Cost Of War; Update


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
I make this post ever so often but I see the education levels rising today and wonder if it may gain any traction.

War Costs to Date
◦Total War Funding: To date, $1.48 trillion has been allocated to date to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including $98.7 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Iraq: To date, $814.6 billion has been allocated for the war in Iraq since 2003, including $7.2 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Afghanistan: To date, $662.4 billion has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan since 2001, including $91.5 billion in fiscal year 2013.

When you evaluate the Social programs the majority wants vs unnecessary war there is no challenge. The right is confused on social programs because their media paints Schools as entitlement programs. The small brains think they are fighting a corrupt few that are taking advantage of the system by stating they hate the "entitlement programs" by manipulating the term.

Unnecessary war is MUCH more costly than the few that manipulate our system for free wages. FIX BOTH!
I make this post ever so often but I see the education levels rising today and wonder if it may gain any traction.

War Costs to Date
◦Total War Funding: To date, $1.48 trillion has been allocated to date to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including $98.7 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Iraq: To date, $814.6 billion has been allocated for the war in Iraq since 2003, including $7.2 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Afghanistan: To date, $662.4 billion has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan since 2001, including $91.5 billion in fiscal year 2013.

When you evaluate the Social programs the majority wants vs unnecessary war there is no challenge. The right is confused on social programs because their media paints Schools as entitlement programs. The small brains think they are fighting a corrupt few that are taking advantage of the system by stating they hate the "entitlement programs" by manipulating the term.

Unnecessary war is MUCH more costly than the few that manipulate our system for free wages. FIX BOTH!

#1, You are notorious for posting flawed and often preposterous numbers, so why should anybody believe those above?

#2 Goober you fail to note that true conservatives and libertarians and FOX NEWS have been enlightening fucking idiots like you that the federal government’s unconstitutional so-called ”entitlement programs” are in the red ink and are pathetically unstainable into the future because they have 100dreds of trillions of $ of unfunded future liabilities.

As expensive as our unconstitutional un-paid-for wars have been they’re hardly any worse or better than the so-called entitlements.

Together the warring socialist Duopoly bastards have plunged the nation directly into the face of bankruptcy.
I make this post ever so often but I see the education levels rising today and wonder if it may gain any traction.

War Costs to Date
◦Total War Funding: To date, $1.48 trillion has been allocated to date to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including $98.7 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Iraq: To date, $814.6 billion has been allocated for the war in Iraq since 2003, including $7.2 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Afghanistan: To date, $662.4 billion has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan since 2001, including $91.5 billion in fiscal year 2013.

When you evaluate the Social programs the majority wants vs unnecessary war there is no challenge. The right is confused on social programs because their media paints Schools as entitlement programs. The small brains think they are fighting a corrupt few that are taking advantage of the system by stating they hate the "entitlement programs" by manipulating the term.

Unnecessary war is MUCH more costly than the few that manipulate our system for free wages. FIX BOTH!

That's nothing; the Socialist war on poverty has cost this nation over $20 trillion and there are more in poverty today than when the Socialist war on poverty was declared. Now that's a testament to failure and waste if I ever saw one.
I make this post ever so often but I see the education levels rising today and wonder if it may gain any traction.

War Costs to Date
◦Total War Funding: To date, $1.48 trillion has been allocated to date to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including $98.7 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Iraq: To date, $814.6 billion has been allocated for the war in Iraq since 2003, including $7.2 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Afghanistan: To date, $662.4 billion has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan since 2001, including $91.5 billion in fiscal year 2013.

When you evaluate the Social programs the majority wants vs unnecessary war there is no challenge. The right is confused on social programs because their media paints Schools as entitlement programs. The small brains think they are fighting a corrupt few that are taking advantage of the system by stating they hate the "entitlement programs" by manipulating the term.

Unnecessary war is MUCH more costly than the few that manipulate our system for free wages. FIX BOTH!

I thought you supported the jobs bill?
Schools are a local matter not a federal one. Entitlement does not apply.
if you want to stop the wars then see BO but if you do then you just stop spending the money you dont start spending it on something else.
I make this post ever so often but I see the education levels rising today and wonder if it may gain any traction.

