Cost Of War; Update

As for Public Unions: the right to collective bargaining applys to everybody; except American banks, for obvious reasons. JFK signed into law the right for public employees to collectively baragin: labor was at it's height, and with the boon that is municipal, state and federal government, paying a good wage with benefits only befits the work force in this country.

JFK’s 1962 executive order was a sad mistake for America. Even the very progressive FDR was opposed to public unionism and for the most obvious reasons of common sense that should be perfectly obvious to any sane and logical folk. Politicians and government in general as representatives of the people actually have few to no personal dogs/money in a fight/negotiation with a public union, thus taxpayer’s money surely will be freely wasted on lavish wages and benefits for public union employees and union bosses. All one needs do to confirm that fact is take an insightful look at the diseased, corrupted and malignant condition prevalent with said contracts.

Your angst at the teacher's union is a meme started by the radical right to try control education in this country with an agenda toward the competitive business market.

So in your leftist neo-commie world FDR was a ”radical rightist?”

Actually I totally oppose “ALL” public sector unions because the government’s negotiators wouldn’t/ won’t and don’t give a rat’s ass about the taxpayer’s loot they get extorted by the unions for. It’s Oh so easy for them to bend over and take the old purple shaft right up their cavalier asses, then bilk the taxpayers. I would be more supportive of a ”TaxPayer’s Union” with the balls to sue the government and the public unions for the waste fraud and abuse they conspire to perpetrate on the taxpaying people.

To be well educated goes way beyond a simple agenda and must be supported by an ever widening scope of subjects and ideas that fit our society's ideal and Thomas Jefferson's notion of a well informed public that can participate in it's own government.

To be ”WELL EDUCATED” goes way beyond a public education and the corrupt unions thereof.

So, you're wrong on all counts I'm afraid. Moreover, your fight is really with the state you live in that keeps asking for federal money to go towards education. If your state saw education as a prioroty, that wouldn't be happening.

You are not only totally wrong, but you’re also misinformed, biased, prejudice and partisan.

Federal money for education is unconstitutional. You can provide ”NO” constitutional authority for the federal government to be involved in education in any way, shape or form. Public education is the sole authority of the State or the people, (see Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution)
Great post, it brings up several important topics.

I occasionally mistype. I remember the 3 threads where I missed a DOT or apostrophe and the small brains thought they struck gold because I made a mistake. Much like Obama spelling R-S-P-E-C-T today. If you are a threat, the small brains will never explain or excuse your mistake and paint it to be a bigger picture than what it is. Clearly if you are STRONG on your politics you don't have to resort to these exploits but you are not here to learn, that's fact.

You’d have a valid point Goober if that were your only mistake. You’re notorious here for bullshit and blatant errors. You’re so full of shit your garments have to be constructed of toilet paper.

ALMOST EVERY RIGHT WING (VOTER) In America has no clue what is considered an "Entitlement". They see a video of a black person EXPECTING a free living and they think they know politics. When most people do research on what is actually considered an "entitlement" they generally change their perspective. The term "ENTITLEMENT" scares them off and when they see programs that they have paid into such as SCHOOL and SOCIAL SECURITY they don't see it as an entitlement at all.

Well Goober you once again create your own challenge. Since we rightist and libertarians are, (according to you), ignorant of what “entitlements” truly are we’ll just have to depend on your superior knowledge and genius to enlighten us. So Goober what are “true entitlements?” Oh! Don’t worry, we’ll wait for your enlightenment but we won’t hold our breath!

I dare anyone to take the number of people committing Government Fraud and balance it against Unnecessary war! ANYONE!

Hey Goober, you’re the self-appointed genius, you do the balancing then we’ll all have the benefits of your truths. What is the balance between unnecessary war and government fraud Goober? We’ll wait, but we won’t hold our breath!

Republicans, though war mongers, still believe in Education Equality provided by Government. EDUCATION IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT YOU LIBERTARIAN IDIOT...IT'S INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE RESTRICTED.

But education and a whole bunch of other things IS RESTRICTED pea-brain! Read Amendment 10 of our Constitution. Education is a restricted power authorized solely to the States or the people and RESTRICTED/DENIED to the fucking corrupt bloated humongous Federal government.

