Consumer Spending Stalls in January


Villified User
Consumer Spending Stalls in January

Feb 29, 9:08 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Consumer spending was essentially flat for the second straight month in January, raising new concerns about a possible recession.

The Commerce Department said Friday that spending posted a 0.4 percent rise in January, which was better than economists had been expecting. However, all of that gain came from a surge in inflation during the month. Taking away the effect of prices, spending showed no gain in January or December.

Other than two negative months in August and September of 2005, which reflected the disruptions from Hurricane Katrina, inflation-adjusted consumer spending has not been so weak since November and December of 2001, when the country was struggling to emerge from the last recession.
you must be so excited! Your predictions of doom and gloom may finally be coming true. You're a few years ahead of the curve too. You should be very proud of yourself.
you must be so excited! Your predictions of doom and gloom may finally be coming true. You're a few years ahead of the curve too. You should be very proud of yourself.

What a weird response to some sobering economic news. I didn't see any editorial comment in USC's post.
Proud of my foresight yes, proud of the painful times due ahead for the USA, no.
It is sad that most all the "experts" did not see it coming, or did and lied to Bush still is.
What a weird response to some sobering economic news. I didn't see any editorial comment in USC's post.

After year after year of doom and gloom from USC, the economy is finally slowing to a point at which we may be able to call it a recession. I think it's fair to assume USC is excited that his predictive powers are proven to be so accute.

A broken clock is right at least once a day.
After year after year of doom and gloom from USC, the economy is finally slowing to a point at which we may be able to call it a recession. I think it's fair to assume USC is excited that his predictive powers are proven to be so accute.

A broken clock is right at least once a day.

A recession is a little different from the time of day.

Recessions - particularly deep recessions (Glenn Beck said we could be in for a depression) - is not just a natural part of a 'cyclic' economy. Bush has been absent on economic policy; that is obvious. Would you prefer that we tiptoe around that & not mention it on a political message board? Does it offend your sensibilities?
Yep this will not just be an economic burp or readjustment.
And that has been my argument all along. I will be well pleased if I am wrong though and we have recovered by the end of the year.
the us econom is bad ass baby.
SO bad ass that turbo-libs like oncelor claim the current admins policies to be shit when gdp gets down to 1% after the longest positive stretches on record.
our poor people are fat, a recession is not the boogey man at all.
USC is as uninformed on the economy as you can get.
the us econom is bad ass baby.
SO bad ass that turbo-libs like oncelor claim the current admins policies to be shit when gdp gets down to 1% after the longest positive stretches on record.
our poor people are fat, a recession is not the boogey man at all.
USC is as uninformed on the economy as you can get.

Really, more uninformed than me?
you guys are close to zero both on the economy.
Dems never care much unless you have a republican presiding over a slow growth
the us econom is bad ass baby.
SO bad ass that turbo-libs like oncelor claim the current admins policies to be shit when gdp gets down to 1% after the longest positive stretches on record.
our poor people are fat, a recession is not the boogey man at all.
USC is as uninformed on the economy as you can get.

Tops, this is just tired. Do you want me to dig up posts that you wrote only a few months back that guaranteed things the business headlines today completely contradict?

We're in some deep economic badness right now. Glenn Beck of all people is predicting a depression. I know you didn't like hearing all of the recession talk last year, but part of avoiding these kinds of dramatic downturns & heading off potential recessions is actually thinking AHEAD, and not dismissing every concern about the economy as "chicken little."

Bush had no economic plan. "Cut taxes"; that was it.
the us econom is bad ass baby.
SO bad ass that turbo-libs like oncelor claim the current admins policies to be shit when gdp gets down to 1% after the longest positive stretches on record.
our poor people are fat, a recession is not the boogey man at all.
USC is as uninformed on the economy as you can get.

That same old tired story. Go buy some Starbucks stock dude.

Gold at over $970 YEAH BABY!
gold Eagles are nice.
ohh sorry had a topsputter moment there ;)
dig it up jackass, your barely below zero yourself.
Consumer spending was still up, we are 6 months from having a recession declared at minimum. We are the richest country in the world by far and are so spoiled that if we have 6months of less production than the previous we freak out. Not a usual democratic talking point but turbo-libs are learning to play dirty politics too.
dig it up jackass, your barely below zero yourself.
Consumer spending was still up, we are 6 months from having a recession declared at minimum. We are the richest country in the world by far and are so spoiled that if we have 6months of less production than the previous we freak out. Not a usual democratic talking point but turbo-libs are learning to play dirty politics too.

Whatever. You've got much more in the market than me, so you're gonna lose more.

The "keep hands over eyes & ears & keep humming loudly" mode isn't serving you well on this issue.
yeah the stock market is doing so well. I wonder how much the average 401K account has dropped in the last 12 months ?
thanks for that gem you moron, the average 401K has most definatley risen.

Link ? I really do not know since I do not have a 401K. I prefer to pay smaller taxes now than higher ones later.
Don't need a 401K anyway. I cashed mine out to get where I am now.
the market is flat for 12 months people put 4 to 10% of their salary in each month.
WOW, kentucky public schools.
Hmm according to what I read the stock market has laready lost over 5 trillion worldwide.
And the value of 401K's did not drop ?

That 4% contribution almost kept up with inflation.