Conservatives and Blacks in Same Boat

I am happiest with an intelligent nemesis. Dixie may have his head up his ass, but there is intelligence inside it.

Hmm I thought that to be a bit contradictory.
I always thought it dumb to have your head up your ass, pretty stinky up there.
They're intellectual equals so they enjoy a good debate between them.

To everyone else it looks like two pigs rolling in the mud though, much like a USC-Battleborne debate.
The initial post in this thread is a completely flawed analysis and conservatives and African-Americans are in two very different boats with the conservative one floating rudderless down the river and the African-American boat powering its way upstream.

The conservative boat is in serious danger of crashing and drowning all its riders, while the African-American boat just got a new engine.

There is NO, ZERO, NADA, ZILCH reason for African-Americans to be considered in the same political view as conservatives and no reason for blacks to look to any alliance with conservatives in politics that is not firmly rooted in a liberal perspective.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I think you misunderstood what I posted. I never said conservatives and blacks should have an alliance or share any commonality in political views or issues. In fact, they are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum for the most part. The connection I made was the way both are ignored by their party. Blacks are fooled into thinking Obama is devoted to "the black cause" but listen to his words, pay attention to his speeches. He is not promising anything to black America. he doesn't sound like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or even his own pastor... He doesn't have to, don't you see? He knows that his being an African-American, will be enough to secure the black vote, and he need not make any promises to gain something he is already going to get. This has been the mentality of the DNC for years, why bother fixing the problems for blacks when that is the reason they keep voting for us! John McCain is doing the same exact thing with regard to the Conservative vote. The McCain camp is assuming Conservatives will support McCain, because they can't support a liberal. Trouble is, for all intents and purposes, and from the conservative perspective thus far, McCain is a liberal!

You may think you are in a boat with a new motor, tooling upstream to glory, but you are still in the same boat with some conservatives, those who are on the McCain bandwagon like you are on fire for Obama. Those conservatives who can somehow reconcile supporting McCain because he isn't Hillary or Obama, not because of his political viewpoints or stance on the issues. People who are in total denial, and duped into thinking their issues and causes will be addressed if they only give their unconditional support to the candidate selected by the party.
I'd be interested to hear what issues Dixie thinks are important to the "black cause." I have heard Obama talk about proposals for education, healthcare, jobs, etc. that would certainly benefit many in the minority community.

Sounds more like someone who is finally disgusted with the GOP & desperate to find someone on the "other side" to commiserate with. At least it's a step forward.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I think you misunderstood what I posted. I never said conservatives and blacks should have an alliance or share any commonality in political views or issues. In fact, they are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum for the most part. The connection I made was the way both are ignored by their party. Blacks are fooled into thinking Obama is devoted to "the black cause" but listen to his words, pay attention to his speeches. He is not promising anything to black America. he doesn't sound like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or even his own pastor... He doesn't have to, don't you see? He knows that his being an African-American, will be enough to secure the black vote, and he need not make any promises to gain something he is already going to get. This has been the mentality of the DNC for years, why bother fixing the problems for blacks when that is the reason they keep voting for us! John McCain is doing the same exact thing with regard to the Conservative vote. The McCain camp is assuming Conservatives will support McCain, because they can't support a liberal. Trouble is, for all intents and purposes, and from the conservative perspective thus far, McCain is a liberal!

You may think you are in a boat with a new motor, tooling upstream to glory, but you are still in the same boat with some conservatives, those who are on the McCain bandwagon like you are on fire for Obama. Those conservatives who can somehow reconcile supporting McCain because he isn't Hillary or Obama, not because of his political viewpoints or stance on the issues. People who are in total denial, and duped into thinking their issues and causes will be addressed if they only give their unconditional support to the candidate selected by the party.

BAC obviously didn't understand the initial post...Dix is right on the money in both Dems and Blacks and R's and Conservatives...

So lets be blunt...Blacks have been bought and paid for by Dems....given some handouts and promises and don't know they've be taken in and used and thrown away like a used condom......

Cons simply have no other place to support a liberal makes you want to puke and to not vote at all seems like avoiding your duty....
Anticipating voting for McCain is enough to make most Cons gag...

Its a good thing its the Dems turn in office or I'd be concerned....
I'd be interested to hear what issues Dixie thinks are important to the "black cause." I have heard Obama talk about proposals for education, healthcare, jobs, etc. that would certainly benefit many in the minority community.

Sounds more like someone who is finally disgusted with the GOP & desperate to find someone on the "other side" to commiserate with. At least it's a step forward.

It doesn't matter what I think the "black cause" is, or my ideas of what are important to it. Obama gives the same empty liberal platitude-laden speeches of his predecessors, there is nothing new in substance. It's a lot of "Together, with Hope, we can Change..." bullshit we hear every time. He will talk about what he plans for education, healthcare, and jobs, but he will simply be the president, not the congress who will decide these programs. Still, these supposed "solutions" he has, do nothing to address the issues of the black community, as expressed by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Rev. Wright. Where is Obama on those issues? Well, he is distancing himself from Rev. Wright, he wants no connection to the rhetorical radicalism of black activists. Much the way John McCain wants no connection with Evangelical Christian Conservatives.

As for being disgusted with the GOP, that certainly describes the collective conservative view. We are frustrated with John McCain, who continues to be politically tone-deaf to his base. Most of us would LOVE to hear something from McCain to reaffirm he is a conservative who shares our same values, but we continue to get the McCain who wants to buddy up with Al Gore and the Environmentalists... the McCain who wants to ally with Russ Fiengold and Ted Kennedy. Non-committal on the illegal immigration issue, slippery on taxes, and completely off the reservation on a host of social conservative issues. McCain has his work cut out for him, regardless of which socialist he runs against. If this is going to be a race between the Liberal and the Socialist, the Conservative will just not bother voting.
I agree with Dixie on this to some extent. I think that Obama's political rhetoric will not matter if congress doesn't get behind him...and if the democrats in the senate can't get their numbers up to 60.

