Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

Hey, Dumbo - I was poking fun at what has been almost the ENTIRE focus of the McCain campaign: that Obama is too inexperienced & is not ready to be President.

If he's not, then she's not, and he just picked a VP who is not ready to be President.

Nyah, nyah.


I did not know she was running against Obama. Maybe the democrats can switch Biden to president and Obama to VP. Then it would be an equal fight.
McCain's tough, I'm sure he can take a lot of pain but Obama's tall and as you said McCain can't raise his arms about his head so Obama would exploit that and bury him.
I think Sarah Barracuda would probably kick Obama's butt. The girl plays despite stress fractures.
Who would win in a duel between Obama and McCain. Due to McCain's physical limitations at this time and Obams's atheletic prowess I pick Obama.

But McCain might be more willing to pull the trigger. That counts for something in a duel.
Sarah has done quite a bit of ass whuppin up in AK... so perhaps she is indeed more qualified than the One. :)

Alaska is a fairly weird place politically, it's got a hard to describe libertarian-socialist system, where marijuana is legal for personal consumption and the state cuts welfare checks to its citizens, all while their congressional contingent brings back lots of federal dollars to the state.

I'm not sure how much executive experience as the governor of Alaska for two years translates to the presidency.
It's interesting; I actually think at times that the experience thing is a concern, and I would love it if he had at least a full term in the Senate under his belt. My vote for him is based much more on his intelligence and just a hunch that he will surround himself with good, experienced & competent people, and also ideological, because I agree with his positions much more than McCain's.

But if there is one thing that nags at me, it's the experience. I think it can be important, but there are other factors to being a good President, like judgment/decision-making skills, the ability to create coalitions, being a good communicator & having natural leadership skills. I'm counting on those qualities to balance out the lack of experience, but, as with every election, it's kind of a crapshoot.

I agree with the bolded part 100%. Which is why, while I want McCain to win, I will not be upset with an Obama victory. Especially with Biden on the ticket.

I did not know she was running against Obama. Maybe the democrats can switch Biden to president and Obama to VP. Then it would be an equal fight.

Hey, Dumbo - the point is, if you think Obama doesn't have enough experience to be President, you have to think Palin doesn't, either. Which means McCain, by his own admission, has picked a VP candidate who does not have enough experience to be President, a position which a VP should be ready to occupy.
But McCain might be more willing to pull the trigger. That counts for something in a duel.

Believe me, I thought of that too. My thoughts were more along the line that McCain might actually know how to load his weapon. But then my thoughts switched to swords, hence my post about the physical limitations.
Alaska is a fairly weird place politically, it's got a hard to describe libertarian-socialist system, where marijuana is legal for personal consumption and the state cuts welfare checks to its citizens, all while their congressional contingent brings back lots of federal dollars to the state.

I'm not sure how much executive experience as the governor of Alaska for two years translates to the presidency.

Good thing she is just the VP candidate then.

Seriously, her experience while short, has been pretty effective in that time. I think her big points are that she takes on corruption within her own party... she was behind the push to dump Stevens in the primary... She is cleaning up the budget, she helped kill the bridge to nowhere.

Does she have the experience to step into the Presidency? No. I do not believe she as ready as I would like, but like Obama, I think she is intelligent enough to surround herself with quality people to help her out.
Hey, Dumbo - the point is, if you think Obama doesn't have enough experience to be President, you have to think Palin doesn't, either. Which means McCain, by his own admission, has picked a VP candidate who does not have enough experience to be President, a position which a VP should be ready to occupy.
She does to be VP. So does Obama.


I just want to make sure to congratulate ABC on debunking that crazy Palin is the pick rumor....

"ABC News' Kate McCarthy Reports: As vice presidential speculation swirls, Gov. Sarah Palin is watching the fireworks from her home in Wasilla, Alaska.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is in Dayton, Ohio, awaiting a high noon event at which the campaign has said the Republican contender will announce his running mate.

All eyes are on a short list of contenders including Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Govs. Mitt Romney and Tom Ridge, Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Palin.

But the possibility of a surprise pick also looms as the McCain camp remains mum at this hour about just who will be joining their candidate on stage in battleground Ohio.

But one person who will not be there: Palin. The Governor's spokesperson, Sharon Leighow, tells ABC News she's going to the State Fair in Anchorage, Alaska."

way to go ABC!!!

I just want to make sure to congratulate ABC on debunking that crazy Palin is the pick rumor....

"ABC News' Kate McCarthy Reports: As vice presidential speculation swirls, Gov. Sarah Palin is watching the fireworks from her home in Wasilla, Alaska.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is in Dayton, Ohio, awaiting a high noon event at which the campaign has said the Republican contender will announce his running mate.

All eyes are on a short list of contenders including Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Govs. Mitt Romney and Tom Ridge, Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Palin.

But the possibility of a surprise pick also looms as the McCain camp remains mum at this hour about just who will be joining their candidate on stage in battleground Ohio.

But one person who will not be there: Palin. The Governor's spokesperson, Sharon Leighow, tells ABC News she's going to the State Fair in Anchorage, Alaska."

way to go ABC!!!
Are you sure it wasn't See BS News? Crap. I have to wait another hour.