War Costs to Date
◦Total War Funding: To date, $1.48 trillion has been allocated to date to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including $98.7 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Iraq: To date, $814.6 billion has been allocated for the war in Iraq since 2003, including $7.2 billion in fiscal year 2013.
◦Afghanistan: To date, $662.4 billion has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan since 2001, including $91.5 billion in fiscal year 2013.

When you evaluate the Social programs the majority wants vs unnecessary war there is no challenge. The right is confused on social programs because their media paints Schools as entitlement programs. The small brains think they are fighting a corrupt few that are taking advantage of the system by stating they hate the "entitlement programs" by manipulating the term.

Unnecessary war is MUCH more costly than the few that manipulate our system for free wages. FIX BOTH!

I think that you're exactly right on the issue of throwing good money after bad. The reason that the radical right, the Rinos and the Blue Dogs are trashing public education is because they want it privatized in order to control curriculum and end the teacher's unions. Secondly, the only reason that public education is in such a deplorable state is simply because education is not a public priority in this country: it's just like the lip service paid to the middle class; everybody talks about it but does nothing positive for it.

As for war these days; again, Iraq is what ruined the entire mission to destabilize terrorism effectively. Iraq was an invasion to get a foot hold and control the country's oil. I haven't seen a more blantant act of neo feudalism. I'm glad it failed for that reason. It of course only supplied fuel what Putin's doing now with a clear conscience.
I think that you're exactly right on the issue of throwing good money after bad. The reason that the radical right, the Rinos and the Blue Dogs are trashing public education is because they want it privatized in order to control curriculum and end the teacher's unions. Secondly, the only reason that public education is in such a deplorable state is simply because education is not a public priority in this country: it's just like the lip service paid to the middle class; everybody talks about it but does nothing positive for it.

As for war these days; again, Iraq is what ruined the entire mission to destabilize terrorism effectively. Iraq was an invasion to get a foot hold and control the country's oil. I haven't seen a more blantant act of neo feudalism. I'm glad it failed for that reason. It of course only supplied fuel what Putin's doing now with a clear conscience.

I think that you're exactly right on the issue of throwing good money after bad. The reason that the radical right, the Rinos and the Blue Dogs are trashing public education is because they want it privatized in order to control curriculum and end the teacher's unions. Secondly, the only reason that public education is in such a deplorable state is simply because education is not a public priority in this country: it's just like the lip service paid to the middle class; everybody talks about it but does nothing positive for it.

Public education is the sole authority of State government in accordance with the 10th amendment of our Constitution. Even FDR was against public unions. Even he knew that politicians negotiating with unions without having a dog in the fight, i. e. their own fucking money, they’d soon break the fucking bank negotiating with taxpayers money which damned few politicians have any real respect for.
Public education is the sole authority of State government in accordance with the 10th amendment of our Constitution. Even FDR was against public unions. Even he knew that politicians negotiating with unions without having a dog in the fight, i. e. their own fucking money, they’d soon break the fucking bank negotiating with taxpayers money which damned few politicians have any real respect for.

Well two things: first your slapping Thomas Jefferson in the face who was a great supporter of a free public education, and secondly, the X Amenedment says nothing about education. The very first free public schools were in Virginia beginning in 1635, and Jeferson himself proposed a two track educational system in 1776. So a free public education has a very long and honored history in the US.

As for Public Unions: the right to collective bargaining applys to everybody; except American banks, for obvious reasons. JFK signed into law the right for public employees to collectively baragin: labor was at it's height, and with the boon that is municipal, state and federal government, paying a good wage with benefits only befits the work force in this country. Your angst at the teacher's union is a meme started by the radical right to try control education in this country with an agenda toward the competitive business market. To be well educated goes way beyond a simple agenda and must be supported by an ever widening scope of subjects and ideas that fit our society's ideal and Thomas Jefferson's notion of a well informed public that can participate in it's own government.

