"Corn Sweat"????? Yes, Seriously............

True they will say anything even if it contradicts anything they have done or said in the past or will do or say in the future
Indeed. I have another thread about their stupid claim of "everywhere warming twice as fast as everywhere else". It's quite funny, really... and people honestly believe that shit.
Cow farts and corn sweat, the only thing that will save the Earth is to just kill folks off so that these things self-resolve. Gonna have to go back to hunt and gather societies, no other option you know. ;) <-for you leftists, this means that the preceding statement is sarcasm.
Well, we could just design things in a way that's more sustainable, and less damaging to the planet.

That's always an option.
What "things" are you referring to? What would be a "more sustainable" design for one of those "things"? What "damage" are you talking about?
It's not a climate crisis
You got THAT right!
it's just a simple fact of living in the corn belt.
Transpiration is a simple and natural fact of living pretty much anywhere on Earth.
The corn releases a lot of moisture into the air exacerbating humidity levels.
Transpiration is not limited to corn nor does it "exacerbate humidity levels" in any way. Regarding water evaporation, remember that there are already lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, trees, and all sorts of plant life other than corn.
Only a twit thinks this is some kind of climate agenda.
Only a twit remains WILLFULLY BLIND to the existence of a climate agenda.
:seenoevil: :hearnoevil:
and like trump said the water level is going to rise and we will have more land .
I always thought when ocean levels rise places like Miami and Cape Hatteras got over run with water and lost land.
I guess I must have been wrong because we all know Trump knows everything.
Have a nice day
Fake news.
Democrats only elect the brightest to office . :palm:
isn't that the Republicans?
we all Know Trump is the smartest person on earth he said so.
Fake news.
Tell that to the people in Miami and living on the island of Hatteras .
they are seeing the water rising and taking over the land.
I lived on Hatteras for some time and I even saw it happenong back in the 70's.
NO it is NOT " FAKE NEWS "
Corn Sweat for Dummies.

"Corn sweat" is a colloquial term for evapotranspiration, the natural process of water evaporating from plants into the air. Evapotranspiration is essentially a plant's way of breathing, All plants sweat!

When a plant draws in water from the soil through its root system, that water is transported through the plant's tissues, where it plays a role in metabolic and physiological processes. The leaves then release water vapor into the atmosphere through their stomata.

This water vapor increases the moisture in the air, increasing the humidity,

During the growing season, an acre of corn sweats off about 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of water each day, the U.S. Geological Survey says. Top corn-producing states in the Midwest grows thousands, or even tens of thousands, of acres of corn each year.

The more water vapor there is in the air, the more humid things will be and, generally, the hotter it will feel to the human body.

Still, although it may bring discomfort to humans, corn sweat is a sign of healthy crops. When plants become stressed, like during a drought, they close their stomata to conserve water. This defense mechanism means the plant releases less water vapor, but it can also limit the plant's growth.
Dumb Lizard's 'cut & paste' is summarily dismissed. Form your own words for a change.
Not sure what people's concerns are here in this thread.
The main concern is a climate agenda that is being used to manipulate people into accepting higher taxes while losing their ability to purchase and use (or otherwise get punished for purchasing and using) gas stoves, gas yard equipment, gas vehicles, etc... and losing their ability to eat (or otherwise get punished for eating) "over their allotment" of red meat (and other meat products).

World Economic Forum.
Climate Agenda 2030.
Climate Agenda 2050.

Look them up sometime.
But, I have noticed some idiots posting here seem to be blaming Democrats for FUCKING science.
Yes, I DO blame Demonkkkrats for completely and utterly fucking science, bending it over furniture and reaming it mercilessly.
Dumb Lizard's 'cut & paste' is summarily dismissed. Form your own words for a change.

The main concern is a climate agenda that is being used to manipulate people into accepting higher taxes while losing their ability to purchase and use (or otherwise get punished for purchasing and using) gas stoves, gas yard equipment, gas vehicles, etc... and losing their ability to eat (or otherwise get punished for eating) "over their allotment" of red meat (and other meat products).

World Economic Forum.
Climate Agenda 2030.
Climate Agenda 2050.

Look them up sometime.

Yes, I DO blame Demonkkkrats for completely and utterly fucking science, bending it over furniture and reaming it mercilessly.
Yes, you go with all that BULLSHIT!

Meanwhile a historical record sized coalition is building to defeat DONALD DUMB-ASS TRUMP.

You are personally building my confidence and PRIDE IN MY PARTY in voting him OUT AGAIN- TWICE NOW- AND FOR ALL TIMES TO COME!!

isn't that the Republicans?
we all Know Trump is the smartest person on earth he said so.

Tell that to the people in Miami and living on the island of Hatteras .
they are seeing the water rising and taking over the land.
I lived on Hatteras for some time and I even saw it happenong back in the 70's.
NO it is NOT " FAKE NEWS "
Fake news.
"Corn Sweat"????? Yes, Seriously............

Yesterday evening, for the first time ever in my lifetime, I started hearing multiple meteorologists making use of the term "corn sweat" as if they were handed the latest "climate crisis" talking point. "Corn sweat"..... WTF?!?!?!? Am I the only person who has never heard of this term until just yesterday? Supposedly this new threat to mankind called "corn sweat" is increasing humidity levels, as well as "heat", and is making "climate crisis" even worse, or something....... or so we are told........