I never said education was an “entitlement” Goober, but it’s perfectly evident that y’all neo-commie bastard leftist have anointed it as such. Education Goober is a Privilege to be EARNED.
I agree with some of that. But Iraq wasn't about Iraq oil lol. It was about controlling Countries around Iran. I've been stating this for years and I sound crazy but we kind of took over every Country around Iran since I've been stating the same thing.

Back when people thought the war was over Oil there was little connection (yes I am stating I was you YEARS ago). Then I learned about the petrol dollar. I screamed about it for a year or two, then this video came out.

It's not about oil...It's about the currency the world uses for trading oil..

Another dimwitted moron who thinks that Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9-11 and Iraq had nothing to do with the first Gulf War.

I cannot say I am surprised; stupid is your shtick shit-for-brains.
I hate that I'm going to spend time on an idiot but what the hell.......................

Unfortunately for an idiot like you; you have no choice but to spend time with yourself. That doesn't mean we have to sit here and tolerate your boring ignorance every single fucking day does it shit-for-brains?
I think that you're exactly right on the issue of throwing good money after bad. The reason that the radical right, the Rinos and the Blue Dogs are trashing public education is because they want it privatized in order to control curriculum and end the teacher's unions. Secondly, the only reason that public education is in such a deplorable state is simply because education is not a public priority in this country: it's just like the lip service paid to the middle class; everybody talks about it but does nothing positive for it.

As for war these days; again, Iraq is what ruined the entire mission to destabilize terrorism effectively. Iraq was an invasion to get a foot hold and control the country's oil. I haven't seen a more blantant act of neo feudalism. I'm glad it failed for that reason. It of course only supplied fuel what Putin's doing now with a clear conscience.

The people don't think it's possible, but when you become a collectivist of information you see all parties agree to the same things. You also see a money driven circle of uneducated politics pushing over small brains to ensure Corporations run this Country and not the People.
Another dimwitted moron who thinks that Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9-11 and Iraq had nothing to do with the first Gulf War.

I cannot say I am surprised; stupid is your shtick shit-for-brains.

So why were the war papers on the Presidents desk before 9-11? I'm sure you can explain.......because you are SMALL GOVERNMENT and not a bias part of the title wave of misinformation lol
JFK’s 1962 executive order was a sad mistake for America. Even the very progressive FDR was opposed to public unionism and for the most obvious reasons of common sense that should be perfectly obvious to any sane and logical folk. Politicians and government in general as representatives of the people actually have few to no personal dogs/money in a fight/negotiation with a public union, thus taxpayer’s money surely will be freely wasted on lavish wages and benefits for public union employees and union bosses. All one needs do to confirm that fact is take an insightful look at the diseased, corrupted and malignant condition prevalent with said contracts.

So in your leftist neo-commie world FDR was a ”radical rightist?”

Unions are bias just like any other organization. But nearly none of these organizations are made specifically to do wrong. Anti-Union Fox News should have taught you that small brain lol.
Actually I totally oppose “ALL” public sector unions because the government’s negotiators wouldn’t/ won’t and don’t give a rat’s ass about the taxpayer’s loot they get extorted by the unions for. It’s Oh so easy for them to bend over and take the old purple shaft right up their cavalier asses, then bilk the taxpayers. I would be more supportive of a ”TaxPayer’s Union” with the balls to sue the government and the public unions for the waste fraud and abuse they conspire to perpetrate on the taxpaying people.

To be ”WELL EDUCATED” goes way beyond a public education and the corrupt unions thereof.

You are not only totally wrong, but you’re also misinformed, biased, prejudice and partisan.

Federal money for education is unconstitutional. You can provide ”NO” constitutional authority for the federal government to be involved in education in any way, shape or form. Public education is the sole authority of the State or the people, (see Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution)

I'm happy you brought up "Unions"

You seem to think Public Unions bring nothing but disaster. Yet you are off work tonight.
What I hoped to get out of this thread was numbers.

