CONWAY/KRISTOL/DOWD RIP Trump--Transparent? 'Hides WEALTH/HEALTH/GRADES pathololo'

Dickhead, I told you that in the beginning, what is wrong with you?

Why would I kick and scream about the Clintons.

They didn't do any of this.

Trump has the mentality, maturity,vocabulary and policy knowledge of a 6th grader. Spends half his day tweeting lies and watching TV. Has spent $100 million in golf. Other than being a lazy, incompetent human piece of shit, he is also a pathological liar. Got his ass handed to him by Putin and Kim. Bankrupted 4 major businesses. Defrauded many people out of their money at TrumpU. Had to settle on his housing discrimination suit. Fucked a whore just after his son was born and paid $130,000 to try to cover it up. Proudly admitted walking in on naked teenage girls. Used his own charity to make personal purchases. Many of his inner circle are in prison lying for him. Mueller found 10 instances of obstruction. Lied about the Moscow Tower project and suborned perjury for others to do the same. Tried to cover up his own kid's meeting with Russian agents. Somehow beholden to both the Russians and the Saudis.

Yeah, Bill had consensual sex with an intern. I'll give him and Trump a tie on that.

That's about it, isn't it, dumbshit? Other than that, the Clintons had more savvy, political and policy knowledge and competency in their little toes than Trump has in his obese body.

Trump's investigations pale in comparison to the Benghazi bullshit. Or the Whitewater bullshit. And all the conspiracy horseshit regarding how many people Hillary had killed or how much drug trafficking they arranged to Mena, AK.
Why would I kick and scream about the Clintons.

They didn't do any of this.

Trump has the mentality, maturity,vocabulary and policy knowledge of a 6th grader. Spends half his day tweeting lies and watching TV. Has spent $100 million in golf. Other than being a lazy, incompetent human piece of shit, he is also a pathological liar. Got his ass handed to him by Putin and Kim. Bankrupted 4 major businesses. Defrauded many people out of their money at TrumpU. Had to settle on his housing discrimination suit. Fucked a whore just after his son was born and paid $130,000 to try to cover it up. Proudly admitted walking in on naked teenage girls. Used his own charity to make personal purchases. Many of his inner circle are in prison lying for him. Mueller found 10 instances of obstruction. Lied about the Moscow Tower project and suborned perjury for others to do the same. Tried to cover up his own kid's meeting with Russian agents. Somehow beholden to both the Russians and the Saudis.

Yeah, Bill had consensual sex with an intern. I'll give him and Trump a tie on that.

That's about it, isn't it, dumbshit? Other than that, the Clintons had more savvy, political and policy knowledge and competency in their little toes than Trump has in his obese body.

Trump's investigations pale in comparison to the Benghazi bullshit. Or the Whitewater bullshit. And all the conspiracy horseshit regarding how many people Hillary had killed or how much drug trafficking they arranged to Mena, AK.

Yep. Trump's president and Clinton is not. That has your panties in a tight wad, doesn't it?

I think that's funny!
Yep. Trump's president and Clinton is not. That has your panties in a tight wad, doesn't it?

I think that's funny!

Naw. I never was much of a Hillary fan, myself. But she runs circles around Trump in competency. Shit, Mickey Fucking Mouse runs circles around Trump in competency.

Now, rather than divert, go ahead and identify where I'm wrong on any of these claims. Then, go ahead and defend Trump on every one, dickhead. I'll wait.

Trump has the mentality, maturity,vocabulary and policy knowledge of a 6th grader. Spends half his day tweeting lies and watching TV. Has spent $100 million in golf. Other than being a lazy, incompetent human piece of shit, he is also a pathological liar. Got his ass handed to him by Putin and Kim. Bankrupted 4 major businesses. Defrauded many people out of their money at TrumpU. Had to settle on his housing discrimination suit. Fucked a whore just after his son was born and paid $130,000 to try to cover it up. Proudly admitted walking in on naked teenage girls. Used his own charity to make personal purchases. Many of his inner circle are in prison lying for him. Mueller found 10 instances of obstruction. Lied about the Moscow Tower project and suborned perjury for others to do the same. Tried to cover up his own kid's meeting with Russian agents. Somehow beholden to both the Russians and the Saudis.
Naw. I never was much of a Hillary fan, myself. But she runs circles around Trump in competency. Shit, Mickey Fucking Mouse runs circles around Trump in competency.

