Conservatives are fucking stupid


Junior Member
Is there any doubt left?

Look at this board as a cross section of conservative America. Are you impressed?

Didn't think so.

And is there any question why the guy who hosts "Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?" has a southern accent? I'm pretty sure they were trying to make a show conservative southerners and hicks could watch and feel like they're not completely retarded. The news (aside form Fox) stings their ego too badly.
Is there any doubt left?

Look at this board as a cross section of conservative America. Are you impressed?

Didn't think so.

And is there any question why the guy who hosts "Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?" has a southern accent? I'm pretty sure they were trying to make a show conservative southerners and hicks could watch and feel like they're not completely retarded. The news (aside form Fox) stings their ego too badly.

I'm stupid, Dixie and the trolls are fucking retarded. That doesn't mean Damo and Chap are, or SF or other conservatives you have encountered in the past such as Stories or Gentoo.

You should check out and read some of the archived journals. ISI is one of the most intellectual conservative organizations that is run by college professors.
I'm stupid, Dixie and the trolls are fucking retarded. That doesn't mean Damo and Chap are, or SF or other conservatives you have encountered in the past such as Stories or Gentoo.

You should check out and read some of the archived journals. ISI is one of the most intellectual conservative organizations that is run by college professors.

Oh Threedee it's all good. Our good friend who started this thread prayed to God I would die about six months ago on this board. I guess God doesn't follow certain people's orders.
Did I really? Guess that proves there is no God.

I'm only half serious. There are some intelligent conservatives, but they're motivated by greed. So they're no higher up on the scale of human worth.

Republicans (which is what I meant by conservative) are the dumbest lot on this board. I mean, seriously. They have to be joking at this point. The ones who aren't dumb have other character flaws that make them totally worthless.
Did I really? Guess that proves there is no God.

I'm only half serious. There are some intelligent conservatives, but they're motivated by greed. So they're no higher up on the scale of human worth.

Republicans (which is what I meant by conservative) are the dumbest lot on this board. I mean, seriously. They have to be joking at this point. The ones who aren't dumb have other character flaws that make them totally worthless.

I have nothing to say to the Party of Jerkson. This country is already a failure because of you. What happens now is a postmodern drama between a once great party and a never great party.
Liberals are responsible for the greatness that was America. What we're left with is a stripped-down version, robbed of its soul by corporate interests and fueled by their allies in Washington (on both sides, but mostly yours).
I have nothing to say to the Party of Jerkson. This country is already a failure because of you. What happens now is a postmodern drama between a once great party and a never great party.

Threedee, read this my friend.

Arthur Laffer quoted in the Wall Street Journal today:

...speaking last month to graduates of Mercer University:

Pursuing your dream of prospering will benefit everyone . . . When I graduated from Yale University, we had a serious commencement speaker not like the one you are stuck with today. The commencement speaker was President John F. Kennedy. And the point I'm making today is the same point he made all those years ago. He said, "No American is ever made better off by pulling a fellow American down, and all of us are made better off whenever any one of us is made better off." He concluded by using the analogy that "a rising tide raises all boats." Never forget or be ashamed of the fact that pursuing your own self interest furthers everyone's interest. Without you, the poor would be poorer.
Liberals are responsible for the greatness that was America. What we're left with is a stripped-down version, robbed of its soul by corporate interests and fueled by their allies in Washington (on both sides, but mostly yours).

Yes Sir, but what brought greatness to America my friend was classic liberals, i.e. not the liberals of today. Classic liberals today my qualify as libertarians or people without a party. But learn your history my friend...
Well, Ib1 the basic context of your argument is that we are stupid by fiat. Since you are a brain-dead moron, being simply stupid makes us geniuses. Had you interjected some commentary to support your argument, perhaps your point would have credibility. However, you neglected this detail, which usually means you didn't have the intelligence to support your argument, or you didn't have the substance. I've argued things with you before, and I think it may be a bit of both, in your case. You lack the intelligence to support your arguments, of which you have no substance to support to begin with. In short, you are a blowhard liberal punk who just wants to hurl insults at people without justification. You've been exposed as a fraud.
Did you see the greed there? I did. It also happens to be a laughable idea, considering the nature of greed and unfettered capitalism.
your not leftist talking like that is using the "f" bomb must be a republican troll.
Well, Ib1 the basic context of your argument is that we are stupid by fiat. Since you are a brain-dead moron, being simply stupid makes us geniuses. Had you interjected some commentary to support your argument, perhaps your point would have credibility. However, you neglected this detail, which usually means you didn't have the intelligence to support your argument, or you didn't have the substance. I've argued things with you before, and I think it may be a bit of both, in your case. You lack the intelligence to support your arguments, of which you have no substance to support to begin with. In short, you are a blowhard liberal punk who just wants to hurl insults at people without justification. You've been exposed as a fraud.

Dixie, you're responsible for making everyone on this board think you're stupid. You have exactly 1/3 the intelligence of the dumbest poster above you.

And the fact that you're biting my obvious bait trap and latching onto it as though it's a savory snack without recognizing that it wasn't meant to have supporting evidence - it was meant to get you frustrated and it did. ;)
Did you see the greed there? I did. It also happens to be a laughable idea, considering the nature of greed and unfettered capitalism.

you are correct sir. socialism and communism has brought much happiness and security to the masses.
you are correct sir. socialism and communism has brought much happiness and security to the masses.

See the above for a perfect example of a stupid comment that a conservative on this board actually believes.

If you're so stupid that you honestly believe Democrats are socialists or communists, you are fucking retarded.
Dixie, I found your missing dollar:

See the above for a perfect example of a stupid comment that a conservative on this board actually believes.

If you're so stupid that you honestly believe Democrats are socialists or communists, you are fucking retarded.

Aren't you headed to the military? You asked God to kill me a little while back. Now you want to go to the U.S. military and possibly have to fight overseas and maybe give your life because you paid $70k for a school that did not teach you shit?

I wish you the best my friend and I hope you do not have to risk you life. I also hope you find what you love to do and it covers your school bills.

If I am able to bring you to a climax by challenging my political views then I am happy and feel I have helped you. Be tell me what more I can do sir to help you have a happy ending...
Aren't you headed to the military? You asked God to kill me a little while back. Now you want to go to the U.S. military and possibly have to fight overseas and maybe give your life because you paid $70k for a school that did not teach you shit?

I wish you the best my friend and I hope you do not have to risk you life. I also hope you find what you love to do and it covers your school bills.

If I am able to bring you to a climax by challenging my political views then I am happy and feel I have helped you. Be tell me what more I can do sir to help you have a happy ending...

I want pies thrown on my grave. Your magnanimity is pretty transparent.