunes with those grasshoppers who fiddled while we aunts prepared for winter.

But you DIDN'T say only your insurance went said EVERYONE'S insurance did, and you simply cannot prove that statement.

In fact, I DISPROVED it by pointing out my family's insurance didn't go up at all this year.

Therefore we must instead acknowledge you don't know what you are talking about and merely supplementing YOUR OPINION by repeating tired RightWing talking points.
Not really, Zappa... Everybody's insurance rates went up, even if some of the increases are hidden by subsidies. (And we should note that in 5 states where insurance requirements were actually relaxed by this nonsense there was a decrease in cost).

Nonsense...don't try to tell me what my family's plan did or didn't CANNOT know.

The fact is, this year my family's premiums dropped a couple bucks a month, and we earn FAR too much to claim some subsidy, so go spread your lies somewhere else.
Isn't it cute when they don't quite understand what they read, but they rush here to post?

They give the thread an inflammatory title, but when they offer their 'smoking gun', it makes them look like idiots.

Fish in a barrel, as it were.

Yes...yes they do look like idiots.

"As HuffPost has reported, some of the people leaving their jobs are, in fact, eyeing retirement -- opting to leave work before Medicare kicks in at age 65. Others may be planning to start their own business, or go back to school.

On the same show, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) defended the health care law, emphasizing that the decline in working will be the result of worker choices, not unwanted layoffs.

"They're in employment solely because they get health benefits … this is a voluntary choice," Cardin said. "In some cases, these people might have two jobs because of these health benefits … now they don't need to work two full-time jobs to get their health benefits."

I don't expect partisan Righties to accept it this time any more than they have in the past, but I never tire of watching them twist the truth into their delusional personal fantasy.
The above is merely the PERSONAL OPINION of another partisan Rightie who is angry that he couldn't badger the American people into accepting his nonsensical talking points about ObamaCare.

Maybe if Republicans had tried to discuss ObamaCare HONESTLY, people might have listened, but with your side constantly tossing outlandish fabrications like Palin's "death panels" at the American people, they saw through the idiotic lies the Right tried to pass off as fact.

Seems as though Sweet Sara was way, way out ahead of Nancy Pelosi. Sweet Sara saw Obama-Care’s ”DEATH PANELS” way back when Nancy was ”passing it, so she could find out what the fuck was in it.”
