Conservatives and the Crucible - Republican Expectations of an Obama Admini

The Bare Knuckled Pundit

Grand Inquisitor
Eyeing the prospects of Democrats controlling both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, there are those lieutenants among the conservative ranks formulating plans to take maximum advantage of their pending time in the political wilderness. Foot soldiers will be recruited, leaders groomed, money raised and the intellectual-ideological foundation of the next conservative revival will be laid.

Students of history among the faithful cite the last two Democratic administrations as the source of their fervent hope.

Looking back, they see Bill Clinton first.

Though his presidency brought an end to the twelve year Reagan-Bush era, it likewise brought an end to the forty-plus year Democratic domination of the House of Representatives. While the tea leaves point towards Obama being blessed with a Congress controlled by his fellow political travelers, they take heart in Clinton’s mid-term defeat. Hoping he will experience the same freshman failure to translate enthusiasm into policy, they are preparing to bide their time in the role of the loyal opposition till Obama’s mid-term test.

Looking at the issues that are likely to dominate the run-up to the 2010 mid-term election, they see the potential for discord between an Obama White House and the Democratic-controlled Congress over a plethora of matters from military missions in Afghanistan-Pakistan to economic policy to the degree of universality in health care.

With a history of tension and outright competition between Democratic Congresses and administrations, there are many who believe the odds are good that they will haphazardly cast victory into the ravenous jaws of defeat. Encouraged by this prospect, Republicans dream of resurrecting the success and momentum of the “Contract with America” and the nationalized campaign that ushered in Grand Old Party control of the House for six consecutive Congresses.

Casting their gaze back farther, they find the greatly loathed Jimmy Carter, the last true Liberal to occupy the White House.

Dour and resolute in their convictions, they view the Carter years as the coda of a two decade long period of tribulation for the United States. Humiliation in Vietnam; riots and tumult at home; an economy held hostage to the whims of Arab petro-states; assaults on the traditional family; moral decay, societal decadence and malaise following cancerous malignancy at the heart of American government are the images that haunt Conservative memories of the 60’s and 70’s. The children of the “greatest generation” that had saved the world in the 40’s brought the American republic to its’ knees three short decades later. Held fast in the grip of a self-imposed exile in the White House, Carter became the Conservative’s disdained and maligned poster child for the ills unleashed from the Pandora’s Box of liberalism.

In the face of Carter’s weakness of will and malaise of spirit rode Ronald Reagan, the larger-than-life and ever dutiful conservative standard bearer.

Believing in the exceptionalism of America, he proclaimed her to be a shining city on the hill, a gleaming beacon of hope and inspiration. Extolling nationalism as a virtue, he rejected the self-flagellating apologists of Carter’s unreconstructed liberal brethren. So enthralling was his appeal and powerful his vision of what America could be that Conservatives stand in his shadow to this day and seek to wrap themselves in his mantle.

Fearing decades of banishment from the White House due to Watergate and Ford's preemptive pardon of Nixon, Republicans viewed Reagan in almost messianic terms as he handily crushed Carter and his vice president in successive landslide victories. Adding insult to injury, the term "Reagan Democrats" was coined in reference to his appeal to blue collar workers and labor union members that the Democratic Party had traditionally viewed as their stalwart foot soldiers.

With sage tones, Republicans point to the Carter years as the crucible America had to pass through to prepare it for Reagan’s ascendency. As they come to terms with the prospect of an Obama presidency, they take solace in the thought that while it may well be a long and arduous four years, it may likewise open the door for the next Conservative champion and another multi-term era of White House stewardship.

Though this is their hope, the question is - Who will this champion be and from where will they come? Reviewing the cadre that took the field to challenge for the latest Republican nomination it is strikingly clear that they must carry their search farther afield; beyond those that currently stand at the head of their ranks if they are to find a champion both viable and capable of meeting the Herculean challenge, much less of filling the dusty boots a former actor turned political legend left sitting by the Oval Office door.
Often, when you depend on the failure of others to father your own success, things do not unfold exactly as you had hoped.
Indeed. Hardly a proactive approach.

Quite similar to an understudy earnestly waiting in the wings for the lead to break a leg, as it were.

I know a couple of people who believe that the country is in such dire condition, left that way by 8 years of bush, that it would be better for mccain to win, because it cannot be reversed in four years. So whoever is the next president is going to be a one-term failure.

But, the way I see it is that FDR did not turn around the last really dire Con mess we were in, in one term. And the country stuck with him. How Obama can inspire the people, and get them to understand that we didn’t get into this overnight, and we won’t get out of it overnight, is the wild card. The thing that the opposition cannot control.
I know a couple of people who believe that the country is in such dire condition, left that way by 8 years of bush, that it would be better for mccain to win, because it cannot be reversed in four years. So whoever is the next president is going to be a one-term failure.

