Coronavirus is a scam

Another barrage of the off the wall blatant lies

Holy shit I knew I'd see some doozies on here if I ever decided to come back out of boredom.


Lashing out with blind denial and empty posturing is not refutation. :nono:


There's a REASON my posts are filled with independently verifiable evidence and you just hurl empty insults. :cool:

Democrats can't defend their debunked bullshit. :bs:
200,000 the next death milestone for Trump and his mishandling of Corona. Over 5 million, headed to 6 million cases. And rightys still call it fake and overplayed. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand the stats?
200,000 the next death milestone...

A creative way of saying 99.7% survival rate and 80% don't even know they have it. What a "crisis." :rofl2:

...for Trump and his mishandling of Corona.

blatant lie.jpeg

-Democrats violated every COVID restriction to burn the country down over a lie.

-Democrats caused the mask shortage.

-Democrats caused the ventilator shortage.

-Democrats put bureaucratic FDA red tape in the way of responding to this crisis.

-Democrats opposed the China travel ban that saved thousands of American lives.

-Democrats attacked President Trump as overreacting in the beginning and demanded that he prioritize the flu instead.

-Democrats were downplaying COVID and telling everyone to live their lives normally as recently as March.

-Democrats spent the first months of this pandemic diverting all the federal resources they could to impeachment.

-Democrats wasted critical time and resources blocking emergency relief to stuff the bill with taxpayer-funded power grabs and handouts for their donors.

-Democrats are lying to make the most prepared country on the planet look unprepared.

Even pathologists and other experts from the NY Times, World Health Organization, Stanford and Oxford researchers, and anti-Trump critics were forced to praise President Trump's aggressively proactive handling of COVID, to thank him for saving their own lives personally, to admit that his China travel ban (which Democrats opposed) worked, to admit that Democrat governors incompetently botched COVID, and to admit that this "crisis" is wildly exaggerated and fake.

California's Gavin Newsom even stated:

“Let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that [Trump] hasn’t been responsive to our needs. He has. And so, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly...The fact is, every time that I've called the president, he's quickly gotten on the line. When we asked to get the support for that [USNS] Mercy ship in Southern California, he was able to direct that in real-time. We've got 2,000 of these field medical sites that are up, almost all operational now in the state, because of his support. Those are the facts."

The timeline reveals what a massive lie Democrats are trying to spread.


The devastation from COVID is 100% self-inflicted by Democrats. DEMOCRATS destroyed businesses and crippled the economy, DEMOCRATS violated constitutional rights, DEMOCRATS bankrupted and impoverished millions...over an ordinary virus with a 99.7% survival rate, that 80% don't even realize they have.

Try again, dishonest demagogue. :bs:

Over 5 million, headed to 6 million cases.

Just like the ordinary sniffles. :awesome:

And rightys still call it fake and overplayed.

Of course. The flu, not to mention H1N1, is/was the same or worse and no one imposed martial law. Why do you suppose that is? :thinking:

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand the stats?

Say the anti-science doomsday cultists trying to scaremonger the sniffles into the Apocalypse. :rofl2:


Holy shit I knew I'd see some doozies on here if I ever decided to come back out of boredom.

While Trumpanzees chisel out a Mount Rushmore addition as their 'coronavirus will disappear' scam since it can't be seen at .05 to .02 microns in diameter with the naked eye.....