CONWAY/KRISTOL/DOWD RIP Trump--Transparent? 'Hides WEALTH/HEALTH/GRADES pathololo'


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Transparent my ass! Man it must be fun in the KELLYANN household. Maybe he is her MOUTHPIECE. Why would she put up this?? And both say he does it pathologically.
Remember folks, these are REPUBLICANS. Apparently an OPED in NY Times evoked the rants. Let me reiterate, these are the CONSERVATIVES.

PS WHAT'S WITH THE HEALTH? What does Conway know?

George Conway piles on ‘transparent’ Trump for hiding his health, wealth and academic records

By Tom Boggioni - May 26, 2019

President Donald Trump listens intently to a reporter ask him a question at a press conference held at the Lotte Palace Hotel during the UN General Assembly. (Evan El-Amin /

Citing an opinion piece in the New York Times that is harshly critical of President Donald Trump, the husband of trusted presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway continued his war with his wife’s boss by calling him out for being a liar and a fraud. And “crazy.”
In a series of Tweets on Sunday morning — while the president is overseas — conservative attorney George Conway highlighted passages from the column that he apparently feels Americans need to be aware of.

One such passage, states, “Pelosi ‘hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.’”

Another reads, “‘One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.’”

It should be noted that the Times column that drew his attention, written by Maureen Dowd, is headlined: “Crazy is as Crazy Does.”

You can see the tweets below:
George Conway@gtconway3d

“‘One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.’”

Maureen Dowd

“I’m not crazy, YOU’RE crazy...” … via ⁦@nytopinion

George Conway@gtconway3d

“Pelosi ‘hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.’”

.@MaureenDowd: What words can you use about someone who considers pardoning war criminals on Memorial Day?


“‘Even while he was saying he was the most transparent president in history, his Treasury secretary was across town telling Congress, ‘I’m not giving you the president’s tax returns.’’”

New York Times Opinion


"Journalists must not become inured to Trump’s outlandish, transgressive behavior," writes @MaureenDowd.

George Conway@gtconway3d


“When a Democrat compared Trump to a fifth-grader, Pelosi responded that such a remark was an insult to fifth-graders, according to an individual who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the conversation.”

Peter Baker


"An impasse we haven't seen before": After last week's dustup, Trump and Pelosi allies each claim upper hand. ⁦@rachaelmbade⁩ ⁦@jdawsey1⁩


Transparent my ass! Man it must be fun in the KELLYANN household. Maybe he is her MOUTHPIECE. Why would she put up this?? And both say he does it pathologically.
Remember folks, these are REPUBLICANS. Apparently an OPED in NY Times evoked the rants. Let me reiterate, these are the CONSERVATIVES.

PS WHAT'S WITH THE HEALTH? What does Conway know?

George Conway piles on ‘transparent’ Trump for hiding his health, wealth and academic records

[FONT=&]By Tom Boggioni - May 26, 2019[/FONT]

President Donald Trump listens intently to a reporter ask him a question at a press conference held at the Lotte Palace Hotel during the UN General Assembly. (Evan El-Amin /

[FONT=&][FONT=&]Citing an opinion piece in the New York Times that is harshly critical of President Donald Trump, the husband of trusted presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway continued his war with his wife’s boss by calling him out for being a liar and a fraud. And “crazy.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&]In a series of Tweets on Sunday morning — while the president is overseas — conservative attorney George Conway highlighted passages from the column that he apparently feels Americans need to be aware of.[/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]One such passage, states, “Pelosi ‘hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.’”

[FONT=&]Another reads, “‘One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than [/FONT]food, greed, sex and revenge [FONT=&]— is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.’”

[FONT=&]It should be noted that the Times column that drew his attention, written by Maureen Dowd, is headlined: “Crazy is as Crazy Does.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&]You can see the tweets below:[/FONT]
George Conway@gtconway3d

“‘One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.’”

Maureen Dowd

“I’m not crazy, YOU’RE crazy...” … via ⁦@nytopinion

George Conway@gtconway3d

“Pelosi ‘hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.’”

.@MaureenDowd: What words can you use about someone who considers pardoning war criminals on Memorial Day?


“‘Even while he was saying he was the most transparent president in history, his Treasury secretary was across town telling Congress, ‘I’m not giving you the president’s tax returns.’’”

New York Times Opinion


"Journalists must not become inured to Trump’s outlandish, transgressive behavior," writes @MaureenDowd.

George Conway@gtconway3d


“When a Democrat compared Trump to a fifth-grader, Pelosi responded that such a remark was an insult to fifth-graders, according to an individual who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the conversation.”

Peter Baker


"An impasse we haven't seen before": After last week's dustup, Trump and Pelosi allies each claim upper hand. ⁦@rachaelmbade⁩ ⁦@jdawsey1⁩



Squeal little piggy SQUEAL......regardless, your blood will be let, its almost harvest time. ;) I'd say by the 1st frost....the attempted Coup d'état will be put down completely with the punishment stage well under way. Just what is the penalty for TREASON?
I don't care about his college grades, what his net worth is, or how many companies he bankrupted.