Now, rather than divert, go ahead and identify where I'm wrong on any of these claims. Then, go ahead and defend Trump on every one, dickhead. I'll wait.

Trump has the mentality, maturity,vocabulary and policy knowledge of a 6th grader. Spends half his day tweeting lies and watching TV. Has spent $100 million in golf. Other than being a lazy, incompetent human piece of shit, he is also a pathological liar. Got his ass handed to him by Putin and Kim. Bankrupted 4 major businesses. Defrauded many people out of their money at TrumpU. Had to settle on his housing discrimination suit. Fucked a whore just after his son was born and paid $130,000 to try to cover it up. Proudly admitted walking in on naked teenage girls. Used his own charity to make personal purchases. Many of his inner circle are in prison lying for him. Mueller found 10 instances of obstruction. Lied about the Moscow Tower project and suborned perjury for others to do the same. Tried to cover up his own kid's meeting with Russian agents. Somehow beholden to both the Russians and the Saudis.

Do you feel better now? Breathe deeply.
George Conway piles on ‘transparent’ Trump for hiding his health, wealth and academic records
Conway is a nagging idiot.. who cares about Trump's financing? how does that effect us?
it doesn't.

the TRANSPARENCY of the Mueller doc requests were what is important.
It ensured Mueller had access to every thing -and witnesses as well for his Concoction report
Why the FUCK did BUSH/CHENEY forge ahead with that colossal boondoggle as they signed themselves the exit date to leave? I've never understood that
Cheney and Rumsfeld envisioned the Embassy as a centralized staging area for American diplomacy in the Middle East.
They were planning to operate it as such , after the Iraq War. Needless to say we got forced out of Iraq instead.
Ralph thinks stupid things. He starts with a perfectly serviceable albeit predictable list of entitlement gripes and then yanks the car wheel off the road
by comparing the liberal party of the two to right wing Nazis. Then he dbls down on dumb by blaming the judiciary at large
because it is not "in the least" democratic.

All judges are either DIRECTLY elected or appointed by an elected official.

Why are Republicans so stupid.
Wrong again, Semen. I've never been a Democrat. I was a registered Republican for 40 years before I changed my political affiliation to independent in 2008 after Bush Jr. crashed the economy. But if believing I'm a Democrat makes you feel like you're winning this argument then that's your choice. But it's rather sad and pathetic that you have to lie to yourself to bolster your self esteem.

Yawn. Whatever you claim to be, you are still dumb as a rock.
Don't exhibit common sense here. It's not allowed. Now I personally would have changed parties if I were many of you AS SOON AS WE FOUND OUT THERE WAS NOT WMD IN IRAQ. They lied. A trillion $ + war and all their eyes on all the balls EXCEPT the economy which was intrinsically linked. And the economy CRASHED! And Trump signed the first $800,000,000,000 BAIL OUT.

Sorry, but what took you so long?

An aside, the EMBASSY facility in Baghdad had its 10 year anniv a last month. Does everyone here know what we spent on the EMBASSY in Baghadad? Does every one know that we evacuated a huge chunk of personnel in Bagdad just LAST WEEK. 104 acres. The biggest most expensive embassy in US history. In a country with approx. the population of TEXAS and about 10% bigger than CA in square miles. Why the FUCK did BUSH/CHENEY forge ahead with that colossal boondoggle as they signed themselves the exit date to leave? I've never understood that. And have never known the reason. (I guess we might know if we found out who got the CONTRACTS to build it).

Budget was $50mil.

$750 Million

The US Embassy In Baghdad Cost A Staggering $750 Million [PHOTOS] REUTERS/Lucas Jackson


Wow! That's just nuts! Thanks for the info.
Yawn. Whatever you claim to be, you are still dumb as a rock.

Wrong again, semen. Keep trying, semen. Maybe you'll eventually get one right. I wouldn't bet on it, though. Your track record sucks.
Now why don't you go suck Trump's dick some more. That's what you're best at.

