Could Germany have won the war?

Published books is 'published', dude. He is not talking about blogs or even the internet at all. Apparently you are completely unfamiliar with the life and works of Michael Faraday, who received only a rudimentary education at a church Sunday School, yet went on to create many theories of science. Even the unit of capacitance, the farad, is named after Michael Faraday.

Science is not a magazine or a journal.

people like cypress are also the esablishmentarians who say fiat currency isn't totalitarianism.

what would faraday say?

farady would trump bigly.
you mean like what? the mainstream news lying about russiagate? the who ? who lies about covid?

why are you afraid of truth?

The Democrats are not the illuminati, dude.
There is no 'mainstream media'. The Associated Press, the New York Time, and the L.A. Times are controlled by Democrats and other liberals.
yes, we know you can't read, little dum ho.

Lame. You can't even throw an insult properly.

No argument presented.

I'm sure your random words and phrases probably mean something to YOU, even though it's not English. Even when you DO use English, you are often just describing yourself or trying to justify your slavery to a dead Nazi or to the so-called Illuminati. You actually think they control the whole world.

The Illuminati was created as an alternative to Free Masonry. Since then, the Bavarian Illuminati fell apart and nothing replaced it. Neither controls the world. Go back to chasing the Apple of Eden.
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The Democrats are not the illuminati, dude.
There is no 'mainstream media'. The Associated Press, the New York Time, and the L.A. Times are controlled by Democrats and other liberals.

THe illuminati corrupts both sides of the aisle with its globalist totalitarian wickedry.

case in point, you.
it was called the oss then.

The OSS wasn't involved in Paperclip either. It was solely a US Army operation.

why are you defending this den of vipers?
are you a fed?

I'm not 'defending' anything other than truth over conspiracy theory bullshit.


Get the evidence, get it right, then make the claim. Personal anecdote is worthless, particularly when the facts are wrong within it.

I DARE you to take your claims over to this site and put them up.

You will get demolished so fast there it'll hurt all the way from the internet to your ass.
Lame. You can't even throw an insult properly.

No argument presented.

I'm sure your random words and phrases probably mean something to YOU, even though it's not English. Even when you DO use English, you are often just describing yourself or trying to justify your slavery to a dead Nazi or to the so-called Illuminati. You actually think they control the whole world.

The Illuminati was created as an alternative to Free Masonry. Since then, the Bavarian Illuminati fell apart and nothing replaced it. Neither controls the world. Go back to chasing the Apple of Eden.

are klaus schwab and the wef good people doing good things?
Truth? That site is so full of shit it needs to be pumped like a septic tank.
Nicely put! :thumbsup:

It is nothing but personal anecdote and opinion. There are no sourceable facts on it, nor any credible evidence given. It's a conspiracy theory site.

Take this line from it for example:

...came to the U.S. as part of the CIA's Operation Paperclip, which enlisted Nazi and war criminals in the Cold War.

Paperclip was run by the US Army and that is well documented. The CIA didn't even exist when Paperclip was being run. It was formed in 1947, after the war while Paperclip was done starting in late 1944 and into mid 1945 where collection efforts by it were largely finished. So, "Sara in Minnesota" is dead flat wrong on her commentary. She goes on to say this:

I have testified about these abuses before Congress twice (unrelated to the first clip I posted above but still her statement)

Really? Dates and copies of the transcripts would be nice, but those likely don't exist. You are just supposed to believe her.

The whole site is like that. It's bullshit from start to finish.
That it is. Remember, though, that he believes he is a slave to a dead Nazi and to the Illuminati.
Gardner said s. africa.

you globalist satanic suckups can't even get your shit straight anymore.

that's why you're losing.

:nolovejesus: › passage › ?search=Ephesians 6:12&version=KJV
Ephesians 6:12King James Version. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Read full chapter. Ephesians 6:12 in all English translations.

Mistake on my part. S. America.
Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.

from your hero henrymakow who you like to quote-

Humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult
Cabalist Judaism (Freemasonry.)

The West is run by Cabalist Jews &
Freemasons who exploit and subjugate them.

The COVID Hoax is an example. Anyone supporting this hoax,
or BLM, Israel or Zelinsky has been unwittingly inducted into this cult.
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Nicely put! :thumbsup:
That it is. Remember, though, that he believes he is a slave to a dead Nazi and to the Illuminati.

He's probably a fan of such idiocies as these


That book is a conspiracy theorist favorite for decades now. It is one massive pile of provable steaming bullshit from cover to cover, surprisingly, using nothing but the author's own material! William Cooper, like every conspiracy theorist, was (he's dead) utterly and completely full of shit.

Oh, and for Cypress, Cooper had nothing but a high school diploma...
Master Programmer Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, Satanism, Child Abuse & Slavery

Linked with both Offutt and the Presidio cases is Lt Colonel Michael Aquino. Aquino founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey’s
Church of Satan. He was attached to the DIA’s Psychological Warfare Division and holds a top secret security clearance for his work in military
intelligence and on classified psychological warfare. . Aquino is obsessed with Nazi pagan rituals. He officiated at SS black magic ceremonies held at
Wewelsburg, the Castle once used by SS chief Heinrich Himmler to create an SS order of Teutonic Knights based on the Knights Templars. His
hypnotic manipulation of people made him an ideal candidate for the position of Master Programmer. Aquino along with others was arrested in the
Presidio case for child molesting. The evidence was overwhelming of their guilt however, to the dismay of the victim’s parents all charges were
dropped. Aquino has developed training tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between Government/Military
Intelligence and various criminal organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.
George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse

The Knights Templar was destroyed in 1312, dude. Two years later, the last Grand Master in France was burned at the stake.
from your hero henrymakow who you like to quote-

Humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult
Cabalist Judaism (Freemasonry.)

The West is run by Cabalist Jews &
Freemasons who exploit and subjugate them.

The COVID Hoax is an example. Anyone supporting this hoax,
or BLM, Israel or Zelinsky has been unwittingly inducted into this cult.

Too easy isn't it? Conspiracy theorists are so full of crap...
He's probably a fan of such idiocies as these


That book is a conspiracy theorist favorite for decades now. It is one massive pile of provable steaming bullshit from cover to cover, surprisingly, using nothing but the author's own material! William Cooper, like every conspiracy theorist, was (he's dead) utterly and completely full of shit.

Oh, and for Cypress, Cooper had nothing but a high school diploma...

Conspiracies do exist, however. The Democrat party itself is a conspiracy. So is the Republican party.

World government?? That's a laugh!