But I kind of want to know what the actual weight and health status of this fat pig is. Mostly because I do not want an obese, lazy, lethargic, slovenly president representing this great nation.

My best guess is that this hog's actual dimensions are about six foot one inch, and about 280 pounds of gelatinous flab -- with a BMI way, way into the morbidly obese range.

I think we also need an independent psychological analysis of the mental health of this "stable genius", because he has many of the classic traits of dementia, sociopathy, clinical paranoia, and delusions of grandeur.
Not surprising, the usual right-wing snake-roaches who would support Trump if a video was released of him torturing kindergartners with a hot poker, jump to his defense with their usual lame-brained, snake-roach drool commentary.

This whole administration is just to fucked up to comprehend.

This country needs to institute an IQ test as part of the voters registration process.

The world today is just too potentially dangerous to allow the drooling, knuckle-dragger idiots of society to elect our leaders.
Not surprising, the usual right-wing snake-roaches who would support Trump if a video was released of him torturing kindergartners with a hot poker, jump to his defense with their usual lame-brained, snake-roach drool commentary.

This whole administration is just to fucked up to comprehend.

This country needs to institute an IQ test as part of the voters registration process.

The world today is just too potentially dangerous to allow the drooling, knuckle-dragger idiots of society to elect our leaders.

Yeah....those damn deplorable voters of low IQ don't deserve the right to cast their votes in this Constitutional Republic....because clearly they are not as smart as you (not elitist in the megalomania or narcissistic tendencies here Tell us how you really "FEEL".

Where have I heard such fascist propaganda before? Oh yeah from the National SOCIALISTS Workers Party of Germany.

Question? With rhetoric such as that you just espoused.....does the DEMOCRAT party actually represent democratic principles at its core....or are they actually power seeking, greedy, jealous bastards that would do anything (Alinsky 101) to garner and hold onto political power? Never allow a good crisis to go waste? The ends justify the means? Its clear that you could give a rats ass if TREASON actually did occur in these United States of America. If you are the example of the modern democrat any wonder just why these DEPORABLES rejected your party?
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Not surprising, the usual right-wing snake-roaches who would support Trump if a video was released of him torturing kindergartners with a hot poker, jump to his defense with their usual lame-brained, snake-roach drool commentary.

This whole administration is just to fucked up to comprehend.

This country needs to institute an IQ test as part of the voters registration process.

The world today is just too potentially dangerous to allow the drooling, knuckle-dragger idiots of society to elect our leaders.
That would be illegal, but it should definitely be a requirement to run for POTUS
That would be illegal, but it should definitely be a requirement to run for POTUS

Personally.....I think the right to vote should be limited to those who earn their citizenship through military conscription of a least 2 years service. Those that have the right to vote should have some actual skin in the game and should not be able to vote themselves welfare checks for life while laughing at those who sacrifice everything so the leeches of society can lie their heads down and rest in peace at night, not wondering if some police state official was going to kick down their doors down at any time for any reason. The United States of America was a grand experiment.....but its doomed to failure because of the cancer that has been allowed to gestate and grow until its out of control. The beginning of the end was when the politicians and leeches figured out they could use the system to game and garner personal wealth and corrupting the only branch of the US GOVERNMENT that is not representative in the least.....THE JUDICIAL BRANCH were there exists the best leftist radical judges that money can purchase.
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Again with raw sewage, people who despise Trump, etc. Tabloid politics. :laugh:

Tabloid? You have the tweets, read them. This isn't 4 people talking about some asshole in Holywood or even at Apple or GM, this is the POTUS--one of them is spouse of one of the ONLY remaining staffers he hasn't fired or has quit. You really think she doesn't tell CONWAY shit? Grow a brain.
Yeah....those damn deplorable voters of low IQ don't deserve the right to cast their votes in this Constitutional Republic....because clearly they are not as smart as you (not elitist in the megalomania or narcissistic tendencies here Tell us how you really "FEEL".

Where have I heard such fascist propaganda before? Oh yeah from the National SOCIALISTS Workers Party of Germany.

Question? With rhetoric such as that you just espoused.....does the DEMOCRAT party actually represent democratic principles at its core....or are they actually power seeking, greedy, jealous bastards that would do anything (Alinsky 101) to garner and hold onto political power? Never allow a good crisis to go waste? The ends justify the means? Its clear that you could give a rats ass if TREASON actually did occur in these United States of America. If you are the example of the modern democrat any wonder just why these DEPORABLES rejected your party?

Fuck you, drooler. :fu:
Personally.....I think the right to vote should be limited to those who earn their citizenship through military conscription of a least 2 years service. Those that have the right to vote should have some actual skin in the game and should not be able to vote themselves welfare checks for life while laughing at those who sacrifice everything so the leeches of society can lie their heads down and rest in peace at night, not wondering if some police state official was going to kick down their doors down at any time for any reason. The United States of America was a grand experiment.....but its doomed to failure because of the cancer that has been allowed to gestate and grow until its out of control. The beginning of the end was when the politicians and leeches figured out they could use the system to game and garner personal wealth and corrupting the only branch of the US GOVERNMENT that is not representative in the least.....THE JUDICIAL BRANCH were there exists the best leftist radical judges that money can purchase.

