Conservative Haters and Racists

you don't get to make up definitions. a birther is one who does not believe obama was born in hawaii. wondering why he simply doesn't show a copy of the original does not make a birther. i guess when all fails you just get to make up the facts.

i brought up mccain for the sole reason of showing YOU that you are making this about race. you didn't wonder what it was about mccain because he is white. you're only wondering about obama because he is black. the reasons people take issue with him have been said over and over and over. yet you want to pretend no one has ever said what is about him that makes them believe he wasn't born in hawaii. its complete dishonesty and you are solely asking the question because of obama's skin color.

:rolleyes: Nothing but a long-winded rant to divert from the fact that you won't answer the question I posed.

There are people who accept the official legal Hawaii BC and people who demand more. WHY are those people demanding more? This is the simple question you (pl.) are all dancing around.

Re: McCain, I don't need you to tell me what I'm thinking, moron. McCain's BC was newsworthy when he was a candidate, not now. And if you had anything besides a dead zone between your ears, you could go back and find my posts saying that McCain is a natural-born citizen, the same as Obama. In my mind there never was a BC controversy about either man.

You can try to intentionally mislead about my comment but you're still wrong. We all know, though, that you'll spew another couple of thousand words trying to paint this as race-baiting rather than quit while you're ahead.
:rolleyes: Nothing but a long-winded rant to divert from the fact that you won't answer the question I posed.

There are people who accept the official legal Hawaii BC and people who demand more. WHY are those people demanding more? This is the simple question you (pl.) are all dancing around.

Re: McCain, I don't need you to tell me what I'm thinking, moron. McCain's BC was newsworthy when he was a candidate, not now. And if you had anything besides a dead zone between your ears, you could go back and find my posts saying that McCain is a natural-born citizen, the same as Obama. In my mind there never was a BC controversy about either man.

You can try to intentionally mislead about my comment but you're still wrong. We all know, though, that you'll spew another couple of thousand words trying to paint this as race-baiting rather than quit while you're ahead.

amazing, you really would have us believe their reasons have never been given....they have. i'm not misleading about your comment at all, you are race baiting. i guess i have to do your homework for you and explain to why OTHER people believe he wasn't born in hawaii, despite the fact you have engaged those people in numerous debates about it, thus, you clearly KNOW their reasons, so it makes zero sense why you would need to ask AGAIN what their reasons are when you have debated regarding their reasons in the past.

i believe some of the reasons are - a COLB at that time could be given to those not actually born in hawaii, obama's refusal to produce a copy of the original, his father being a non citizen, an alleged report where his grandmother claimed he was born in kenya....etc, etc, etc.....

you already know the reason and i know for a fact you've argued against those reasons.

so, i answered your question, answer mine:

since you already know the reasons, why are you asking your question?
amazing, you really would have us believe their reasons have never been given....they have. i'm not misleading about your comment at all, you are race baiting. i guess i have to do your homework for you and explain to why OTHER people believe he wasn't born in hawaii, despite the fact you have engaged those people in numerous debates about it, thus, you clearly KNOW their reasons, so it makes zero sense why you would need to ask AGAIN what their reasons are when you have debated regarding their reasons in the past.

i believe some of the reasons are - a COLB at that time could be given to those not actually born in hawaii, obama's refusal to produce a copy of the original, his father being a non citizen, an alleged report where his grandmother claimed he was born in kenya....etc, etc, etc.....

you already know the reason and i know for a fact you've argued against those reasons.

so, i answered your question, answer mine:

since you already know the reasons, why are you asking your question?

Again, you're not giving the bottom-line reason, you're just rehashing what people want, not why they want it.

1. ...a COLB at that time could be given to those not actually born in hawaii...
Yes, Hawaii will provide a BC for someone not born there but it will state the actual place of birth, i.e. if the baby was born in NY, the Hawaii BC will state that, not that the baby was born in Hawaii.

2. ...obama's refusal to produce a copy of the original...
Exactly the point, why don't people accept the official, legal certificate already shown for two years and counting?

3. ...his father being a non citizen...
Irrelevant. His mother was a citizen and he was born in a U.S. state.

4. alleged report where his grandmother claimed he was born in kenya...
This was immediately disproven but birthers still hang onto it as being gospel.

"For some reason, the transcripts of the interview that have been posted on various right-wing Web sites all seem to cut off right after Sarah Obama says she was there when her grandson was born. So does this YouTube video with the audio of the interview. But as The Economist points out, McRae also released the full audio, in which the key parts of the conversation can be heard. Here's part of it. (The other person speaking is translator Vitalis Akech Ogombe.)

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

No matter. In McRae's mind, the change is just part of the conspiracy.

Once again you've avoided the bottom-line question. Where is any shred of evidence that Obama was born outside the US?

I'm asking the question because I find it difficult to believe that idiots still think he's not a citizen despite all evidence to the contrary. I'm asking because I'm amazed at how low people will stoop in order to defend their fallacious viewpoint of a man they dislike.
Again, you're not giving the bottom-line reason, you're just rehashing what people want, not why they want it.

1. ...a COLB at that time could be given to those not actually born in hawaii...
Yes, Hawaii will provide a BC for someone not born there but it will state the actual place of birth, i.e. if the baby was born in NY, the Hawaii BC will state that, not that the baby was born in Hawaii.

2. ...obama's refusal to produce a copy of the original...
Exactly the point, why don't people accept the official, legal certificate already shown for two years and counting?

