Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

For the argument that this is a pander to Hillary voters I would argue the RR voting block is far more important to McCain.

""Palin has a strong anti-abortion record, and her selection was praised warmly by social conservatives whose support McCain needs to prevail in the campaign for the White House.

"It's an absolutely brilliant choice," said Mathew Staver, dean of Liberty University School of Law. "This will absolutely energize McCain's campaign and energize conservatives," he predicted. ""
If it energizes anti-choice fundamentalist Republicans, then it will alienate Hillary supporters. Ridge would have been better to energize Hillary supporters. 527's need to run ads that talk about McCain killing Roe v. Wade. By Novermber, most hillary supporters will swallow their pride and vote Obama. They are not voting for a ticket so absolutly hostile to womens reproductive issues.
If it energizes anti-choice fundamentalist Republicans, then it will alienate Hillary supporters. Ridge would have been better to energize Hillary supporters. 527's need to run ads that talk about McCain killing Roe v. Wade. By Novermber, most hillary supporters will swallow their pride and vote Obama. They are not voting for a ticket so absolutly hostile to womens reproductive issues.

That's why it made no sense to me that all these Hillary women would vote for McCain. McCain needed to make sure his base comes out on election day. Their numbers are far higher than angry Hillary voters.
That's why it made no sense to me that all these Hillary women would vote for McCain. McCain needed to make sure his base comes out on election day. Their numbers are far higher than angry Hillary voters.

agreed.... while this may swing a few women, it has a far greater impact in my opinion on shoring up the RR and potentially swinging the moderate blue collar Reagan Dems.
Cripes; I was just over on one of the Fox forums, and women were going nuts. Lots of so-called "Hillary supporters" (and sure, you can't know if they're McCain staffers or not) saying that McCain just secured their vote.

I wonder...can voters be that dumb? He picked a I'll vote for him?

I know it's just a forum, but I was surprised by some of the reaction I saw.
I have always found the phrase "women's reproductive issues" to be amusing.

It is used almost exclusively when talking about abortions.

And when discussing abortions, the "women's reproductive issue" isn'tthe only issue. And abortion isn't the only issue within the topic of women's reproductive issues.

Ca, I am not arguing your point. I think it is accurate. I was just talking about the phrase you used.
Hoyl shit! If Palin were running for Prez, I would vote fer her in a heartbeat over McCain or Obama. Unfortunatly, it's just the VP spot, but it's too an old dude about ready to croak! The GOP would do well by talking up how McCain will fall over in the next 4 years.
I have always found the phrase "women's reproductive issues" to be amusing.

It is used almost exclusively when talking about abortions.

And when discussing abortions, the "women's reproductive issue" isn'tthe only issue. And abortion isn't the only issue within the topic of women's reproductive issues.

Ca, I am not arguing your point. I think it is accurate. I was just talking about the phrase you used.

Are you talking to me? I don't think I've ever used that term.
For the record, Hillaryites don't have to vote McCain for Palin to have been an effective choice. They nerely have to not vote Obama - go for McKinney or Nader, or some other third party candidate.
For the record, Hillaryites don't have to vote McCain for Palin to have been an effective choice. They nerely have to not vote Obama - go for McKinney or Nader, or some other third party candidate.

I disagree. If they're disaffected but not voting for McCain, they're doing that anyway.

The idea is to pull those voters over to McCain's side. If it works, it's weird & voters are kind of dumb, but it might.
McCain's pick is pandering at its worse and just a slap in the face to women. If any of these deluded and disgruntled Hillary supporters vote for this ticket they will have to be completely clueless about McCain's stance and Palin's stance on reproductive issues. Which, sadly,I think the McCain camp is banking on.

The woman that was in the commercial trying to woo Hillary supporters was a classic example of this. She was under the impression that McCain was pro choice not anti-choice.

Even more insulting is that he clearly picked someone because of her gender and not her political accomplishments. To me this implies that he thinks that he willl woo women voters on that alone. The patronizing is abhorent.

