Conservative quotes I can agree with!

Some more GREAT Republican quotes; guess who made them:

"I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress."

"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

"I'm afraid I can't use a mule. I have several hundred up on Capitol Hill." -refusing a gift of a mule

"One picture is worth 1,000 denials."

"The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away."

"Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man."
but by then, my dad was studying law, and Ron was doing play-by-play for high school football games. lol

...and your dad never had the success that Reagan enjoyed, wrote any meaningful books or became President. Ironic don't you think?

Apparently he was just as dumb as he trained you to be.

but by then, my dad was studying law, and Ron was doing play-by-play for high school football games. lol

Reagan was never known for intellectual ability. He was smart enough to surround himself with people who took very good care of him. It was his persona that got him to the Whitehouse. I was 16 when I met him, and in a grandfatherly way he made you want to have him rock you to sleep and read you a bedtime story.
he was an actor.... he could memorize lines. And, later in life, he certainly had that "avuncular" bit pretty well honed.
Reagan was never known for intellectual ability.

Sounds like you Counselor; but at least Reagan had tremendous success as a Governor, an actor and a President. I know these pales in comparison to the vast success you imagined you have gained.


He was smart enough to surround himself with people who took very good care of him.

So you say Counselor; but obviously you know NOTHING about the man, his years as a Governor, his years on talk radio where he shared his Conservative values and views for many years, and the books he wrote on the topics.

But alas, you’re a liberal dunce who merely parrots the dimwitted talking points about Reagan you have been spoon fed and seldom, if ever, have an original thought of your own; let alone and honest one.

It was his persona that got him to the Whitehouse.

Wrong again counselor; it was his strong Conservative values and honestly expressing what he believed in, American values, Christian beliefs, his leadership skills, his wit and immense self-deprecating humor that got him elected.

But again; facts were never your forte’ and you lack the intelligence to comprehend how stupid you look for having voted twice for the most inept, inexperienced, arrogant, divisive hyper partisan dunce to ever sit in the White House.

I was 16 when I met him, and in a grandfatherly way he made you want to have him rock you to sleep and read you a bedtime story.

LMAO; you really are too stupid and too pathetic for prime time.
he was an actor.... he could memorize lines. And, later in life, he certainly had that "avuncular" bit pretty well honed.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; he was a Governor, an author and former President. But when it comes to memorizing moronic leftist talking points, you have no peer.

Watching two losers like you and Jarod have a circle jerk over a man that accomplished far more than either of you could ever hope to in 100 lifetimes and whose intelligence towered over both of you is quite amusing.

And now, for a fireside chat between two idiots; I give you Comrade Commander shit-for-brains and Comrade Counselor Dunce; a comedy act illustrating what your brain on stupid looks like for the benefit of JPP.

Do continue; it is comedic.

Meanwhile, the false premise of this thread has been abandoned by its author after once again having the stupidity of his efforts exposed and shoved back into his face; no surprise here.
Here's one of MY all-time favorite Ronald Reagan quotes:

"if an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so."
Sounds like you Counselor; but at least Reagan had tremendous success as a Governor, an actor and a President. I know these pales in comparison to the vast success you imagined you have gained.


So you say Counselor; but obviously you know NOTHING about the man, his years as a Governor, his years on talk radio where he shared his Conservative values and views for many years, and the books he wrote on the topics.

But alas, you’re a liberal dunce who merely parrots the dimwitted talking points about Reagan you have been spoon fed and seldom, if ever, have an original thought of your own; let alone and honest one.

Wrong again counselor; it was his strong Conservative values and honestly expressing what he believed in, American values, Christian beliefs, his leadership skills, his wit and immense self-deprecating humor that got him elected.

But again; facts were never your forte’ and you lack the intelligence to comprehend how stupid you look for having voted twice for the most inept, inexperienced, arrogant, divisive hyper partisan dunce to ever sit in the White House.

LMAO; you really are too stupid and too pathetic for prime time.

