Conservatives are fucking stupid

LMFAOooooo! Frustrated? Is that what you think? Man, you are depraved. It actually appears you are the one frustrated. People who are frustrated will often spout off some unsupportable opinion and call people names, which seems to be the fundamental purpose of your thread. I think it is you who is frustrated. Care to share what's frustrating you?
Yes Sir, but what brought greatness to America my friend was classic liberals, i.e. not the liberals of today. Classic liberals today my qualify as libertarians or people without a party. But learn your history my friend...

No, even they were fuck ups. I have nothing but loathing for Jefferson, Jackson, and the other liberals (mostly Southerners) of the 19th Century. We would have been a great nation if the Federalists had triumphed and perhaps if Lincoln had not bothered to prosecute the Civil War, but instead focused on building a consolidated republic of proper values and economy.

This view is, of course, what separtaes me from many conservatives and all libertarians. I don't subscribe to democracy or to classical liberalism, which gave us Jacksonian Democracy
I want pies thrown on my grave. Your magnanimity is pretty transparent.

I apologize for not responding better to your death wish for me sir. I thought I was being kind but lord knows I do have a lot to learn (and not just how I responded to you).

However I will wish you the best if you do decide to join the U.S. armed forces and political beliefs aside say thank you for serving and may God bless you.
Yes Sir, but what brought greatness to America my friend was classic liberals, i.e. not the liberals of today. Classic liberals today my qualify as libertarians or people without a party. But learn your history my friend...

I don't really think classical liberalism was ever very prominent in America.

The presence in the constitution of several state run enterprises that were current issues in the 1700's (and later on seemed pretty irrelevant) seems to confirm this.
LMFAOooooo! Frustrated? Is that what you think? Man, you are depraved. It actually appears you are the one frustrated. People who are frustrated will often spout off some unsupportable opinion and call people names, which seems to be the fundamental purpose of your thread. I think it is you who is frustrated. Care to share what's frustrating you?

I was frustrated by the fact that the board was stagnating and nobody was posting. Problem solved.
No, even they were fuck ups. I have nothing but loathing for Jefferson, Jackson, and the other liberals (mostly Southerners) of the 19th Century. We would have been a great nation if the Federalists had triumphed and perhaps if Lincoln had not bothered to prosecute the Civil War, but instead focused on building a consolidated republic of proper values and economy.

This view is, of course, what separtaes me from many conservatives and all libertarians. I don't subscribe to democracy or to classical liberalism, which gave us Jacksonian Democracy

With all due respect Threedee I've had way to much to drink tonight to even attempt to respond to you.
American politics was just something wildly different than the various philosophy that have been subscribed to it in years past. The constitution is full of things that were current issues in the 1780's, just as the Mississippi constitution is full of things that were only current issues in the 1890's. They weren't really meant for today, and the founders didn't even think that, but because of the peresonality cult built around the constitution, it survives mainly because modern people just twist certain words to confirm their beliefs. So, in the modern times, the constitution means everything to everyone, while realistically it matches almost none of our current beliefs besides free speech and voting.
American politics was just something wildly different than the various philosophy that have been subscribed to it in years past. The constitution is full of things that were current issues in the 1780's, just as the Mississippi constitution is full of things that were only current issues in the 1890's. They weren't really meant for today, and the founders didn't even think that, but because of the peresonality cult built around the constitution, it survives mainly because modern people just twist certain words to confirm their beliefs. So, in the modern times, the constitution means everything to everyone, while realistically it matches almost none of our current beliefs besides free speech and voting.

And gun rights.
And gun rights.

LOL. Support for gun rights isn't nearly as prevalent as free speech and voting, and only a stupid conservative would equalize them. I left them out for a reason; half the population has little faith in them.

And the reasons modern conservatives spout for gun rights have absolutely nothing to do with why the second amendment was in the constitution. The second amendment is in their because the British tried to disarm the American stockpile of weapons in Concorde (or wherever).
And of course, I left out freedom of religious, habeus corpus, and all that other stuff that is universally accepted in a liberal democracy. And Three chooses gun rights as the most important right.