Thirdly, she's clearly does not have enough experience. Obama was a state senator and lawyer throughout his entire professional career. She was a hockey mom.
Cripes; I was just over on one of the Fox forums, and women were going nuts. Lots of so-called "Hillary supporters" (and sure, you can't know if they're McCain staffers or not) saying that McCain just secured their vote.

I wonder...can voters be that dumb? He picked a I'll vote for him?

I know it's just a forum, but I was surprised by some of the reaction I saw.

My guess is that 80% were men posing as women. I just can't see that many women voting strictly due to gender. I think Palin brings more of a charge to the blue collar dems from Hillarys corner than than women.
McCain's pick is pandering at its worse and just a slap in the face to women. If any of these deluded and disgruntled Hillary supporters vote for this ticket they will have to be completely clueless about McCain's stance and Palin's stance on reproductive issues. Which, sadly,I think the McCain camp is banking on.

The woman that was in the commercial trying to woo Hillary supporters was a classic example of this. She was under the impression that McCain was pro choice not anti-choice.

Even more insulting is that he clearly picked someone because of her gender and not her political accomplishments. To me this implies that he thinks that he willl woo women voters on that alone. The patronizing is abhorent.

Thirdly, she's clearly does not have enough experience. Obama was a state senator and lawyer throughout his entire professional career. She was a hockey mom.

Then is choosing Obama patronizing because he is black? McCain needs to lock down his RR base. It sounds like this will help do it.

State senator means almost nothing. Neither is being a lawyer. Even being in the Senate does not make one a leader who must make difficult decisions alone. McCain, Obama and Biden are 1 of a 100 votes each. A Govenor makes the deciding decision themself. So while I agree her 18 months as Govenor is not very long 3 years in the Senate is nothing.
"Even more insulting is that he clearly picked someone because of her gender and not her political accomplishments. To me this implies that he thinks that he willl woo women voters on that alone. The patronizing is abhorent."

I disagree to an extent. Yes, the pandering to women is a part of it, but she could also be a draw to the blue collar dems Obama had trouble with that are also in Hillarys camp. Her husband is a blue collar union worker. Her father was a teacher (not sure if he was also union).

"Thirdly, she's clearly does not have enough experience. Obama was a state senator and lawyer throughout his entire professional career. She was a hockey mom.

As for the final point....

1) Obama was not a practicing lawyer throughout his career prior to the Senate

2) Palin has executive leadership... granted only a couple of years... but still that is a couple more years than any of the other three

3) Palin has a record of attacking corruption.... especially within her own party

4) Palin was not simply a hockey mom prior to running for Governor. She was mayor of a small town for ten years, she was Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in which she went after and took down the Republican party chair and the attorney general (also a Rep I beleive).

True, she is relatively inexperienced... especially compared to Biden... but not so much when compared to Obama.

As stated earlier though, I do believe both Obama and Palin are intelligent enough to surround themselves with qualified people that they can lean on when needed. I think both have great leadership potential. I just don't agree with many of Obamas policies.

IMO, Palins draw will be more from the blue collar Clinton supporters than from the women who are pissed at Obama. She is also there as a pander to the RR and more conservative elements within the Republican party.
Then is choosing Obama patronizing because he is black? McCain needs to lock down his RR base. It sounds like this will help do it.

State senator means almost nothing. Neither is being a lawyer. Even being in the Senate does not make one a leader who must make difficult decisions alone. McCain, Obama and Biden are 1 of a 100 votes each. A Govenor makes the deciding decision themself. So while I agree her 18 months as Govenor is not very long 3 years in the Senate is nothing.

18 months as governor of a state that has less of a population than Columbus, Ohio. If McCain selected the first term mayor of Columbis we'd all laugh. How is this much different?
18 months as governor of a state that has less of a population than Columbus, Ohio. If McCain selected the first term mayor of Columbis we'd all laugh. How is this much different?

LMAO... funny, because if memory serves me, neither McCain nor Obama have even managed a city as big as Wasilla, AK.... let alone a state.