Conservatives and the Crucible - Republican Expectations of an Obama Admini

With the price of gold as high as it is, I'd sell them. I recently sold a 14k gold chain I bought in the early 90's for $200 for $600.
I'll give you an 8 out of ten on the above...

1) I don't think you mispelled more than one or two words.

2) The attempt at humor was actually funny

3) It must have pained you greatly to type out that long of a post without using GEDer, dubble digiter, spinster, cold-caller or ambulance chaser.

Did someone call me?
Listen, Top should be sued, and sued often. I’m not the violent type, or I’d hire someone to beat him up twice a week.
sue me for what HIgh oil.
Your drunk ass boyfriends of the week would need about a months worth of weekend stands to get the job done dhula.
I’m going to IA you top. You’re really gone off your meds, and sooner or later, I will retaliate by calling your wife a whore, and why should I bring that poor woman into it?
You need help Top, and you are truly a piece of shit.
you dump broad, you started it.
I know you don't know your way around the kitchen but if you can't stand the heat
Particularly when their based upon pure mythology as much of conservaitive ideology has been.

Most of our moral shortcomings, as a nation, have occurred during or were a result of the policies of conservative administrations.

Like FDR and internment, Truman and Korea, JFK/LBJ and Vietnam?