Let me tell you three; you can live in that dictatorship with guns everywhere. I'll take the peaceful liberal democracy without them.
American politics was just something wildly different than the various philosophy that have been subscribed to it in years past. The constitution is full of things that were current issues in the 1780's, just as the Mississippi constitution is full of things that were only current issues in the 1890's. They weren't really meant for today, and the founders didn't even think that, but because of the peresonality cult built around the constitution, it survives mainly because modern people just twist certain words to confirm their beliefs. So, in the modern times, the constitution means everything to everyone, while realistically it matches almost none of our current beliefs besides free speech and voting.

American politics have certainly devolved into the factionism feared by several of our founding fathers, the extremes and special interests of both sides are controlling direction and the average persons of moderate opinion are squelched in the process. This ideological tug of war between liberal socialism and traditionalist conservatism, is only succeeding in establishing gridlock and bitter animosity. The problems we face are not being addressed, our Congress has lost control and turned into a daily monkey show on C-Span.

I have to vehemently disagree on the rest of your post. The US Constitution is probably the most powerful document in the history of the world, other than the Bible. Every word was deliberate, edited, re-thought, and analyzed for years, before it was included in the document and ratified. It was intended to stand the test of time, and it has. Comparing it to the Mississippi state constitution is typical intellectual dishonesty, but we expect as much from you. State constitutions are hundreds of pages of various amendments and modifications, and nothing even closely resembling the US Constitution. It is like comparing Harvard to Jeb Bush Middle School!

The Founders established a set of principles, and formed a Constitution. They fully understood that society and times would change, so they also established a means to amend the Constitution. We have done so a number of times, as you may know.

Your point about "modern people twisting the words" is also well-taken, but I would change it to "liberal activists judges twisting the words" and I agree 100% Issues being decided by the courts, are supposed to be decided by the people, but because they can twist the meanings intended in the Constitution to push through their liberal agendas, they do. This is because they realize most of this stuff would never pass at the ballot box.
Well it's an interesting point of view certainly that the constitution should be interpreted only by referendum. Unfortunately, it's also idiotic.
American politics have certainly devolved into the factionism feared by several of our founding fathers, the extremes and special interests of both sides are controlling direction and the average persons of moderate opinion are squelched in the process. This ideological tug of war between liberal socialism and traditionalist conservatism, is only succeeding in establishing gridlock and bitter animosity. The problems we face are not being addressed, our Congress has lost control and turned into a daily monkey show on C-Span.

Non-partisan government is just a fairytale. People don't get along, they aren't philosopher kings. They just shout at each other and hit each other with canes until the other shuts up.

I have to vehemently disagree on the rest of your post. The US Constitution is probably the most powerful document in the history of the world,


Another Diximplication.

other than the Bible.

The bible has affected us more than any other book.

Every word was deliberate, edited, re-thought, and analyzed for years, before it was included in the document and ratified. It was intended to stand the test of time, and it has.

I disagree. The document is extremely regionalist and specifically mentions numerous current event kinds of things. The only innovation it brought was further nationalizing the states, although it didn't go nearly far enough, and this lead to the civil war.

The only reason it has "stood the test of time" is because it's not being held to. Any document that's considered infinitely inviolable will become infinitely open to interpretation; you're bible proves this. Even the textualists differ radically from the intentions of the founding fathers, just as the so called Christian traditionalists do.

Libertarians tend to be very "constitutionalist", but just think about the post office, a ridiculously unlibertarian thing. The founding fathers clearly had absolutely no problem with the government running things. They were also clearly men of their time; the only thing a government ran back in the 1700's was a post office, and so they just threw it in there. It doesn't smack of much forsight. But it also disproves that the founders had any libertarian intentions whatsoever.

Comparing it to the Mississippi state constitution is typical intellectual dishonesty, but we expect as much from you.

I only compared it to the US constitution in the way that the US constitution is very clearly a thing of its time. People only cling to it because of its positive connotation.

