Could Germany have won the war?

Obviously Hitler made many mistakes but would it have been possible for Germany to have conquered all of Europe and Russia?

No. They could not in short because it's history. It fucking happened.
Fascist, Right Wing, monied aristocrats of old Prussia tried hard to fuck up serfs but they had a problem, Prussia and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

WW1 was Aristocracy war.

Since then it's been the same thing while we sleep on the democratic good shit, lol. Old school aristocr-thieves sell suppression, always win when we sleep. Just like Disney.

With global ME FIRST human life destruction is the primary con/science scamway capitalism scientific manipulated path.

For stupid.


We are here.
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No. They could not in short because it's history. It fucking happened.
Fascist, Right Wing, monied aristocrats of old Prussia tried hard to fuck up serfs but they had a problem, Prussia and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

WW1 was Aristocracy war.

Since then it's been the same thing while we sleep on the democratic good shit, lol. Old school aristocr-thieves sell suppression.

With global ME FIRST human life destruction is the primary scientific path.


We are here.

Your neighbors are just as bad as the aristocrats.
I think you're just too dumb to see it. If your neighbors were good people the old boy network wouldn't exist.

Wtf you talking about?

Okay I'm too ignorant/ stupid for you, great. Anyway your point about neighbors being fucked up and homogeneous networks of fag guy groups, I mean' Old Boy clubs' that wouldn't exist is weird, racist and actually bloviating word smith stupidity. I'm guessing it's your suppressed flame blaming mentality... There's no framework of PHYLOSOPHY, no shared analyzed reality. Really just mostly puppeteer corps vomiting bot phone algorithms bullshit and tired group think tropes for the easily freedumbed.

From you.

But hey, you're smart.

And I'm stupid.

From my dumb assed perspective, seeking control over others ideas is the path of the Beta man
lol but what do I know...

Wtf you talking about?

Okay I'm too ignorant/ stupid for you, great. Anyway your point about neighbors being fucked up and homogeneous networks of fag guy groups, I mean' Old Boy clubs' that wouldn't exist is weird, racist and actually bloviating word smith stupidity. I'm guessing it's your suppressed flame blaming mentality... There's no framework of PHYLOSOPHY, no shared analyzed reality. Really just mostly puppeteer corps vomiting bot phone algorithms bullshit and tired group think tropes for the easily freedumbed.

From you.

But hey, you're smart.

And I'm stupid.

From my dumb assed perspective, seeking control over others ideas is the path of the Beta man
lol but what do know...

You don't know what the old boy network is? You wanna go with that? Really? Are you American or just pretending to be?
You don't know what the old boy network is? You wanna go with that? Really? Are you American or just pretending to be?

please child just stop.

It's embarrassing.

I AM foreign in ways you'll never understand. I'm from a different State and time of Missouri, a state that no longer exists. Truman's State and town of Independence. I am A United States Citizen, period.
I have travelled the world 28 times and I see bullshit before it posts.

Sadly, you are that. Just corp stained scamway capitalism stains that need to be removed.

shit stain I have to scrape off my shoe while I move forward in Reality.
please child just stop.

It's embarrassing.

I AM foreign in ways you'll never understand. I'm from a different State and time of Missouri, a state that no longer exists. Truman's State and town of Independence. I am A United States Citizen, period.
I have travelled the world 28 times and I see bullshit before it posts.

Sadly, you are that. Just corp stained scamway capitalism stains that need to be removed.

shit stain I have to scrape off my shoe while I move forward in Reality.

So you don't know. That's how I caught hawkeye too. When in Rome...that's what you people never understand.
So you don't know. That's how I caught hawkeye too. When in Rome...that's what you people never understand.

You say things for some inside group but they mean nothing because the pursuit of Truth is bereft in your posts, it's only for an insular group. A kind of cancer to Life.
None of that has ANYTHING to do with Josef Mengele. He fled Germany at the end of the war and ended up in S. Africa.

As for Paperclip, about 300 German rocket and missile engineers and scientists were brought to the US and taken to Fort Bliss near El Paso TX to work on missiles and such. Most were involved with a project called Hermes run by GE and left the program by 1950. Those that remained in government service moved to Redstone Alabama to the Redstone Arsenal there and worked on US Army projects, particularly the Redstone SRBM. Others went to NASA.

These engineers had no input into US Navy programs of that era like Bumblebee, nor did they participate in USAF programs like GAPA, Atlas, or Titan.

So, you can take your crappy online sources, such as they aren't, and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

For example, a source you never read,


has this to say about German participation and contributions:

Over the years, a veritable industry has grown up describing the "advanced technology" allegedly developed by the Germans at the end of World War Two. Within this industry it is an article of faith that these alleged German developments "laid the foundation for all existing guided missile technology and ICBM delivery systems." The Air Force and The National Guided Missile Program 1944-1950 reveals just how false this picture is.
Certainly, the operational use of the German V-1 and V-2 missiles did stimulate the post-war surge of interest in guided missiles but in technical terms, it also shows that the US was running at least level with German developments and in some areas had already surpassed them. In actual technology terms, German input into the US Air Force programs was so minimal as to be insignificant.

The US Navy programs were the exact same way.

Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.