Conservative quotes I can agree with!

I would actually like to discuss how far the Republican party has moved away from the party of Reagan. How the TEA Party is in many many ways almost opposite of what Reagan was.

Surely it is all a matter of increasing popular ignorance, from McCarthy on? The more half-witted people become the further the thieves push. Reagan was just a way-stage to Nazism.
Surely it is all a matter of increasing popular ignorance, from McCarthy on? The more half-witted people become the further the thieves push. Reagan was just a way-stage to Nazism.

Maybe one way to show the people how half-witted they have become is to show them who a "hero" of the past really was. By todays terms, Reagan was a RINO who the TEA party would be crusading against.

Once its established that such is true, it becomes clear the modern Republican party is promoting candidates more akin to GWB than RWR.
Most forums its all the same, the teaparty cheerleaders insulting every post they dont agree with because they cant dispute many of the statements.
Most of the cheerleaders dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and they cheerlead for the rich to shaft the working class. Hilarious and pathetic

Yes of course, you've never insulted posts or posters you don't agree with do you dumbass?

God you whiney leftists just swim in hypocrisy.
Maybe one way to show the people how half-witted they have become is to show them who a "hero" of the past really was. By todays terms, Reagan was a RINO who the TEA party would be crusading against.

Once its established that such is true, it becomes clear the modern Republican party is promoting candidates more akin to GWB than RWR.


I would actually like to discuss how far the Republican party has moved away from the party of Reagan. How the TEA Party is in many many ways almost opposite of what Reagan was.

Why didn't you just say Reagan Quotes I can agree with instead of being snarky and dishonest about it?

Why is it you think that Ronald Reagan is who defines Republicans? The Tea Party hasn't moved away from anything; they are helping re-define what being Conservative means and trying to get the insanity in DC under control.
Maybe one way to show the people how half-witted they have become is to show them who a "hero" of the past really was.

But that isn't what you are trying to do. You're dishonestly trying to claim that Reagan is who defined the Republicans; but that would be a lie.

By todays terms, Reagan was a RINO who the TEA party would be crusading against.

Because you say so? I have read Reagan's books and I would be more inclined to suggest that Reagan would have embraced the Tea Party and agreed with them. But of course, you're a dishonest hyper partisan Liberal who knows more about Republicans than anyone else on the planet as illustrated by your recent thread about the "Republican Issue." ;)

Once its established that such is true, it becomes clear the modern Republican party is promoting candidates more akin to GWB than RWR.

I am amused by clueless hyper partisan Liberals who dishonestly try to define what Republicans are and then claim they are not supporting the right candidates.
Ronald Reagan is a demigod for the republican party, but only in the abstract. He is a symbol, but devoid of detail. Once righties start having to deal with the things that Ronnie actually SAID, they start tap dancing and shuffling away from him because Jarod is absolutely correct. By today's strict conservative litmus test, Reagan would be a RINO.
Ronald Reagan is a demigod for the republican party, but only in the abstract. He is a symbol, but devoid of detail. Once righties start having to deal with the things that Ronnie actually SAID, they start tap dancing and shuffling away from him because Jarod is absolutely correct. By today's strict conservative litmus test, Reagan would be a RINO.

Reagan was not my favorite of presidents, but he was not what todays Republicans think he was. He was a respectable Conservative who knew how to work with Democrats and find common ground and get some things done. He was almost a conservative Democrat by todays standards. He was akin to Florida's governor Charlie Crist.
Lets play a game... Assign a name to the Republican quote above... Who said what... Hint, all statements were made by a modern Republican President.

But you just told us ALL the quotes were from Reagan; what kind of dumb game is that? The stupid game?

Who made these quotes:

"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15."

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his." (I would change this now to say Obummer.)

"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born."

"One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it."

"If you're explaining, you're losing." (this one fits Obummercare perfectly)
Reagan was not my favorite of presidents, but he was not what todays Republicans think he was. He was a respectable Conservative who knew how to work with Democrats and find common ground and get some things done. He was almost a conservative Democrat by todays standards. He was akin to Florida's governor Charlie Crist.

I am amused that you think you knew Reagan. Based on your comments, you don't know the first thing about Reagan, or much of anything for that matter.
my dad knew Ronnie from back when he was a democrat and a sports announcer at WOC in Davenport, Iowa... he said he always thought he was a nice enough guy, just sort of an intellectual lightweight.
my dad knew Ronnie from back when he was a democrat and a sports announcer at WOC in Davenport, Iowa... he said he always thought he was a nice enough guy, just sort of an intellectual lightweight.

I once met Reagan, he had an amazing presence about him. Deep blue eyes and a very inviting grandfatherly persona. It was magnetic.
Ronald Reagan is a demigod for the republican party, but only in the abstract.

Really Commander shit-for-brains; is this because you say so or do you have any facts to support this moronic hyper partisan claim? Oh that’s right, you don’t like facts and avoid them whenever you can. My bad.

He is a symbol, but devoid of detail.

The only thing devoid of detail and intelligence is the bullshit that constantly erupts from your keyboard shit-for-brains.

Once righties start having to deal with the things that Ronnie actually SAID, they start tap dancing and shuffling away from him because Jarod is absolutely correct.

So you have read his books and know the man at a personal level do you Commander dumbass?

By today's strict conservative litmus test, Reagan would be a RINO.

LMAO; but having read all of Reagan’s books, I would day you and the dimwit Jarod are 100% wrong as usual. Reagan would have embraced the Tea Party and said that “it’s about time.”

Of course unintelligent hyper partisans like you and Jarod are experts on things Republican and Conservative values right?

Yes, you and Jarod really are THAT incredibly stupid. Watching you two talk to each other is like watching an idiot convention having a competition on who can erupt with the dumbest comment.
I once met Reagan, he had an amazing presence about him. Deep blue eyes and a very inviting grandfatherly persona. It was magnetic.

he developed that later, I would imagine... my dad knew him when he was still very young.... fresh out of college, I think. Again, my dad's impression was that he was nice, but not a very deep well of intellect. That's seems about right.
he developed that later, I would imagine... my dad knew him when he was still very young.... fresh out of college, I think. Again, my dad's impression was that he was nice, but not a very deep well of intellect. That's seems about right.

LMAO; someone want to ask Commander dumbass where his dad went to college?
