Cost Of War; Update

Another fucking idiot post from a moron who refuses to accept the fact that before any President directs the military to attack another nation he first must get confirmation and agreement from the Congress in the form of an official congressional declaration of war. The Constitution says so. Also, there’s no constitutional authority for a President or a Congress to build nations

Concerning the Gulf War, when did God die and make America the protector and military might of the middle-east and filthy rich Arab dictators? Why was such unconstitutional action taken to reinstate a Kuwait dictatorship without a declaration of war when Kuwait voted against American interest more times in the United Nations with the exceptions of the Communist Russia and China?

Your just a fucking war hawking despicable RINO militarist who doesn’t give a fuck how many of America’s youth you put into harm’s way, get killed and maimed as long as you don’t have to go to war yourself but you can wave your phony patriotism from your safe roof top. You’re clueless and pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wrong again shit-for-brains; a President can get that authorization in the form of the Joint Resolution on Iraq - Congressional authorization. But alas, you're a vulgar ranting lunatic who cannot distinguish reality from fantasy.

I am amused by dumbasses that rant about this mythical "declaration of war" clause that is the ONLY way a President can and may use force; it is quite laughably stupid and comedic to watch.
Here you go shit-for-brains:

We cringe at what the Democrats would consider enough. Robert Rector who has studied poverty for nearly three decades at the Heritage Foundation, reckons government has already spent $20.7 trillion in taxpayers' money on 80 means-tested welfare programs in the past 50 years.

Here's a few more unhappy FACTS about the Obama Presidency:

A record 46.5 million Americans are still counted as poor, and the share of those living in poverty — 15% and rising today vs. 19% and falling in 1964 — is close to what it was when Johnson sounded the trumpet.

More than 47 million Americans are now on food stamps — also a record high and representing roughly a 50% increase since the day Barack Obama was inaugurated after a campaign based on "hope."

Meanwhile, an all-time high of Americans — nearly 9 million, 20% more than when Obama walked into the White House — are on disability. And not because they're disabled, but rather because they can't find jobs in Obama's economy and have exited the workforce.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

Another great article on the topic:

How the War on Poverty Was Lost

Of course you won't read it because you prefer to wallow in blissful ignorance and can only parrot the dimwitted leftist talking points you are spoon fed like the gullible dimwitted lamb you are.
Heritage Foundation isn't a source idiot, it is opinion propaganda. How about a CBO source or shut the fuck up you repugnant rightwing dunce.
Wrong again shit-for-brains; a President can get that authorization in the form of the Joint Resolution on Iraq - Congressional authorization. But alas, you're a vulgar ranting lunatic who cannot distinguish reality from fantasy.

I am amused by dumbasses that rant about this mythical "declaration of war" clause that is the ONLY way a President can and may use force; it is quite laughably stupid and comedic to watch.
Wrong again shit for brains, just because Congress has been repeatedly bypassed it is still unconstitutional. You are the dumbest fucker on this board other than Nova. Idiot. You clearly have no knowledge nor conception of the Constitution. Repugnant Dunce.
So we have spent an average of $142 billion a year which amounts to about 4% of the total Federal Budget and this means what? Mandatory entitlements take up 56% of the budget and you cannot find that requirement anywhere in the Constitutional duties of the Federal Government. Defense, yes; entitlements; no.

I am amused by the leftist claims that those wars were unnecessary, after all, leftists argued that Afghanistan was the "justified" war when they were against the Iraq war after they were for it; but of course it will turn out to have been unnecessary as this inept President turns his back on those nations for purely partisan purposes and allows them to descend once more into despotic dictatorships.

But then, when it comes to a failure of leadership, Obama has no peer.
Cite entitlements taking up 56% of the budget you reprehensible retard. Not even conceivable since defense consumes well over 50%. this is quite possibly the biggest lie ever told on the internet.
Cite entitlements taking up 56% of the budget you reprehensible retard. Not even conceivable since defense consumes well over 50%. this is quite possibly the biggest lie ever told on the internet.
By the way, MORON, defense occurs in defending ourselves, not invading foreign nations AND the common welfare most certainly IS in the Constitution. Brain dead simian.
“Off work?” What the fuck are you talking about now Goober?

Public unions are an abomination! They’re responsible for the financial destruction of every State government budget and an obscene burden on the taxpayers. They’re operated by greedy bastards who bribe the fucking politicians they negotiate with for their wages and benefits with a collective union vote. It’s cronyism at its worst. Politicians have little to no incentive to negotiate reasonable terms with public unions because they are negotiating with other people’s money and all incentive is attracted to the collective union block vote. In effect, they're bribing the union vote with taxpayer's money.