So, you're wrong on all counts I'm afraid. Moreover, your fight is really with the state you live in that keeps asking for federal money to go towards education. If your state saw education as a prioroty, that wouldn't be happening.
Well two things: first your slapping Thomas Jefferson in the face who was a great supporter of a free public education, and secondly, the X Amenedment says nothing about education. The very first free public schools were in Virginia beginning in 1635, and Jeferson himself proposed a two track educational system in 1776. So a free public education has a very long and honored history in the US.

As for Public Unions: the right to collective bargaining applys to everybody; except American banks, for obvious reasons. JFK signed into law the right for public employees to collectively baragin: labor was at it's height, and with the boon that is municipal, state and federal government, paying a good wage with benefits only befits the work force in this country. Your angst at the teacher's union is a meme started by the radical right to try control education in this country with an agenda toward the competitive business market. To be well educated goes way beyond a simple agenda and must be supported by an ever widening scope of subjects and ideas that fit our society's ideal and Thomas Jefferson's notion of a well informed public that can participate in it's own government.

So, you're wrong on all counts I'm afraid. Moreover, your fight is really with the state you live in that keeps asking for federal money to go towards education. If your state saw education as a prioroty, that wouldn't be happening.

Not a rhetorical question. Does any state not receive, or ask, for money from the federal government for education?
Not a rhetorical question. Does any state not receive, or ask, for money from the federal government for education?

I think that they all do: they'd have to have asked or the feds wouldn't include educational funding as part of the national budget. That "no child left behind" thing was federal money going to education.
Not a rhetorical question. Does any state not receive, or ask, for money from the federal government for education?

Being forced to pay into the federal coffers for public education and forced to adhere to the federal gov. mandates on education, they would be fools not to.
#1, You are notorious for posting flawed and often preposterous numbers, so why should anybody believe those above?

#2 Goober you fail to note that true conservatives and libertarians and FOX NEWS have been enlightening fucking idiots like you that the federal government’s unconstitutional so-called ”entitlement programs” are in the red ink and are pathetically unstainable into the future because they have 100dreds of trillions of $ of unfunded future liabilities.

As expensive as our unconstitutional un-paid-for wars have been they’re hardly any worse or better than the so-called entitlements.

Together the warring socialist Duopoly bastards have plunged the nation directly into the face of bankruptcy.

Great post, it brings up several important topics.

I occasionally mistype. I remember the 3 threads where I missed a DOT or apostrophe and the small brains thought they struck gold because I made a mistake. Much like Obama spelling R-S-P-E-C-T today. If you are a threat, the small brains will never explain or excuse your mistake and paint it to be a bigger picture than what it is. Clearly if you are STRONG on your politics you don't have to resort to these exploits but you are not here to learn, that's fact.

ALMOST EVERY RIGHT WING (VOTER) In America has no clue what is considered an "Entitlement". They see a video of a black person EXPECTING a free living and they think they know politics. When most people do research on what is actually considered an "entitlement" they generally change their perspective. The term "ENTITLEMENT" scares them off and when they see programs that they have paid into such as SCHOOL and SOCIAL SECURITY they don't see it as an entitlement at all.

I've asked HUNDREDS of Republican Christians if they want the welfare programs if they actually serve the people intended and they all say yes. None of them want Sloth which is what is painted for every poor person in America by bias Media.

I dare anyone to take the number of people committing Government Fraud and balance it against Unnecessary war! ANYONE!

Republicans, though war mongers, still believe in Education Equality provided by Government. EDUCATION IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT YOU LIBERTARIAN IDIOT...IT'S INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE RESTRICTED.
That's nothing; the Socialist war on poverty has cost this nation over $20 trillion and there are more in poverty today than when the Socialist war on poverty was declared. Now that's a testament to failure and waste if I ever saw one.

You don't even know what a Socialist is idiot. Get educated.
Schools are a local matter not a federal one. Entitlement does not apply.
if you want to stop the wars then see BO but if you do then you just stop spending the money you dont start spending it on something else.

I think that you're exactly right on the issue of throwing good money after bad. The reason that the radical right, the Rinos and the Blue Dogs are trashing public education is because they want it privatized in order to control curriculum and end the teacher's unions. Secondly, the only reason that public education is in such a deplorable state is simply because education is not a public priority in this country: it's just like the lip service paid to the middle class; everybody talks about it but does nothing positive for it.