Dixie's concerns about McCain's "liberal-ness" are being echoes all over the net, talk radio, and television. Conservatives are looking for an alternative. Bob Barr may offer it, but the reality will be that a vote for Barr is the same as a vote for Obama.

Hey Dixie... we're up to 4077. Still waving the Iraq war pompoms?
I agree with Dixie on this to some extent. I think that Obama's political rhetoric will not matter if congress doesn't get behind him...and if the democrats in the senate can't get their numbers up to 60.

Dixie's concerns about McCain's "liberal-ness" are being echoes all over the net, talk radio, and television. Conservatives are looking for an alternative. Bob Barr may offer it, but the reality will be that a vote for Barr is the same as a vote for Obama.

Hey Dixie... we're up to 4077. Still waving the Iraq war pompoms?

Well that's two reasons to vote for Barr, then.
If I have to vote for Bob Barr to make a point, I will. I have no intention of voting for McCain if he continues to ignore the conservative base and pander to the left. If that essentially gives the election to the Democrat, so be it. The Republican party needs to get its head out of its ass and find us a true conservative candidate, and it's obvious they aren't going to do this until something makes them do it.
If I have to vote for Bob Barr to make a point, I will. I have no intention of voting for McCain if he continues to ignore the conservative base and pander to the left. If that essentially gives the election to the Democrat, so be it. The Republican party needs to get its head out of its ass and find us a true conservative candidate, and it's obvious they aren't going to do this until something makes them do it.

that is a principled position. I wonder, however, if McCain will be able to "pander" to the right in the final weeks by making some promise he won't necessarily intend to keep or by nominating an ultra conservative running mate and get many conservatives to "come home" with something less than substantive?
What's ironic is that McCain is actually a hell of a lot more conservative than your cute boy in blue jeans, Dix. The media "moderate" image is such a myth. But you guys are pissed at him about the gang of 14 & the fact that he actually talks about the environment, so you buy into it.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I think you misunderstood what I posted. I never said conservatives and blacks should have an alliance or share any commonality in political views or issues. In fact, they are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum for the most part. The connection I made was the way both are ignored by their party. Blacks are fooled into thinking Obama is devoted to "the black cause" but listen to his words, pay attention to his speeches. He is not promising anything to black America. he doesn't sound like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or even his own pastor... He doesn't have to, don't you see? He knows that his being an African-American, will be enough to secure the black vote, and he need not make any promises to gain something he is already going to get. This has been the mentality of the DNC for years, why bother fixing the problems for blacks when that is the reason they keep voting for us! John McCain is doing the same exact thing with regard to the Conservative vote. The McCain camp is assuming Conservatives will support McCain, because they can't support a liberal. Trouble is, for all intents and purposes, and from the conservative perspective thus far, McCain is a liberal!

You may think you are in a boat with a new motor, tooling upstream to glory, but you are still in the same boat with some conservatives, those who are on the McCain bandwagon like you are on fire for Obama. Those conservatives who can somehow reconcile supporting McCain because he isn't Hillary or Obama, not because of his political viewpoints or stance on the issues. People who are in total denial, and duped into thinking their issues and causes will be addressed if they only give their unconditional support to the candidate selected by the party.

I apologize if I've misconscrued your thoughts, but your explanation is even more confusing.

What do you KNOW about what Obama has "promised" to black people? I suggest that you don't know anything about it. I don't know a single black person .. and I know lots of them .. who are looking for one single promise from Obama. Perhaps you function on "promises", which may explain why your own side of the political fence is diseased and falling apart, your ideology proven to be morally and politically bankrupt.

I, and all the Obama supporters I know, regardless of race, support Obama based on his intelligence, platform, and his experiences .. which obviously you know nothing about.

Powell, Rice, Watts, Thomas, Keyes are all African-American. Would they be sure to secure the black vote simply because they're black? The real obvious answer is hell to the no, they would not .. THUS .. also really obvious are two things ..

1) Obviously, just being black doesn't secure the black vote and POLICIES matter.

2) Obviously, you don't know what you're talking about.

Here's something else you don't know .. all people are ignored by their political party. Surely you're not as totally ignorant as one would have to be not to know that whites get ignored by both political parties .. unless you're suggesting that the disasters created by the Republican Party is exactly what white people who voted for them wanted. I'm assuming that you're not that stupid ..

"Ignored by their party" .. how about poor and middle class white people who voted for republicans who fucked them as they did the bidding of the rich and sent the jobs of the poor bastards that voted for them overseas?

As you frantically search for bad news about "other" people, hopefully you're as comfortable in your own skin as I am in mine. Hopefully you're as comfortable with your own political perspectives and intelligence as I am with mine.

While you pontificate about people you don't know, African-Americans stand on the cusp of history with one of us rising to become the most powerful man on the planet .. an accomplishment achieved in the short span of FOURTY-TWO YEARS.

From Jim Crow to the most powerful man on the planet in FOURTY-TWO YEARS. Harvard educated, handsome, articulate, his wife as highly educated, beautiful, and articulate.

Think of all the astounding ignorance and hate that rolled off the putrid and disgusting lips of dixiecrats and knuckledragging racists about how superior they were and how inferior everybody else was.

Oh the joy .. look at those ignorant assholes today. Scrambling to find something, anything to make themselves feel special. Their ideology, culture, and history mocked, laughed at, and ridiculed.

Oh the absolute joy. :)

The mirror is a bitch, huh?
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