The federal government actually has union members collecting a government check & benefits while their only job is so-called union business. They also receive government pensions and benefits when they retire. All negotiated with government bureaucrats who depend on the federal union members block vote for their party’s candidates. It’s a fucking racket Goober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know, that acid you've been drinking is going to eat you from the inside out: it's already had a very heavy effect of you cognitive abilities. For Instance, this thing that you have against public employee unions is simply talking point right-wing bullshit based on nothing other than a need for the right-wing to destroy a major funding system for Democratic candidates.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Heritage Foundation isn't a source idiot, it is opinion propaganda. How about a CBO source or shut the fuck up you repugnant rightwing dunce.

The Heritage uses sound economic data in its analysis unlike the CBO you repugnant fat dumbass; but I have to laugh that you think the CBO is an unbiased credible source.

Yes you repugnant fat dumbass, you really are THAT ignorant, THAT stupid and THAT fucking ugly.

Wrong again shit for brains, just because Congress has been repeatedly bypassed it is still unconstitutional.

Dear repugnant ignorant fat dumbass; you haven’t been right your entire pathetic life.

Congress wasn’t bypassed in the Iraq resolution or the Afghanistan resolution. But alas, I am talking to an ignorant moron stuck on a special brand of stupid.

You are the dumbest fucker on this board other than Nova. Idiot. You clearly have no knowledge nor conception of the Constitution. Repugnant Dunce.

Dear repugnant ignorant fat dumbass, it is ironic seeing you claim others are the dumbest fucks when it is painfully obvious from the stupidity that erupted above you are a clueless repugnant fat dumbass with few peers.

You couldn’t comprehend what is contained in the Constitution any better than your clueless nonsense regarding economics. Yes dumbass, you really are THAT stupid.

Now run along and bore someone else with your dullard stupidity; life is too short to respond to such glaring stupidity and ignorance.
Dear repugnant ignorant fat dumbass; you haven’t been right your entire pathetic life.

Congress wasn’t bypassed in the Iraq resolution or the Afghanistan resolution. But alas, I am talking to an ignorant moron stuck on a special brand of stupid.

Dear repugnant ignorant fat dumbass, it is ironic seeing you claim others are the dumbest fucks when it is painfully obvious from the stupidity that erupted above you are a clueless repugnant fat dumbass with few peers.

You couldn’t comprehend what is contained in the Constitution any better than your clueless nonsense regarding economics. Yes dumbass, you really are THAT stupid.

Now run along and bore someone else with your dullard stupidity; life is too short to respond to such glaring stupidity and ignorance.

So you can't back up a single one of your bald faced lies. What a fucking dishonest moron you are.,
So you can't back up a single one of your bald faced lies. What a fucking dishonest moron you are.,

What lies you ignorant fat dunce? The AUMF and Joint Resolution on Iraq were Congressional approval for those actions. Bush didn't act outside of Congress.

You're the one bloviating falsehoods here, but you are too ignorant and stupid to comprehend that.

Carry on dumbass; you really are too stupid for prime time.
Dear repugnant ignorant fat dumbass; you haven’t been right your entire pathetic life.

Congress wasn’t bypassed in the Iraq resolution or the Afghanistan resolution. But alas, I am talking to an ignorant moron stuck on a special brand of stupid.

Dear repugnant ignorant fat dumbass, it is ironic seeing you claim others are the dumbest fucks when it is painfully obvious from the stupidity that erupted above you are a clueless repugnant fat dumbass with few peers.

You couldn’t comprehend what is contained in the Constitution any better than your clueless nonsense regarding economics. Yes dumbass, you really are THAT stupid.

Now run along and bore someone else with your dullard stupidity; life is too short to respond to such glaring stupidity and ignorance.

The Heritage uses sound economic data in its analysis unlike the CBO you repugnant fat dumbass; but I have to laugh that you think the CBO is an unbiased credible source.

Yes you repugnant fat dumbass, you really are THAT ignorant, THAT stupid and THAT fucking ugly.


But the heritage foundation doesn;t scew it's results in any way . . . Nooooo, the herritage foundation is made up of completely objective professional academics who represent no agenda whatsoever and their findings are taken as gospel all over the academic and political world.


It's the pure idiocy of the radical right that I just find so fascinating.