State constitutions are hundreds of pages of various amendments and modifications, and nothing even closely resembling the US Constitution.

Yeah your constitution is pretty goddamn ridiculous. Mine is too. But in recent years there's been a trend of passing stripped down constitutions that just layout a basic form of government and allow civil rights, instead of the monstrous attempt to codify an entire current events creed into law forever without any attempt at forsight that is your constitution.

The Founders established a set of principles, and formed a Constitution. They fully understood that society and times would change, so they also established a means to amend the Constitution. We have done so a number of times, as you may know.

No one amends the constitution because it doesn't mean anything anymore. Conservatives who pretend they believe exactly what the constitution says are even more ridiculous than the liberals and libertarians who pretend to.
Your point about "modern people twisting the words" is also well-taken, but I would change it to "liberal activists judges twisting the words"

Your being ridiculously selective. And bringing again up the myth of the "liberal activist judge". Conservatives only hate "liberal activist judges" because of one decision: Brown vs. Board of education.

and I agree 100% Issues being decided by the courts, are supposed to be decided by the people, but because they can twist the meanings intended in the Constitution to push through their liberal agendas, they do. This is because they realize most of this stuff would never pass at the ballot box.

Invidual rights trump states rights Dixie. By a long shot. 99% of the people interpreting the constitution at the ballot box to mean I have no freedom of speech or right to go to school with black people doesn't mean shit. That is probably why the founders wanted an the independent judiciary that modern conservatives decry so much while at the same time claiming they love the constitution.
And of course, I left out freedom of religious, habeus corpus, and all that other stuff that is universally accepted in a liberal democracy. And Three chooses gun rights as the most important right.

Let me tell you three; you can live in that dictatorship with guns everywhere. I'll take the peaceful liberal democracy without them.

No dictatorship on earth lets its people bare arms. And its not a liberal democracy unless the people can have that right. Otherwise people are only as free as their leaders say they are...
If you're really, really nice to IB maybe he'll explain to you how raping an infant causes no harm to the child because the baby is too young to remember being raped.....

Come on 'em your stuff, impress 'em with that impeccable logic...that awesome IQ....
Liberals and Moderates (not read as any party) worked to put an end to slavery in this country. Liberals put an end to segregation. Liberals put an end to jim crow in the voting booth. Liberals made sure that IF you were arrested by the local police that your right against self incrimination was not violated. Liberals made sure that evidence obtained absent a search warrant could not be used in court against you. Liberals made sure that Jewish and Buhdist and Atheist kids were not forced to sit and listen to the prayers of christians spewed over the intercom at their schools. Conservatives were opposed to EVERY SINGLE THING is just mention up there. COnservatives believed that the US Constitution did not apply to the states when it came to criminal procedure. COnservatives believed that whether black kids got to go to the same schools as white kids should be left up to the likes of George Wallace who once said Segregation now, segregation tommorrow, segregation forever. Conserverative have been opposed to almost every advancement of civil liberties in this country in the last 100 years.
Liberals and Moderates (not read as any party) worked to put an end to slavery in this country. Liberals put an end to segregation. Liberals put an end to jim crow in the voting booth. Liberals made sure that IF you were arrested by the local police that your right against self incrimination was not violated. Liberals made sure that evidence obtained absent a search warrant could not be used in court against you. Liberals made sure that Jewish and Buhdist and Atheist kids were not forced to sit and listen to the prayers of christians spewed over the intercom at their schools. Conservatives were opposed to EVERY SINGLE THING is just mention up there. COnservatives believed that the US Constitution did not apply to the states when it came to criminal procedure. COnservatives believed that whether black kids got to go to the same schools as white kids should be left up to the likes of George Wallace who once said Segregation now, segregation tommorrow, segregation forever. Conserverative have been opposed to almost every advancement of civil liberties in this country in the last 100 years.

Apparently you know nothing of 19th Century liberalism. Liberalism was mostly a product of southern ideologues, but that's okay because they gave us democracy, and then came back from Reconstruction and got on board the labor movement.