Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

Obama has made trips to about 20 different countries in the past few years; I suppose that isn't an "accomplishment," but I think most people like their leaders to have some experience around the globe.

He has co-sponsored corruption/ethics bills, and introduced bills to de-escalate Iraq, and reduce the threat of nuclear terror (later incorporated into another bill & passed). He sponsored a bill to help military families who needed help caring for soldiers w/ combat-related injuries. He helped increase PELL grants, and sponsored legislation that created a school-based teacher preparation program/mentoring program for schools. He co-sponsored the Global Poverty Act.

He has also introduced a variety of amendments to bills that have passed, including measures to help injured soldiers, flex fuel vehicles & ethics, among other issues.

It's not huge, but it's not like he's been twiddling his thumbs.
My offer stands.

By the way, I'm not sure you'll get much mileage out of her "fighting corruption" credentials, she was endorsed by the now indicted Ted Stevens. It also seems that she supported the bridge to nowhere until Congress cut the funding for it and that she only scuttled the project once the State of Alaska had to foot the bill.

She also has a little abuse of power problem festering right now, but I suppose if you're going to abuse your power getting an asshole cop that allegedly tasered an 11 year old isn't a bad place to start.

And for McCain, an opponent of pork to pick the governor of a state that accepts more federal pork dollars per capita than any other state (and has for the past 16 years or so) is just a bit bizarre.

As this things sinks in and the novelty wears off, it's going to end up being a bad move.
If she was endorsed by Stevens he certainly wouldn't do it again, she drove the run against him in the Primaries and has been very vocal against him.
Also, didn't Alaska impose a windfall tax on oil companies just last year? And didn't the Palin administration use the revenues generated from that windfall tax to give state residents a $1,200 check to help cope with higher energy prices?

Where have I heard that idea before?

There's one accomplishment for you SF. She adopted part of Obama's energy plan on the state level.
We are getting an energy rebate, along with our PFD! Cawacko made us some money!
Our cut this year is $2,000, the energy rebate will be $1,200. I expect to see a lot of lower 48ers coming our way!
Obama made some trips. BAHAHAHHA
Please have him do the fucking personal fredoms, middle class tax cuts, and get the fuck back to anti war.
This moronic I've vacation in Europe =0
There will, of course, be a lot of criticism of McCain's choice, from claims of pandering to critiques of relative inexperience. but the fact is Palin has shown herself to represent the very type of "change in how things are done" that Obama ran on in the primaries. She is strongly anti-corruption in government, strongly anti-pork spending, and strongly in the corner of core conservatives on many other issues that have been sorely lacking in the republican party for some time now.

IMO, any experience in the executive seat of government is more preparation for the presidency than 100 times as much experience in a legislative seat. They are far and away two different jobs. I have never seen how/why people think experience as a senator is somehow prepping one for the presidency. When given the chance (ie: they support the issues I support) I have always supported state governors (ie: executives of government) as better presidential candidates over national legislators.
Also, didn't Alaska impose a windfall tax on oil companies just last year? And didn't the Palin administration use the revenues generated from that windfall tax to give state residents a $1,200 check to help cope with higher energy prices?

Where have I heard that idea before?

There's one accomplishment for you SF. She adopted part of Obama's energy plan on the state level.
Did she REALLY sign into law a bill that does that? If so SF how can you think she is THE REAL DEAL. Because she opposes abortion and gay marriage that makes her a conservative? I know a SHIT LOAD of conservative Libertarians that don't oppose abortion or gay marriage and would NEVER vote for someone that imposed a tax on oil companies to generate a handout to people to "help them with energy costs".
Did she REALLY sign into law a bill that does that? If so SF how can you think she is THE REAL DEAL. Because she opposes abortion and gay marriage that makes her a conservative? I know a SHIT LOAD of conservative Libertarians that don't oppose abortion or gay marriage and would NEVER vote for someone that imposed a tax on oil companies to generate a handout to people to "help them with energy costs".

Republicans in Congress this June united to defeat a proposed windfall tax on oil companies, deriding it as a bad idea that would discourage investment in U.S. oil exploration.

Things worked out far differently in the GOP stronghold of Alaska, a state whose economic fate is closely tied to the oil industry.

Over the opposition of oil companies, Republican Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska's Legislature last year approved a major increase in taxes on the oil industry — a step that has generated stunning new wealth for the state as oil prices soared.

At a time when Americans are feeling the pinch at the gasoline pump and oil companies are racking up record profits, Alaska's choice foreshadows one of the sharpest debates in the upcoming presidential election.

Democrat Barack Obama supports a national windfall-profits tax, while Republican John McCain opposes it.

Alaska collected an estimated $6 billion from the new tax during the fiscal year that ended June 30, according to the Alaska Oil and Gas Association. That helped push the state's total oil revenue — from new and existing taxes, as well as royalties — to more than $10 billion, double the amount received last year.

While many other states are confronting big budget deficits because of the troubled economy, Alaska officials are in the enviable position of exploring new ways to spend the state's multibillion-dollar budget surplus.

Some of that new cash will end up in the wallets of Alaska's residents.

Palin's administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country.

That check will come on top of the annual dividend of about $2,000 that each resident could receive this year from an oil-wealth savings account.

The article is dated August 10, 2008.
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Also, didn't Alaska impose a windfall tax on oil companies just last year? And didn't the Palin administration use the revenues generated from that windfall tax to give state residents a $1,200 check to help cope with higher energy prices?

Where have I heard that idea before?

There's one accomplishment for you SF. She adopted part of Obama's energy plan on the state level.

Yes, she returned the money that was not used to the citizens as she is supposed to.

That was a great question that the Dem super deligates should have asked of their candidate. Look at Palin--not acting like she knows it all (a realist knows no body knows it all). She will learn what she needs to learn, and never lie to us. You can not say that aobut Obama or McCain IMO. I don't want 20 years of socialism experience. I want a person who think of people and individual liberity before party--and that seems to be Palin more than anybody else on the two party ticket.
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