The number of people on welfare raping the system is the current HOT topic. It's a valid and real topic and needs to get attention. And as it turns out, MOST..........MOST..........MOST Republicans want to help the people in true need. Yet they don't want to help the "Sloth" or lazy people.

So what costs more?

The $300,000 a day for a war we could have avoided and do not have to be in or the lazy people who manipulate our welfare system?

I say attack both. Others say "attack what my party is against"
I'm happy you brought up "Unions"

You seem to think Public Unions bring nothing but disaster. Yet you are off work tonight.

“Off work?” What the fuck are you talking about now Goober?

Public unions are an abomination! They’re responsible for the financial destruction of every State government budget and an obscene burden on the taxpayers. They’re operated by greedy bastards who bribe the fucking politicians they negotiate with for their wages and benefits with a collective union vote. It’s cronyism at its worst. Politicians have little to no incentive to negotiate reasonable terms with public unions because they are negotiating with other people’s money and all incentive is attracted to the collective union block vote. In effect, they're bribing the union vote with taxpayer's money.

The federal government actually has union members collecting a government check & benefits while their only job is so-called union business. They also receive government pensions and benefits when they retire. All negotiated with government bureaucrats who depend on the federal union members block vote for their party’s candidates. It’s a fucking racket Goober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's nothing; the Socialist war on poverty has cost this nation over $20 trillion and there are more in poverty today than when the Socialist war on poverty was declared. Now that's a testament to failure and waste if I ever saw one.

Cite 20 trillion fool.
Another dimwitted moron who thinks that Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9-11 and Iraq had nothing to do with the first Gulf War.

I cannot say I am surprised; stupid is your shtick shit-for-brains.

Another fucking idiot post from a moron who refuses to accept the fact that before any President directs the military to attack another nation he first must get confirmation and agreement from the Congress in the form of an official congressional declaration of war. The Constitution says so. Also, there’s no constitutional authority for a President or a Congress to build nations

Concerning the Gulf War, when did God die and make America the protector and military might of the middle-east and filthy rich Arab dictators? Why was such unconstitutional action taken to reinstate a Kuwait dictatorship without a declaration of war when Kuwait voted against American interest more times in the United Nations with the exceptions of the Communist Russia and China?

Your just a fucking war hawking despicable RINO militarist who doesn’t give a fuck how many of America’s youth you put into harm’s way, get killed and maimed as long as you don’t have to go to war yourself but you can wave your phony patriotism from your safe roof top. You’re clueless and pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cite 20 trillion fool.

Here you go shit-for-brains:

We cringe at what the Democrats would consider enough. Robert Rector who has studied poverty for nearly three decades at the Heritage Foundation, reckons government has already spent $20.7 trillion in taxpayers' money on 80 means-tested welfare programs in the past 50 years.

Here's a few more unhappy FACTS about the Obama Presidency:

A record 46.5 million Americans are still counted as poor, and the share of those living in poverty — 15% and rising today vs. 19% and falling in 1964 — is close to what it was when Johnson sounded the trumpet.

More than 47 million Americans are now on food stamps — also a record high and representing roughly a 50% increase since the day Barack Obama was inaugurated after a campaign based on "hope."

Meanwhile, an all-time high of Americans — nearly 9 million, 20% more than when Obama walked into the White House — are on disability. And not because they're disabled, but rather because they can't find jobs in Obama's economy and have exited the workforce.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

Another great article on the topic:

How the War on Poverty Was Lost

Of course you won't read it because you prefer to wallow in blissful ignorance and can only parrot the dimwitted leftist talking points you are spoon fed like the gullible dimwitted lamb you are.

So we have spent an average of $142 billion a year which amounts to about 4% of the total Federal Budget and this means what? Mandatory entitlements take up 56% of the budget and you cannot find that requirement anywhere in the Constitutional duties of the Federal Government. Defense, yes; entitlements; no.

I am amused by the leftist claims that those wars were unnecessary, after all, leftists argued that Afghanistan was the "justified" war when they were against the Iraq war after they were for it; but of course it will turn out to have been unnecessary as this inept President turns his back on those nations for purely partisan purposes and allows them to descend once more into despotic dictatorships.

But then, when it comes to a failure of leadership, Obama has no peer.