Consumer Spending Stalls in January

do you want a cookie.
I understand hell of a lot better than you.
That's not what we were talking about Junior.
He said most 401K balances were down vs a year ago. CLASS DISSMISSED DANO
I'm not Dano. And your post was after mine explaining what a return was, so I repeated it as you appeared unclear (as well as foolish). It is nothing to celebrate when there is zero return on your investment in a 12 month period... even if you think you are richer because your balance went up.
freak use your economics, stocks are down last 6 months and same place as last year. Contributions alone would have them up. Post a link showing their down, 8th grade math says they are up.
USMORON having several quarters of growth at 3%, several above that. The economy is billions bigger than when you and Chicklorax started your whinning.

Again you moron. Investing more money in them does not equate to them being up.

Also... and do try to pay attention this time....

IF the market is flat for the past twelve months, it would indicate that on average your assets at the beginning of the 12 months are flat. Given that the market went up and then has come down for the past four months, it means that most of your contributions for the 12 months are DOWN.

Not to mention the typical performance of an individuals 401k is less than the market average on an annual basis due to several factors....

1) they are paying fees
2) the average mutual fund underperforms the market
3) the average investor does not buy and hold.... especially during the more volatile times... they tend to panic and bail when we go through period like the last year.

If you have data to show the average 401k was up in the last twelve months, I would love to see it.

NOTE TOPPY: I am saying I doubt your assertation that they are up. I do not have data showing it one way or the other. I have given you reasons why I think you are wrong. You have to have data to make a declaration that you guarantee they are up. Prove it.

Side NOTE: AGAIN if you have 100k position in XOM and it goes down to 90k, then you add 20k.... that does not mean you are UP. It means you have more money invested, but you LOST money.
do you want a cookie.
I understand hell of a lot better than you.
That's not what we were talking about Junior.
He said most 401K balances were down vs a year ago. CLASS DISSMISSED DANO

I was arguing your baseless statement that they were all UP. Show us the data toppy. You have to have it to make such an idiotic claim.

Enough of your childish class dismissed crap. Because Damo is 100% correct and you are the one so unbelievably wrong yet again.

Try this example toppy....

You have two stacks of money. One at work ($100k), one at home($20k). Both are yours.

I come in to your work and take 10k from that pile. You in turn take your $20k from home and bring it to work and add it to your work pile.

Now you have $110k at work and none at home.

Are you UP on the year toppy?
I guess the market does not listen to spinner or Bush.

Dow Ends Week With 316-Point Plunge
Posted: 2008-02-29 16:31:17
NEW YORK (Feb. 29) - Stocks fell sharply Friday after a series of depressing economic and corporate reports and high oil prices stoked concerns about the health of economy. The major stock indexes fell more than 2.5 percent, and the Dow Jones industrial average slipped 315.79.
Are you guys still talking about this?

401K's are taking a beating right now; I'm sure topspin's investments are, as well. Things don't stand to get much better as the recession that topspin guaranteed would never happen starts to really kick in.

Should be fun. That's another cautionary tale from the Bush admin: "cut taxes" does not equate to an economic "plan".

Well, hell! Let's fucking raise taxes! That should help!
Tax cuts coupled with drunken sailor spending does equal tax increases.
Has to at some point in the not too distant future.
supertool I did 13% vs a slightly down market over the last year. Tell me again how I don't understand economics. 17% for the last 5 yrs on average. LOFL:clink:
how can the economy be shit if a high school grad can make $75,000 working part time and 30% on his investments. Just think what the educated people are banking. LOFL
I am smarter than you are spinner. Not as educated, but smarter. That is obvious.

Darn I wish my back was better so I could go bowling ;)

Umm that was $75 /hour spinner and I worked close to 3,000 hours last year at that job. you do the math if you can manage it. Over 200k gross..

eat yer heart out :D
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BAHAHHAHAH good one.
your single
I'm married to a gorgeous sweet woman.
your hrly, I'm rich
your old, I'm almost old
yeah your smarter. LOFL
You haven't been to school since the computer was invented USGED I can see why you are cowering.

Were you waiting for me on the tennis court today ?
what does my education level matter at this point in my life is I am well fixed for the rest of my life ? Are you well fixed for the rest of your life ?
I am going to give up a job that paid me over 200k gross last year so some one else can still work that needs the money worse than I do.
Can or would you do that ?