Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

The thing that keeps coming to my mind is that this is an historic election on many levels.

Either we will have our first black president or our first female vp.

The democratic ticket was making history even before it was decided.

I like to see the barriers knocked down.
I think this is a terrible pick. For starters, I am not convinced AT ALL that hilary voters will decide that just because this pick is a woman, that they'll vote for her. She's from alaska, is conservatives and is (my guess) pro-life.

Additionally, she's been governor for less than a year and before that mayor of a TOWN of 7500 people. She has ZERO experience to be president. If mccain kicks the bucket is this the person that should be leading one of the most powerful nations in the world?

The republicans want to criticize OBAMA for being inexperienced when they get this stupid girl?
If McCain dies we will have a president that is not a career politician.

She will have tons of advisors to help her make decisions. Besides, George W. had more experience and he completely screwed things up.

I can't see her being worse.
I think this is a terrible pick. For starters, I am not convinced AT ALL that hilary voters will decide that just because this pick is a woman, that they'll vote for her. She's from alaska, is conservatives and is (my guess) pro-life.

Additionally, she's been governor for less than a year and before that mayor of a TOWN of 7500 people. She has ZERO experience to be president. If mccain kicks the bucket is this the person that should be leading one of the most powerful nations in the world?

The republicans want to criticize OBAMA for being inexperienced when they get this stupid girl?

yes, she is definitely pro-life

Slight correction to your above, she was elected governor in 2006 and has been in office for just under two years. Not a big difference I know, just felt like being an ass and correcting you on it...

As for experience... true, she does not have much.... but neither does the top of the Dem ticket.... no matter how many annointments he receives from his disciples. But both are intelligent enough for the job.
This morning was as smart as McCain's campaign has been. They played the media like a fiddle.

I agree... CNBC hasn't stopped talking about her... they were talking about Obama's speech early on this morning and then as soon as this rumor started, they haven't stopped talking about Palin.

Coincidentally Maria Bartiromo just gone done with an extensive interview with Palin regarding drilling in AK. So she is of course informing her coworkers all about Sarah.

Definitely well played.... especially with all of the focus this past week or two on Pawlenty, Romeny and Lieberman. She wasn't even mentioned as one of the last three. Sneaky bastard.
I agree that it was a good move.

1) reputation for fighting corruption
2) Will appeal to the "average person"
3) Will help ease tensions with the RR
4) Adds both female and youth to the ticket
5) comes from a very blue collar background

All of the above including ..

6) Biden can't get too tough with her in debate
7) Will appeal to some Clinton voters
8) Injects some energy and excitement into his otherwise flat campaign
I will not vote for mccain based on this choice. i would have been a close decision for me if he picked romney.

She was mayor of small ass town then governor of one of the richest and least diverse states in the country for less then 2 years.. Likely mccain will load his cabinate with some very powerfull people.. she would get eaten alive if Mccain kicked it
All of the above including ..

6) Biden can't get too tough with her in debate
7) Will appeal to some Clinton voters
8) Injects some energy and excitement into his otherwise flat campaign

A flat campaign in which he is still in a statistical tie with the most dynamic of speakers/politicians/motivators (I sincerely mean that) since Bill Clinton.
I agree... CNBC hasn't stopped talking about her... they were talking about Obama's speech early on this morning and then as soon as this rumor started, they haven't stopped talking about Palin.

Coincidentally Maria Bartiromo just gone done with an extensive interview with Palin regarding drilling in AK. So she is of course informing her coworkers all about Sarah.

Definitely well played.... especially with all of the focus this past week or two on Pawlenty, Romeny and Lieberman. She wasn't even mentioned as one of the last three. Sneaky bastard.

I don't think the novelty of the pick has much to do with the media coverage. it's just the fact that he made the pick today that is driving the coverage. Whoever it was we would be hearing about it all day today regardless.

As this point everyone is saying "who the hell is she?" I think we'll know better how this impacts the race once that question is answered.

And the idea that the fact that she is a woman will sway Hillary voters is pretty shallow and comes from a failed understanding of the Hillary diehards. They want Hillary and no one else.
All of the above including ..

6) Biden can't get too tough with her in debate
7) Will appeal to some Clinton voters
8) Injects some energy and excitement into his otherwise flat campaign

Her debate with Biden will be really interesting. You are right that if he really attacks her it may make him look bad in many people's eyes. However if she wants to be the number two person in the U.S. she needs to be able to take the heat because people like Putin and many others sure won't go easy on her.