3. ...his father being a non citizen...
Irrelevant. His mother was a citizen and he was born in a U.S. state.

4. alleged report where his grandmother claimed he was born in kenya...
This was immediately disproven but birthers still hang onto it as being gospel.

"For some reason, the transcripts of the interview that have been posted on various right-wing Web sites all seem to cut off right after Sarah Obama says she was there when her grandson was born. So does this YouTube video with the audio of the interview. But as The Economist points out, McRae also released the full audio, in which the key parts of the conversation can be heard. Here's part of it. (The other person speaking is translator Vitalis Akech Ogombe.)

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

No matter. In McRae's mind, the change is just part of the conspiracy.

Once again you've avoided the bottom-line question. Where is any shred of evidence that Obama was born outside the US?

I'm asking the question because I find it difficult to believe that idiots still think he's not a citizen despite all evidence to the contrary. I'm asking because I'm amazed at how low people will stoop in order to defend their fallacious viewpoint of a man they dislike.

good lord, you question was:

"What is it about Obama that birthers keep asking for more and more evidence, why the official BC isn't enough, and why they haven't provided a shred of written evidence to refute that Obama is a natural-born citizen."

you have been harping over and over on people about what is it about obama...i finally answer you and you claim i didn't answer the bottom line? you said this was the most important issue that people were ignoring:

WHY are those people demanding more? This is the simple question you (pl.) are all dancing around.

now, you change your goal after i destroyed the WHY OBAMA bs to.....its the where is the evidence thats the bottom line....:rolleyes:

how would i know where the evidence is? they can't get a court to allow them to see the original or conduct any discovery, obama won't release it.....and obama NEVER released the official birth certificate....why you guys keep repeating that lie is beyond me....he released a COLB.

face it, you tried to race bait and it failed....and i showed you already knew the WHY, so the only reason you could have for asking the question is to race bait, because i am fairly certain i remember you saying this had to do with race. i could be wrong though.
Originally Posted by Damocles
"You" was the plural "you"...

It isn't the right claiming racism every time somebody has an opinion that differs from theirs.

No cigar for you. You told me specifically that I was "called out on my race-baiting before, etc." so don't try and back pedal with this lame "plural" excuse. What you did was re-read the thread and realize you were wrong, so now you're trying to distance yourself from your accusation.

If you want to continue in this vein, then post the exact race-baiting comments you think I'm guilty of.

Ahhh, the intellectual dishonesty of the birther bumpkins know no shame!
Apparently the definition has been extended to those who want the same level of proof that McCain was ax'd to provide.

McCain never released anything about his birth.

"As I reported earlier, the McCain campaign has declined to publicly release the senator's birth certificate. But a senior campaign official showed me a copy of his birth certificate issued by the "family hospital" in the Coco Solo submarine base."


"There is no record of McCain's birth in the bound birth registers of the Panama Canal Zone Health Department, which are available for public inspection at the National Archives in College Park, Md. Here is a sample page from the August 1936 birth register.

While some people will no doubt seize on the missing birth record as evidence that McCain was not born in the Canal Zone, my own view is that it is probably a bureaucratic snafu. The combination of the birth announcement in the Panamanian American plus the McCain birth certificate plus the memories of his 96-year-old mother persuades me that the senator was indeed born inside the Canal Zone."

good lord, you question was:

you have been harping over and over on people about what is it about obama...i finally answer you and you claim i didn't answer the bottom line? you said this was the most important issue that people were ignoring:

now, you change your goal after i destroyed the WHY OBAMA bs to.....its the where is the evidence thats the bottom line....:rolleyes:

how would i know where the evidence is? they can't get a court to allow them to see the original or conduct any discovery, obama won't release it.....and obama NEVER released the official birth certificate....why you guys keep repeating that lie is beyond me....he released a COLB.

face it, you tried to race bait and it failed....and i showed you already knew the WHY, so the only reason you could have for asking the question is to race bait, because i am fairly certain i remember you saying this had to do with race. i could be wrong though.

You're as thick as a plank and you're wrong that I said it had to do with race.

Me: Obama released a BC, newspaper clippings and other info to prove he's a natural-born citizen, and I believe him.

Birthers: Obama released a BC, newspaper clippings and other info to prove he's a natural-born citizen, and we still don't believe him because he didn't show us (fill in the blank).

Even if a COLB is found, it changes NOTHING. His mother was an American citizen and he was born on American soil. If either of those two is wrong, he's STILL an American citizen. This is the argument that the anti-immigration crowd always touts, that people come to the US just to drop a calf and give it automatic citizenship. Why doesn't the same argument apply to Obama? Why do people want to fix the facts around their personal opinions?
McCain never released anything about his birth.

"As I reported earlier, the McCain campaign has declined to publicly release the senator's birth certificate. But a senior campaign official showed me a copy of his birth certificate issued by the "family hospital" in the Coco Solo submarine base."


"There is no record of McCain's birth in the bound birth registers of the Panama Canal Zone Health Department, which are available for public inspection at the National Archives in College Park, Md. Here is a sample page from the August 1936 birth register.

While some people will no doubt seize on the missing birth record as evidence that McCain was not born in the Canal Zone, my own view is that it is probably a bureaucratic snafu. The combination of the birth announcement in the Panamanian American plus the McCain birth certificate plus the memories of his 96-year-old mother persuades me that the senator was indeed born inside the Canal Zone."


Was he ax'd to provide his original certificate or not?