Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

As for the final point....

1) Obama was not a practicing lawyer throughout his career prior to the Senate

2) Palin has executive leadership... granted only a couple of years... but still that is a couple more years than any of the other three

3) Palin has a record of attacking corruption.... especially within her own party

4) Palin was not simply a hockey mom prior to running for Governor. She was mayor of a small town for ten years, she was Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in which she went after and took down the Republican party chair and the attorney general (also a Rep I beleive).

True, she is relatively inexperienced... especially compared to Biden... but not so much when compared to Obama.

As stated earlier though, I do believe both Obama and Palin are intelligent enough to surround themselves with qualified people that they can lean on when needed. I think both have great leadership potential. I just don't agree with many of Obamas policies.

IMO, Palins draw will be more from the blue collar Clinton supporters than from the women who are pissed at Obama. She is also there as a pander to the RR and more conservative elements within the Republican party.

mayor of a town of 8K people. I think most jersey towns have 3x more than that. Its just doesn't cut in my opinion.

I have to admit, I don't know too much about her busting up the oil comps in Alaska, if she did kudos.

But she seems a lot less experienced than Obama. But putting that aside and assuming your correct in that she has the intelligence to surround herself with good people, I still think the pick is a bit insulting. But I guess desperate times for republicans call for desparate measures.
18 months as governor of a state that has less of a population than Columbus, Ohio. If McCain selected the first term mayor of Columbis we'd all laugh. How is this much different?

Hey, watch it Dungheap. We'd be lucky to have the first term mayor of Columbus, Oh. You are talking about the center of the universe there.

(I was born there and much of family lives there. But USC will kick OSU's butt on Sept. 13th.)

There's no question McCain is taking a risk. I've never even heard her speak so I would like to see that before making full judgement.
LMAO... funny, because if memory serves me, neither McCain nor Obama have even managed a city as big as Wasilla, AK.... let alone a state.

Well, junior, you're the one that is flogging her "executive experience," not me. I'm merely pointing out how shallow it is.
mayor of a town of 8K people. I think most jersey towns have 3x more than that. Its just doesn't cut in my opinion.

I have to admit, I don't know too much about her busting up the oil comps in Alaska, if she did kudos.

But she seems a lot less experienced than Obama. But putting that aside and assuming your correct in that she has the intelligence to surround herself with good people, I still think the pick is a bit insulting. But I guess desperate times for republicans call for desparate measures.

I guess I still don't see how it is insulting to women? Is it insulting to women that Hillary's whole career was really based on riding the coat tails of her husband?
Hey, watch it Dungheap. We'd be lucky to have the first term mayor of Columbus, Oh. You are talking about the center of the universe there.

(I was born there and much of family lives there. But USC will kick OSU's butt on Sept. 13th.)

There's no question McCain is taking a risk. I've never even heard her speak so I would like to see that before making full judgement.

Sorry to offend. I can change it to Memphis or Jacksonville or Indianapolis or Austin without losing the effect. Pick one.
Sorry to offend. I can change it to Memphis or Jacksonville or Indianapolis or Austin without losing the effect. Pick one.
Centerville GA. Mayor Bubba Edwards has more executive experience than all of them together!
mayor of a town of 8K people. I think most jersey towns have 3x more than that. Its just doesn't cut in my opinion.

I have to admit, I don't know too much about her busting up the oil comps in Alaska, if she did kudos.

But she seems a lot less experienced than Obama. But putting that aside and assuming your correct in that she has the intelligence to surround herself with good people, I still think the pick is a bit insulting. But I guess desperate times for republicans call for desparate measures.

On the bolded part, I can certainly see your point in that does give the perception of pandering (especially to women).

But her draw is not likely with Hillary's female voters... even though Palin WILL attempt to draw some of them... Palins draw among dems is more the blue collar males. As far as pandering goes, she panders even more to the RR and conservative base than she does to female dems.
Well, junior, you're the one that is flogging her "executive experience," not me. I'm merely pointing out how shallow it is.

LMAO... I am not flogging it... I am contradicting those who are trying to minimize it. I am also trying to contrast it to someone who has spent more time in the Senate campaigning for President than actually doing anything of substance while in the Senate.
LMAO... I am not flogging it... I am contradicting those who are trying to minimize it. I am also trying to contrast it to someone who has spent more time in the Senate campaigning for President than actually doing anything of substance while in the Senate.

I get it. You're doing you're spin thing. I'm just not sure how many people are buying it. In fact, I'm not sure you're buying it either, just repeating the mantra.
I get it. You're doing you're spin thing. I'm just not sure how many people are buying it. In fact, I'm not sure you're buying it either, just repeating the mantra.

So you point to her 18 months.... and then my pointing to Obamas corresponding lack of experience... I am spinning???

Tell you what... you list Obamas accomplishments in the Senate/state legislature... I list hers as AK governor/ethics chair.... sound fair?
So you point to her 18 months.... and then my pointing to Obamas corresponding lack of experience... I am spinning???

Tell you what... you list Obamas accomplishments in the Senate/state legislature... I list hers as AK governor/ethics chair.... sound fair?

Alright, you first. But you also have to list her accomplishments as mayor of Moosefart, AK.
Alright, you first. But you also have to list her accomplishments as mayor of Moosefart, AK.

LOL... so in other words we have already seen your list of Obama's accomplishments get stuck right about here....


oh shit.. you go first....


Side note... that is Wassilla, AK (hint... its just north of Anchorage on the way to Fairbanks)
My offer stands.

By the way, I'm not sure you'll get much mileage out of her "fighting corruption" credentials, she was endorsed by the now indicted Ted Stevens. It also seems that she supported the bridge to nowhere until Congress cut the funding for it and that she only scuttled the project once the State of Alaska had to foot the bill.

She also has a little abuse of power problem festering right now, but I suppose if you're going to abuse your power getting an asshole cop that allegedly tasered an 11 year old isn't a bad place to start.

And for McCain, an opponent of pork to pick the governor of a state that accepts more federal pork dollars per capita than any other state (and has for the past 16 years or so) is just a bit bizarre.

As this things sinks in and the novelty wears off, it's going to end up being a bad move.