You're obviously paranoid, frightened, angry and in denial. Don't hurt yourself.

So, what you're saying is you can't refute it and are left with only Ad Hominem attacks. Typical radicalized right wing extremist. Don't hurt anybody like these radicalized right wing extremists did.


The three people who were shot to death in a North Carolina condominium Tuesday were honors students and included a couple who just married two months ago, authorities said today.

Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, was arrested and is charged with three counts of first-degree murder. He is being held in the Durham County Jail, and the investigation is ongoing, Chapel Hill police said in a news release.

The massacre of 49 people in New Zealand on Friday highlights the contagious ways in which extreme right ideology and violence have spread in the 21st century — even to a country that had not experienced a mass shooting for more than two decades, and which is rarely associated with the extreme right.
New Zealand may be thousands of miles from Europe or the United States, but videos of the killer show that he was deeply entrenched in the global far right, a man familiar with the iconography, in-jokes and shibboleths of different extremist groups from across Europe, Australia and North America, as well as a native of the extreme-right ecosystem online.
A manifesto linked to the accused killer, released through his social media account on the morning of the massacre, suggests its author considered himself a disciple and comrade of white supremacist killers. The suspect, identified in court papers as Brenton Harrison Tarrant of Australia, also hailed President Trump, calling him “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

Coast Guard Officer Arrested And Accused Of Being A 'Domestic Terrorist'

A U.S. Coast Guard officer stationed in Washington D.C. is accused of being a domestic terrorist. FBI agents arrested Lieutenant Christoper Paul Hasson and seized a stockpile of weapons and ammunition from his home in Silver Spring, Maryland.
The filings claim he planned to kill politicians and journalists from a list of targets that included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and CNN anchor Don Lemon.*Prosecutors described Hasson as a white nationalist who planned "to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country."
"The defendant is a domestic terrorist, bent on committing acts dangerous to human life that are intended to affect governmental conduct," prosecutors wrote.
They said that Hasson was inspired by Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed 77 people in a pair of attacks in 2011.
Hasson was arrested on charges of illegal weapons and drug possession but prosecutors said that those charges are the “the proverbial tip of the iceberg.”


On Friday, authorities arrested Sayoc, alleging in a criminal complaint that he was responsible for sending at least 13 potential explosive devices to prominent Democratic and media figures across the country in recent days — including Obama, Clinton, Soros, former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr. and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.). “He was crazed, that’s the best word for him,” said Debra Gureghian, the general manager of New River Pizza and Fresh Kitchen in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where Sayoc worked for several months. “There was something really off with him.”

I hate the damn left-wing Liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the Nation, trying to turn the country into a communist state.
Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book. I’d like to kill everyone in the Mainstream Media. But I know these people were inaccessible to me. I couldn’t get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chicken shit liberals that vote in these traitorous people.
Liberals are a pest, like termites. Millions of them. Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather.
I’d like to encourage other like minded people to do what I’ve done. If life ain’t worth living anymore, don’t just kill yourself. Do something for your country before you go. Go Kill Liberals!


Jeremy Christian shouted during his arrest after he brutally stabbed two Americans “Kill all Christians, Muslims and Jews. You call it terrorism. I call it Patriotism!”

“You blacks are killing white people on the streets everyday and raping white women everyday,” Mr. Roof said during his shooting rampage that killed nine African-American churchgoers

James Alex Fields Jr was charged with second-degree murder, one count of hit-and-run, failure to stop with injury and three counts of malicious wounding. On his social media accounts, Fields “expressed and promoted his belief that white people are superior to other races and peoples; expressed support of the social and racial policies of Adolf Hitler and Nazi-era Germany, including the Holocaust; and espoused violence against African Americans, Jewish people and members of other racial; ethnic and religious groups he perceived to be non-white.”
Fields is registered as member of Trump's Republican Party.

Wrong again, semen. Keep trying, semen. Maybe you'll eventually get one right. I wouldn't bet on it, though. Your track record sucks.
Now why don't you go suck Trump's dick some more. That's what you're best at.

Right to the homosexual references. No surprise there though. It is quite obvious. Along with the fact you are dumb as fuck.