Reagan spend years on Conservative Talk Radio? Seriously, are you confusing him with his son, who is hardly a Conservative but is a talk radio personality.
Here's one of MY all-time favorite Ronald Reagan quotes:

"if an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so."

Well, when it comes to stooping to new all-time lows in dishonesty, you have no peer Comrade Commander; but Jarod is desperately trying to surpass you.

I'm glad you dredged that quote up from a 1966 speech. One has to go way back to find the term "negro." But Reagan didn't make this statement because he was racist; he was arguing for State's rights at the time and didn't believe it was the Feds business to be involved in everyone's business; much like the Tea Party of today.

Of course, why would you allow facts to get in the way of your typical race hustling stupidity right Commander shit-for-brains?


Reagan did not consider himself a racist, and dismissed any attacks aimed at him relating to racism as attacks on his personal character and integrity.[34] He claimed his opposition to certain federal government civil rights acts were not because he was racist, but because he believed in states rights.
Most forums its all the same, the teaparty cheerleaders insulting every post they dont agree with because they cant dispute many of the statements.
Most of the cheerleaders dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and they cheerlead for the rich to shaft the working class. Hilarious and pathetic

You're angry at those on the right because they don't hate people that have more than they do or blame business for everything under the sun ?...Really ?
Reagan spend years on Conservative Talk Radio? Seriously, are you confusing him with his son, who is hardly a Conservative but is a talk radio personality.

Back then we didn't call it "Conservative Talk Radio"; it was "talk radio" and no, I am not talking about his dunce Liberal son who no one listens to anyway.

Who knows; if you listen to him, you might actually become slightly informed!!

From 1975 to 1979 Ronald Reagan gave more than 1,000 daily radio broadcasts, the great majority of which he wrote himself. These addresses transform our image of Reagan, and enhance and revise our understanding of the late 1970s - a time when Reagan held no political office, but was nonetheless mapping out a strategy to transform the economy, end the Cold War, and create a vision of America that would propel him to the presidency.

Reagan In His Own Voice features Ronald Reagan's radio addresses from the late 1970s. Edited by Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson, and Martin Anderson, they are introduced by George Shultz and feature additional introductions by Nancy Reagan, Richard V. Allen, Judge William Clark, Michael Deaver, Peter Hannaford, Edwin Meese III and Harry O'Connor.

From 1975 to 1979 Ronald Reagan gave more than 1,000 daily radio broadcasts, the great majority of which he wrote himself. This program represents the opening of a major archive of pre-presidential material from the Reagan Library and the Hoover Institution Archives. These addresses transform our image of Ronald Reagan, and enhance and revise our understanding of the late 1970s — a time when Reagan held no political office, but was nonetheless mapping out a strategy to transform the economy, end the cold war, and create a vision of America that would propel him to the presidency.


I think that Reagan was on radio though wasn't he? GE radio or something like that?

Hahahahhaha; look, another uniformed Liberal dunce stuck on a special brand of stupid.

I guess the leftist talking points missed this little bit of history about Reagan; they were too busy trying to dredge up race hustling garbage.
You're angry at those on the right because they don't hate people that have more than they do or blame business for everything under the sun ?...Really ?

The right-wing weirdoes hate EVERYBODY, especially themselves for being such gutless grovellers.
Ronald Reagan is a demigod for the republican party, but only in the abstract. He is a symbol, but devoid of detail. Once righties start having to deal with the things that Ronnie actually SAID, they start tap dancing and shuffling away from him because Jarod is absolutely correct. By today's strict conservative litmus test, Reagan would be a RINO.

And by any measurement, JFK would puke if he could see what his party has evolved into.....times change, people change....
my dad knew Ronnie from back when he was a democrat and a sports announcer at WOC in Davenport, Iowa... he said he always thought he was a nice enough guy, just sort of an intellectual lightweight.

That certainly explains why Ronnie was a Democrat in those days....and why you are today.