Coronavirus is a scam

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Still following me around crying?


The flim flam coronavirus is a scam scam; armin' yourself as the US KKKlan. What a legend in your own mind following in those goosesteps of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists.

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So sad. Still following me around everywhere. :laugh:
There's that flim flam coronavirus is a scam man national religion propaganda of super ego cognitive dissonance sociopsychopathological human farming denial....

Are you still here, you thick-skinned troll ?

Haw, haw...................................haw.

45,075 COVID deaths in the U.S.
24,000 – 62,000 ordinary flu deaths in the U.S.

So even WITH deliberately inflating the COVID death numbers, WITH the flu vaccine reducing flu deaths (which COVID does not have), and WITH the "experts" underestimating how many infected there are by up to 85 times the actual amount...COVID still isn't as deadly as the ordinary flu.

Yep. I'm still here. Are you? :awesome:


45,075 COVID deaths in the U.S.
24,000 – 62,000 ordinary flu deaths in the U.S.

So even WITH deliberately inflating the COVID death numbers, WITH the flu vaccine reducing flu deaths (which COVID does not have), and WITH the "experts" underestimating how many infected there are by up to 85 times the actual amount...COVID still isn't as deadly as the ordinary flu.

Yep. I'm still here. Are you? :awesome:


So the fat lady will be done singing COVID death tolls after the second wave from reopening the country plus the third wave next winter during flu season. Why does this seem like trying to give medical assistance to a retired veteran being released from a VA hospital while national religion KKK churchstate lynching enforcement cops fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions are better flim flam coronavirus medicine scam propaganda of suicidal Christiananality pedophilia homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming ?

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So sad. Still following me around everywhere. :laugh:

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So sad. Still following me around everywhere. :laugh:

And with this 2000 + years old fabricated misnomer immaculate conception suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos continuing homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming to save themselves .…'s no wonder why this coronavirus malfeasance for culling of the gene pool is about as insignificant to the US as those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" health care patriot act plan just as SCOTUS thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists ashes to ashes, dust to dust accomplished with those proverbial Jesus the Christ fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions under color of law.
If you rightys are so sure, just go on with your life ignoring the safety rules. You can prove how right you are. Forget those masks and gloves. They are not for you.
Arminius [QUOTES] = Coronavirus-is-a-scam and we're healthier for it. Hence "herd immunity" and other concepts from actual science.[QUOTES]

So this coronavirus hoax business model in political science actuaries death tolls following Nazi Germany deaths for running the Holocaust percentages appears to be quite an escalation of those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" patriot act American holycosts deaths.

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My triggered stalker persists. :laugh:

Yes with that cognitive dissonance really do look that stupid, like Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions for dismissing more than 24 US Constitutions - old glorys & old testaments by thieving arsonists as if this Christian Nation ain't buying matter how many deliberately perish from coronavirus.
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms

It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold.

We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

An example of why this pandemic was mishandled and continues to rage out of control in this country -- Deplorables and their Orange God never took it seriously.
blatant lie.jpeg

-Democrats violated every COVID restriction to burn the country down over a lie.

-Democrats caused the mask shortage.

-Democrats caused the ventilator shortage.

-Democrats put bureaucratic FDA red tape in the way of responding to this crisis.

-Democrats opposed the China travel ban that saved thousands of American lives.

-Democrats attacked President Trump as overreacting in the beginning and demanded that he prioritize the flu instead.

-Democrats were downplaying COVID and telling everyone to live their lives normally as recently as March.

-Democrats spent the first months of this pandemic diverting all the federal resources they could to impeachment.

-Democrats wasted critical time and resources blocking emergency relief to stuff the bill with taxpayer-funded power grabs and handouts for their donors.

-Democrats are lying to make the most prepared country on the planet look unprepared.

Even pathologists and other experts from the NY Times, World Health Organization, Stanford and Oxford researchers, and anti-Trump critics were forced to praise President Trump's aggressively proactive handling of COVID, to thank him for saving their own lives personally, to admit that his China travel ban (which Democrats opposed) worked, to admit that Democrat governors incompetently botched COVID, and to admit that this "crisis" is wildly exaggerated and fake.

California's Gavin Newsom even stated:

“Let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that [Trump] hasn’t been responsive to our needs. He has. And so, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly...The fact is, every time that I've called the president, he's quickly gotten on the line. When we asked to get the support for that [USNS] Mercy ship in Southern California, he was able to direct that in real-time. We've got 2,000 of these field medical sites that are up, almost all operational now in the state, because of his support. Those are the facts."

The timeline reveals what a massive lie Democrats are trying to spread.


The devastation from COVID is 100% self-inflicted by Democrats. DEMOCRATS destroyed businesses and crippled the economy, DEMOCRATS violated constitutional rights, DEMOCRATS bankrupted and impoverished millions...over an ordinary virus with a 99.7% survival rate, that 80% don't even realize they have.

Try again, dishonest demagogue. :bs:
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-Democrats violated every COVID restriction to burn the country down over a lie.

-Democrats caused the mask shortage.

-Democrats caused the ventilator shortage.

-Democrats put bureaucratic FDA red tape in the way of responding to this crisis.

-Democrats opposed the China travel ban that saved thousands of American lives.

-Democrats attacked President Trump as overreacting in the beginning and demanded that he prioritize the flu instead.

-Democrats were downplaying COVID and telling everyone to live their lives normally as recently as March.

-Democrats spent the first months of this pandemic diverting all the federal resources they could to impeachment.

-Democrats wasted critical time and resources blocking emergency relief to stuff the bill with taxpayer-funded power grabs and handouts for their donors.

-Democrats are lying to make the most prepared country on the planet look unprepared.

Even pathologists and other experts from the NY Times, World Health Organization, Stanford and Oxford researchers, and anti-Trump critics were forced to praise President Trump's aggressively proactive handling of COVID, to thank him for saving their own lives personally, to admit that his China travel ban (which Democrats opposed) worked, to admit that Democrat governors incompetently botched COVID, and to admit that this "crisis" is wildly exaggerated and fake.

California's Gavin Newsom even stated:

“Let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that [Trump] hasn’t been responsive to our needs. He has. And so, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly...The fact is, every time that I've called the president, he's quickly gotten on the line. When we asked to get the support for that [USNS] Mercy ship in Southern California, he was able to direct that in real-time. We've got 2,000 of these field medical sites that are up, almost all operational now in the state, because of his support. Those are the facts."

The timeline reveals what a massive lie Democrats are trying to spread.


The devastation from COVID is 100% self-inflicted by Democrats. DEMOCRATS destroyed businesses and crippled the economy, DEMOCRATS violated constitutional rights, DEMOCRATS bankrupted and impoverished millions...over an ordinary virus with a 99.7% survival rate, that 80% don't even realize they have.

Try again, dishonest demagogue. :bs:

Another barrage of the off the wall blatant lies
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.