I guess that farmers should stop planting corn now... and stop raising cattle... and stop feeding people..... You will eat nothing, and you will BE HAPPY!!!!!

Poor stupid hillbilly cannot grasp the idea that the added moisture evaporating into the atmosphere from the 400 MILLION METRIC TONS OF CORN produced annually in the US might add to the moisture/humidity in that same atmosphere.

Poor stupid, ignorant little hillbilly. 😢
Yes, you go with all that BULLSHIT!
Only a Dumb Lizard would confuse the truth with "BULLSHIT!"
Meanwhile a historical record sized coalition is building to defeat DONALD DUMB-ASS TRUMP.
This thread is not about Donald Trump. Your projections and insults cannot change the truth about him nor the MAGA movement either.
You are personally building my confidence and PRIDE IN MY PARTY in voting him OUT AGAIN- TWICE NOW- AND FOR ALL TIMES TO COME!!
You cannot vote someone out who is not currently in office, ya Dumb Lizard.
... says the Dumb Lizard who thinks that you can vote someone out of office who isn't currently in office.
Only a Dumb Lizard would confuse the truth with "BULLSHIT!"

This thread is not about Donald Trump. Your projections and insults cannot change the truth about him nor the MAGA movement either.

You cannot vote someone out who is not currently in office, ya Dumb Lizard.

... says the Dumb Lizard who thinks that you can vote someone out of office who isn't currently in office.
Do you have any other Retarded comments?

Or, is this all you got?
Poor stupid hillbilly cannot grasp the idea that the added moisture evaporating into the atmosphere from the 400 MILLION METRIC TONS OF CORN produced annually in the US might add to the moisture/humidity in that same atmosphere.

Poor stupid, ignorant little hillbilly. 😢
Poor stupid city slicker cannot grasp the idea that the water cycle is naturally occurring, doesn't "need fixing", and he wishes to go hungry due to his fear mongering over the naturally occurring transpiration of the corn that feeds him.

Poor stupid, ignorant little city slicker. 😢
Poor stupid city slicker cannot grasp the idea that the water cycle is naturally occurring, doesn't "need fixing", and he wishes to go hungry due to his fear mongering over the naturally occurring transpiration of the corn that feeds him.

Poor stupid, ignorant little city slicker. 😢
Poor stupid, uneducated hillbilly doesn't understand that commercial agriculture is not part of the "natural" cycle of anything and that food plants like corn never grew naturally in such massive quantities until human run corporations began using modern technology to cover 94 million acres/15 thousand square miles of what was originally grass, scrub and timber lands, with neat rows of corn fields, all of which are releasing unnatural levels of moisture back into the atmosphere.

BTW, 15,000 square miles is roughly 2/3 the size of W. Virginia or 1/2 the size of S. Carolina.

Poor, stupid, uneducated redneck Trumper hillbilly.😢
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Poor stupid, uneducated hillbilly doesn't understand that commercial agriculture is not part of the "natural" cycle of anything and that food plants like corn never grew naturally in such massive quantities until human run corporations began using modern technology to cover 94 million acres/15 thousand square miles of what was originally grass, scrub and timber lands, with neat rows of corn fields, all of which are releasing unnatural levels of moisture back into the atmosphere.

BTW, 15,000 square miles is roughly 2/3 the size of W. Virginia or 1/2 the size of S. Carolina.

Poor, stupid, uneducated redneck Trumper hillbilly.😢
Poor stupid, uneducated city slicker doesn't understand that he would be dead without what he calls "commercial agriculture". He also doesn't understand that grass, scrub, and timber (like corn) are all contributors to the natural transpiration that occurs as a natural part of the water cycle. He also stupidly thinks that he knows the "correct" "moisture levels" that the atmosphere "should be".

Poor, stupid, uneducated reprobate libtard city slicker.😢
Poor stupid, uneducated city slicker doesn't understand that he would be dead without what he calls "commercial agriculture". He also doesn't understand that grass, scrub, and timber (like corn) are all contributors to the natural transpiration that occurs as a natural part of the water cycle. He also stupidly thinks that he knows the "correct" "moisture levels" that the atmosphere "should be".

Poor, stupid, uneducated reprobate libtard city slicker.😢
Poor stupid uneducated redneck Trumpsucker hillbilly is too illiterate to comprehend that I was not condemning commercial agriculture, but rather merely backing up the fact that the mass amount corn crops grown in this country can and likely do in fact, release enough extra moisture into the atmosphere to increase summer humidity.

Additionally, the tens of thousands of square miles of nature that have been altered to grow crops that didn't evolve there naturally, even though they are necessary to feed the population, can and do have negative environmental consequences.

That is in no way a suggestion that commercial agriculture should cease to exist.

As to your idiotic, nonsensical bullshit claim that grass, scrub, and timber also sweat moisture back into the atmosphere and that corn is the equivalent of timber, all I can say is....

Poor stupid uneducated redneck Trumpsucker hillbilly just babbles bullshit like his fat orange retard criminal hero cult leader. 😢