"Corn Sweat"????? Yes, Seriously............

It's not a climate crisis it's just a simple fact of living in the corn belt. The corn releases a lot of moisture into the air exacerbating humidity levels. Only a twit thinks this is some kind of climate agenda.
Yesterday evening, for the first time ever in my lifetime, I started hearing multiple meteorologists making use of the term "corn sweat" as if they were handed the latest "climate crisis" talking point. "Corn sweat"..... WTF?!?!?!? Am I the only person who has never heard of this term until just yesterday? Supposedly this new threat to mankind called "corn sweat" is increasing humidity levels, as well as "heat", and is making "climate crisis" even worse, or something....... or so we are told........
You simply cannot tell the truth
and like trump said the water level is going to rise and we will have more land .
I always thought when ocean levels rise places like Miami and Cape Hatteras got over run with water and lost land.
I guess I must have been wrong because we all know Trump knows everything.
Have a nice day
'Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by water. A LOT of water'

'Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by water. A LOT of water'

I have been there when I was in the Navy, there was another station I was at in the Bahamas and use to be a section of the island that was above water at low tide back in the 70"s is now under about a foot of water all the time low or high tide.
Cape Hatteras is another place that has already lost several feet just in the last few years, on the Pamlico sound side back in the 60's in Avon there use to be several hundred feet more of land where there use to be houses and they are all gone now . the water came up and never went back down so people moved out and hurricanes took care of knocking them down.
all people have to do is ask some of the older people on these islands and they can tell them it is happening.
have a nice day
and like trump said the water level is going to rise and we will have more land .
I always thought when ocean levels rise places like Miami and Cape Hatteras got over run with water and lost land.
I guess I must have been wrong because we all know Trump knows everything.
Have a nice day
You mean like this "genuine" Democrat?

Have a nice day
Corn Sweat for Dummies.

"Corn sweat" is a colloquial term for evapotranspiration, the natural process of water evaporating from plants into the air. Evapotranspiration is essentially a plant's way of breathing, All plants sweat!

When a plant draws in water from the soil through its root system, that water is transported through the plant's tissues, where it plays a role in metabolic and physiological processes. The leaves then release water vapor into the atmosphere through their stomata.

This water vapor increases the moisture in the air, increasing the humidity,

During the growing season, an acre of corn sweats off about 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of water each day, the U.S. Geological Survey says. Top corn-producing states in the Midwest grows thousands, or even tens of thousands, of acres of corn each year.

The more water vapor there is in the air, the more humid things will be and, generally, the hotter it will feel to the human body.

Still, although it may bring discomfort to humans, corn sweat is a sign of healthy crops. When plants become stressed, like during a drought, they close their stomata to conserve water. This defense mechanism means the plant releases less water vapor, but it can also limit the plant's growth.

Not sure what people's concerns are here in this thread. But, I have noticed some idiots posting here seem to be blaming Democrats for FUCKING science.


This is just simple science.
Corn Sweat for Dummies.

"Corn sweat" is a colloquial term for evapotranspiration, the natural process of water evaporating from plants into the air. Evapotranspiration is essentially a plant's way of breathing, All plants sweat!

When a plant draws in water from the soil through its root system, that water is transported through the plant's tissues, where it plays a role in metabolic and physiological processes. The leaves then release water vapor into the atmosphere through their stomata.

This water vapor increases the moisture in the air, increasing the humidity,

During the growing season, an acre of corn sweats off about 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of water each day, the U.S. Geological Survey says. Top corn-producing states in the Midwest grows thousands, or even tens of thousands, of acres of corn each year.

The more water vapor there is in the air, the more humid things will be and, generally, the hotter it will feel to the human body.

Still, although it may bring discomfort to humans, corn sweat is a sign of healthy crops. When plants become stressed, like during a drought, they close their stomata to conserve water. This defense mechanism means the plant releases less water vapor, but it can also limit the plant's growth.

Not sure what people's concerns are here in this thread. But, I have noticed some idiots posting here seem to be blaming Democrats for FUCKING science.


This is just simple science.
Stop plagiarizing Joe.