Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

My sweetie wants to move to Venice or Sarasota FL after our daughter graduates. Until then its shared custody and no relocating.

I would like to at least spend a good portion of the year someplace farther north.

I have never been to Florida, for that matter, I have never been further East than Missouri!
1) I've checked again, and I don't see anything McCain said against the Patriot Act, either when it was first enacted or when it was reauthorized in 2006. Maybe you could help me out with a link or two showing what he said in opposition and how his opposition changed the bills. He didn't even offer any amendments, which is what Senators ususally do when they want to change a bill.

2) On Iraq, I guess you are right, McCain is different from Bush. Bush is actually waking up to the reality that we can't stay there forever and that the Iraqis don't want us there. McCain hasn't come around just yet. That's a change from Bush, just not a good one.

3) On tax cuts, you've got to be kidding me. Sure McCain voted against them in 2001, but then he voted to extend the Bush tax cuts in 2005 and his tax plan, like Bush's focuses most on the higher income folks, not the middle class. Obama's tax cuts are focused on low and middle income folks. You're way off base here:


4) Palin herself is pretty deeply mired in controversy over her own abuse of office, using her position of power to punish her former brother in law. Granted she did take on corruption in AK, but the idea that she is squeaky clean is laughable.
1. Go to the congressional record. It's online.
It has verbatim everything said in committee and on the floor. It is the committee records that are most revealing (IMO) about how politicians stand on issues.

2. You are listening to the spin put on McCain's statements. He definitively qualified his "100 years" with the requirement that people stop getting killed. Which, of course, will not happen. His stance on Iraq is that we cannot unilaterally withdraw without some changes happening first. His idea is to push the Iraqi government to get Iraqi forces out in the field more, first with our troops, and later by themselves with our troops as back up, both while keeping enough force in play to keep things ass level as possible. Bush has been sitting on his thumbs, seemingly content with putting more of OUR troops in the field (which did work) but not looking at the next step, which is changing who is on the front lines the most.

3. Whomever came up with that graph only focussed on federal income taxes on general personal income. It ignores Obama's idea of sending investment income taxes way up, and also ignores McCain's idea of removing exemptions from investment income.

Obama's idea for capital gains and dividend income will significantly increase taxes on anyone who has investment income. That includes a lot of retirees who use investment for their retirement plans. It also include LOTS of other people well under the 200K cap Obama CLAIMS to not want to affect.

McCain has never agreed with the idea that dividend income tax is double taxation, and by removing that exemption would significantly change the net effect shown by the chart on higher income brackets. But his rates are more in line with what people pay on other types of income. The net result is uppoer income brackets who derive a large portion of income from investment will go up, but the effects on people whose investment income is lower will not be as affected as under Obama's plan.

McCain also wants to do away with a number of other tax shelters which are aimed specifically at super high incomes. Could be Obama has said something about those, too, but considering the vast majority of those shelters were written by a democratically controlled congress, I doubt it. The fact is BOTH parties favor the uber rich when it comes to taxation. The difference is republicans are open about it, while democrats sneak it by us with their hyper-complex tax system of exemptions and shelters.

The chart also ignores the effects of tax credits aimed at lower income brackets, which is an idea both Obama and McCain support, and both of which would change the net effect on the bottom 4 rates indicated by the chart.

What the chart DOES show is that the BASE tax rates under McCain will be flatter than it is now, while Obama wants to make them significantly more progressive. If you like progressive taxation, then you'll agree more with Obama. If you think a flatter system is more just, then you'll agree with McCain.

4. Try finding out some facts on the situation with Palins former in-law, rather than reading sensationalized headlines. The fucker deserved to be fired as he was abusing his position as a peace officer. And the ass that refused to fire him (whom Palin fired as a result) was not doing his job by keeping that type of peace officer on the roles.