Fuck you, drooler. :fu:
I don't care about his college grades, what his net worth is, or how many companies he bankrupted.

But I kind of want to know what the actual weight and health status of this fat pig is. Mostly because I do not want an obese, lazy, lethargic, slovenly president representing this great nation.

My best guess is that this hog's actual dimensions are about six foot one inch, and about 280 pounds of gelatinous flab -- with a BMI way, way into the morbidly obese range.

I think we also need an independent psychological analysis of the mental health of this "stable genius", because he has many of the classic traits of dementia, sociopathy, clinical paranoia, and delusions of grandeur.

300 lbs at least
Transparent my ass! Man it must be fun in the KELLYANN household. Maybe he is her MOUTHPIECE. Why would she put up this?? And both say he does it pathologically.
Remember folks, these are REPUBLICANS. Apparently an OPED in NY Times evoked the rants. Let me reiterate, these are the CONSERVATIVES.

PS WHAT'S WITH THE HEALTH? What does Conway know?

George Conway piles on ‘transparent’ Trump for hiding his health, wealth and academic records

[FONT=&]By Tom Boggioni - May 26, 2019[/FONT]

President Donald Trump listens intently to a reporter ask him a question at a press conference held at the Lotte Palace Hotel during the UN General Assembly. (Evan El-Amin /

[FONT=&][FONT=&]Citing an opinion piece in the New York Times that is harshly critical of President Donald Trump, the husband of trusted presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway continued his war with his wife’s boss by calling him out for being a liar and a fraud. And “crazy.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&]In a series of Tweets on Sunday morning — while the president is overseas — conservative attorney George Conway highlighted passages from the column that he apparently feels Americans need to be aware of.[/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]One such passage, states, “Pelosi ‘hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.’”

[FONT=&]Another reads, “‘One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than [/FONT]food, greed, sex and revenge [FONT=&]— is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.’”

[FONT=&]It should be noted that the Times column that drew his attention, written by Maureen Dowd, is headlined: “Crazy is as Crazy Does.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&]You can see the tweets below:[/FONT]
George Conway@gtconway3d

“‘One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.’”

Maureen Dowd

“I’m not crazy, YOU’RE crazy...” … via ⁦@nytopinion

George Conway@gtconway3d

“Pelosi ‘hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.’”

.@MaureenDowd: What words can you use about someone who considers pardoning war criminals on Memorial Day?


“‘Even while he was saying he was the most transparent president in history, his Treasury secretary was across town telling Congress, ‘I’m not giving you the president’s tax returns.’’”

New York Times Opinion


"Journalists must not become inured to Trump’s outlandish, transgressive behavior," writes @MaureenDowd.

George Conway@gtconway3d


“When a Democrat compared Trump to a fifth-grader, Pelosi responded that such a remark was an insult to fifth-graders, according to an individual who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the conversation.”

Peter Baker


"An impasse we haven't seen before": After last week's dustup, Trump and Pelosi allies each claim upper hand. ⁦@rachaelmbade⁩ ⁦@jdawsey1⁩



Nailed it.
Again with raw sewage, people who despise Trump, etc. Tabloid politics. :laugh:

Deny any of it.

He has hidden or lied his entire life.

His finances and sources of funds.
His grades
His wife cheating
Had his doctor lie about his health checkup
Had his lawyer lie about everything, including Moscow Trump Tower
Lied about the June meeting with his kid and the Russians.
Lied the first day in office about the size of the crowd.
Lied about hiw much money he got from his daddy.

Almost everything out of his is a lie. And here you are, admiring pathological liars.
Deny any of it.

He has hidden or lied his entire life.

His finances and sources of funds.
His grades
His wife cheating
Had his doctor lie about his health checkup
Had his lawyer lie about everything, including Moscow Trump Tower
Lied about the June meeting with his kid and the Russians.
Lied the first day in office about the size of the crowd.
Lied about hiw much money he got from his daddy.

Almost everything out of his is a lie. And here you are, admiring pathological liars.

I don't care about his college grades, what his net worth is, or how many companies he bankrupted.

But I kind of want to know what the actual weight and health status of this fat pig is. Mostly because I do not want an obese, lazy, lethargic, slovenly president representing this great nation.

My best guess is that this hog's actual dimensions are about six foot one inch, and about 280 pounds of gelatinous flab -- with a BMI way, way into the morbidly obese range.

I think we also need an independent psychological analysis of the mental health of this "stable genius", because he has many of the classic traits of dementia, sociopathy, clinical paranoia, and delusions of grandeur.
so invoke the 25th amendment..or you could try winning an election in 2020
You all are gonna blow your head gaskets when he's re-elected