As for war these days; again, Iraq is what ruined the entire mission to destabilize terrorism effectively. Iraq was an invasion to get a foot hold and control the country's oil. I haven't seen a more blantant act of neo feudalism. I'm glad it failed for that reason. It of course only supplied fuel what Putin's doing now with a clear conscience.

I agree with some of that. But Iraq wasn't about Iraq oil lol. It was about controlling Countries around Iran. I've been stating this for years and I sound crazy but we kind of took over every Country around Iran since I've been stating the same thing.

Back when people thought the war was over Oil there was little connection (yes I am stating I was you YEARS ago). Then I learned about the petrol dollar. I screamed about it for a year or two, then this video came out

It's not about oil...It's about the currency the world uses for trading oil..
Well two things: first your slapping Thomas Jefferson in the face who was a great supporter of a free public education, and secondly, the X Amenedment says nothing about education. The very first free public schools were in Virginia beginning in 1635, and Jeferson himself proposed a two track educational system in 1776. So a free public education has a very long and honored history in the US.

As for Public Unions: the right to collective bargaining applys to everybody; except American banks, for obvious reasons. JFK signed into law the right for public employees to collectively baragin: labor was at it's height, and with the boon that is municipal, state and federal government, paying a good wage with benefits only befits the work force in this country. Your angst at the teacher's union is a meme started by the radical right to try control education in this country with an agenda toward the competitive business market. To be well educated goes way beyond a simple agenda and must be supported by an ever widening scope of subjects and ideas that fit our society's ideal and Thomas Jefferson's notion of a well informed public that can participate in it's own government.

So, you're wrong on all counts I'm afraid. Moreover, your fight is really with the state you live in that keeps asking for federal money to go towards education. If your state saw education as a prioroty, that wouldn't be happening.

I'm happy to read this because you posted "first your slapping Thomas Jefferson in the face who was a great supporter of a free public education" because one of my "failed" 3 posts ever was because I ended with "DOM". (I was drinking)

So Thomas Jefferson believed in FREE education?!? Tell me more...........!!!!! WHEN DID EDUCATION BECOME AN ENTITLEMENT?!?
That's nothing; the Socialist war on poverty has cost this nation over $20 trillion and there are more in poverty today than when the Socialist war on poverty was declared. Now that's a testament to failure and waste if I ever saw one.

I hate that I'm going to spend time on an idiot but what the hell.......................

Do you know what socialism is. It's when a Country selects a pay for the people. Some socialist Countries elect "HIGHER OFFICIALS" to select the pay which is almost exactly what we do. Socialist Austrailia uses GOVERNMENT and elected officials to determine pay.

The general definition of Socialism is to let the people determine pay by vote to all jobs. Supply and Demand isn't an issue. Firemen in Socialist Countries get paid more because it's not a demand/supply system.

I tend to think Capitalism is honest as long as we STOP THE CORRUPTION. The idiots that try to cover that corruption up are putting us 1 step closer to Socialism. (Which has nothing to do with dictatorship or communism, little Fox News eductation bump)
Well two things: first your slapping Thomas Jefferson in the face who was a great supporter of a free public education,

Yet you totally fail to mention that Jefferson never even attempted to establish a dime’s worth of public education that was supported with a dime’s worth of federal money nor advocated for such during his entire time in federal offices including the Presidency. Which brings me to your second uninformed issue as follows the other half of your “two things.”

and secondly, the X Amenedment says nothing about education. The very first free public schools were in Virginia beginning in 1635, and Jeferson himself proposed a two track educational system in 1776. So a free public education has a very long and honored history in the US.

As a matter of pure fact, the 10th Amendment says all it needs to say about ”education” and everything else not enumerated in the Constitution as a power of the federal government. You see Goober the 10th Amendment is not about what is not mentioned, it’s about what is actually mentioned by the rest of the Constitution as being a power of the federal government, i. e. if it’s not listed/enumerated by the Constitution as a power of the federal government that power belongs to the States or the people.