Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

Choosing Palin makes the experience argument a little harder to make with a straight face. She has been governor a whole year.
She has more executive level experience than Obama does. He has NONE.

But really, the KEY question is: Is she cute?
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Her debate with Biden will be really interesting. You are right that if he really attacks her it may make him look bad in many people's eyes. However if she wants to be the number two person in the U.S. she needs to be able to take the heat because people like Putin and many others sure won't go easy on her.

True, she does need to be able to stand up to the heat. But can he afford to go to hard on her? He is stuck in a catch-22. If he goes at her hard and she handles it... he loses... if he goes at her hard and she falters... he could still lose due to a "perceived" attack on another woman by the Obama campaign.

This is all just hypothetical, but I think BAC is correct. He can't go as hard at Palin as he could have at Romney, Pawlenty or Lieberman.
Governor for a little over a year?

And she's ready to be President, if necessary?



She has more experience than Obama.

Quoting what Hillary said, “I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say,” she said. “He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002.”
True, she does need to be able to stand up to the heat. But can he afford to go to hard on her? He is stuck in a catch-22. If he goes at her hard and she handles it... he loses... if he goes at her hard and she falters... he could still lose due to a "perceived" attack on another woman by the Obama campaign.

This is all just hypothetical, but I think BAC is correct. He can't go as hard at Palin as he could have at Romney, Pawlenty or Lieberman.

All I can say is, "Thank goodness he didn't pick Lieberman." I can't stand him.

She has more experience than Obama.

Quoting what Hillary said, “I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say,” she said. “He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002.”

Hey, Dumbo - I was poking fun at what has been almost the ENTIRE focus of the McCain campaign: that Obama is too inexperienced & is not ready to be President.

If he's not, then she's not, and he just picked a VP who is not ready to be President.

Nyah, nyah.
Hey, Dumbo - I was poking fun at what has been almost the ENTIRE focus of the McCain campaign: that Obama is too inexperienced & is not ready to be President.

If he's not, then she's not, and he just picked a VP who is not ready to be President.

Nyah, nyah.

Lorax, those arguments (Like put forth by webbay) only come from and resonate with the partisan. I am learning a lot about politics this year by not having a horse in the race. The big difference between this year and 2004 is that in 2004 I was disgusted and just didn't mark my ballot for president. This year I like and dislike a lot about both candidates and really am not concerned who gets elected. I will do some things differently if McCain gets elected and I will do some things differently if Obama gets elected. A couple of things I am sure of: McCain isn't the same as Bush. Obama is experienced enough to be president. The partisan see these as battle cries for their perspective positions.
But when he was alive he did a fine job, held the union together, oversaw the successful prosecution of a civil war and kicked the traitorous souths ass. Nuf said.

Sarah has done quite a bit of ass whuppin up in AK... so perhaps she is indeed more qualified than the One. :)
Sarah has done quite a bit of ass whuppin up in AK... so perhaps she is indeed more qualified than the One. :)

I believe that Govenors have much more responsibilities than those in Congress or specifically the Senate. I'm sure many others feel that way as well as we usually elected Govenors and not Senators.
Who would win in a duel between Obama and McCain. Due to McCain's physical limitations at this time and Obams's atheletic prowess I pick Obama.
Roman short swords and shields. But Obama is only allowed to pick his harm past his lower rib cage to keep it fair!
So the fuck what? Lincoln had NO Executive experience prior to being president of the United States.

It's the dichotomy, stupid! This what I am hearing from the left - She's not good enough to be 2nd fiddle to McCain because she has limited experience, while the TOP of their own ticket has NO experience, but that's OK because Lincoln had none, but her's is still not good enough...
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Who would win in a duel between Obama and McCain. Due to McCain's physical limitations at this time and Obams's atheletic prowess I pick Obama.

McCain's tough, I'm sure he can take a lot of pain but Obama's tall and as you said McCain can't raise his arms about his head so Obama would exploit that and bury him.
Lorax, those arguments (Like put forth by webbay) only come from and resonate with the partisan. I am learning a lot about politics this year by not having a horse in the race. The big difference between this year and 2004 is that in 2004 I was disgusted and just didn't mark my ballot for president. This year I like and dislike a lot about both candidates and really am not concerned who gets elected. I will do some things differently if McCain gets elected and I will do some things differently if Obama gets elected. A couple of things I am sure of: McCain isn't the same as Bush. Obama is experienced enough to be president. The partisan see these as battle cries for their perspective positions.

It's interesting; I actually think at times that the experience thing is a concern, and I would love it if he had at least a full term in the Senate under his belt. My vote for him is based much more on his intelligence and just a hunch that he will surround himself with good, experienced & competent people, and also ideological, because I agree with his positions much more than McCain's.

But if there is one thing that nags at me, it's the experience. I think it can be important, but there are other factors to being a good President, like judgment/decision-making skills, the ability to create coalitions, being a good communicator & having natural leadership skills. I'm counting on those qualities to balance out the lack of experience, but, as with every election, it's kind of a crapshoot.