But, the way I see it is that FDR did not turn around the last really dire Con mess we were in, in one term. And the country stuck with him. How Obama can inspire the people, and get them to understand that we didn’t get into this overnight, and we won’t get out of it overnight, is the wild card. The thing that the opposition cannot control.

that is the question Darla. How good of a salesman Obama is to the masses. And can he overcome the Republican obstructonism / sabotage to the USA that will remain.

rest assured that the republicans will have massive hatred and will sabatoge all that Obama attempts to do. should he become president.
that is the question Darla. How good of a salesman Obama is to the masses. And can he overcome the Republican obstructonism / sabotage to the USA that will remain.

rest assured that the republicans will have massive hatred and will sabatoge all that Obama attempts to do. should he become president.

Yeah I know. I really believe the intend to not let elections they lose, stand. They tried to overthrow Clinton – and that’s all that was – it was actually revealed that they believed in 2000 that bush would win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote, and had no intention of allowing Gore to take office should that happen, they stole florida and ohio, they sent paid thugs into florida to try and break down the doors during the recount….

These guys are not democratic citizens. I do fear they will do anything to gain power, and I do not preclude a military overthrow, if they could work one out. The circumstances would have to be just right. Like “another pearl harbor”. Funny how the events they need, no matter how far-fetched, seem to just happen though.
Yeah I know. I really believe the intend to not let elections they lose, stand. They tried to overthrow Clinton – and that’s all that was – it was actually revealed that they believed in 2000 that bush would win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote, and had no intention of allowing Gore to take office should that happen, they stole florida and ohio, they sent paid thugs into florida to try and break down the doors during the recount….

These guys are not democratic citizens. I do fear they will do anything to gain power, and I do not preclude a military overthrow, if they could work one out. The circumstances would have to be just right. Like “another pearl harbor”. Funny how the events they need, no matter how far-fetched, seem to just happen though.

"They" seems to refer to a lot of different people here.
Yeah I know. I really believe the intend to not let elections they lose, stand. They tried to overthrow Clinton – and that’s all that was – it was actually revealed that they believed in 2000 that bush would win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote, and had no intention of allowing Gore to take office should that happen, they stole florida and ohio, they sent paid thugs into florida to try and break down the doors during the recount….

These guys are not democratic citizens. I do fear they will do anything to gain power, and I do not preclude a military overthrow, if they could work one out. The circumstances would have to be just right. Like “another pearl harbor”. Funny how the events they need, no matter how far-fetched, seem to just happen though.

ROFLMAO.... that was funny.
There’s a big difference between being homosexual and being a gayboy. Don’t tell me I have to get Top to explain it to you?

Unfortunately I will need an explanation. Which means you shall have to stick around and translate his gibberish for me.
Unfortunately I will need an explanation. Which means you shall have to stick around and translate his gibberish for me.

A homosexual is someone who prefers sex with the same gender. A gayboy is a mamma’s boy, a nerd, a guy in suspenders that pull his pants above his ankles and wears a pocket protector and taped together eyeglasses. Cawacko, post your picture so SF can see what I mean. Or…don’t you have a mirror SF?
A homosexual is someone who prefers sex with the same gender. A gayboy is a mamma’s boy, a nerd, a guy in suspenders that pull his pants above his ankles and wears a pocket protector and taped together eyeglasses. Cawacko, post your picture so SF can see what I mean. Or…don’t you have a mirror SF?

Hmmm... so a "gayboy" is essentially a mamma's boy... of the nerdian variety.

I see.... so why you got to insult the gay community by associating "gay" with such a creature? Why not simply call them mammas boys like everyone else?
Hmmm... so a "gayboy" is essentially a mamma's boy... of the nerdian variety.

I see.... so why you got to insult the gay community by associating "gay" with such a creature? Why not simply call them mammas boys like everyone else?

Because she's clearly a latent homophobe.
That’s not true. Who was the only poster who found it way hot when Soc told SF that he ever turns gay, SF will never go back to women? Me.

Unless...did you find it hot too?

"ever turns gay"?????

So there IS a switch or something? People CHOOSE to be gay? Interesting.
I will take over the Seas first and foremost!

Ok, and let’s make SF walk the plank.

Besides being annoying, he’s part of the problem. We can kill him first and throw him over board, maybe. But with someone like Bravo, let’s load him up with bloody bait, and throw him over alive into shark infested waters.

I got lots of ideas just like that one. You won’t be disappointed!