Could it be Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

9:47 (Dow Jones) Chatter saying John McCain plans to pick Alaska Gov Sarah Palin as his running mate seems a bit surprising for many reasons, but particularly since WSJ reported less than a month ago Palin was facing an investigation for abuse of office. In WSJ story at the end of July, Palin said she'll cooperate with the legislative probe, expected to be completed by November. (JHS)
Yeah, if you read the Wiki you can find out what it is about.

Her administration is very open and often beat people to the punch in releasing information.

She really is a clean-government republican.
If this is his pick for reals I think he'll get alot of Hillary votes but I hope it backfires. It is so transparent. Hopefully the Hillary voters don't feel like being used.
Choosing Palin makes the experience argument a little harder to make with a straight face. She has been governor a whole year.
Yeah, she doesn't help the experienced person argument work. But if you are counting the VP in that argument, then Biden shot that down anyway.
Like BF said, this is a very transparent tactic. She has no experience to speak of and to me it shows the desperation of the McCain camp. Were I the Obama bunch I'd hammer this home.

Then there are those who will like the idea of no experience at the VP position. Just be a statesman (or woman in this case) and don't say anything stupid..oops....Sorry Biden. :)
Like BF said, this is a very transparent tactic. She has no experience to speak of and to me it shows the desperation of the McCain camp. Were I the Obama bunch I'd hammer this home.

Then there are those who will like the idea of no experience at the VP position. Just be a statesman (or woman in this case) and don't say anything stupid..oops....Sorry Biden. :)

The VP job is mostly show anyway, unless the president dies.
Obama needs to release a press statement saying that this is indeed a transparent ploy to make Hillary voters think they are getting the same thing with the McCain campaign. I want to see them convince us that a conservative prolife candidate is a carbon copy of Hillary. McCain thinks women just require that the candidate have breasts and a vagina and they will support her.
The best move McCain has made to date.

I agree that it was a good move.

1) reputation for fighting corruption
2) Will appeal to the "average person"
3) Will help ease tensions with the RR
4) Adds both female and youth to the ticket
5) comes from a very blue collar background
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Obama needs to release a press statement saying that this is indeed a transparent ploy to make Hillary voters think they are getting the same thing with the McCain campaign. I want to see them convince us that a conservative prolife candidate is a carbon copy of Hillary. McCain thinks women just require that the candidate have breasts and a vagina and they will support her.

You know what, some, if not many, do. We'll see how this plays out. Like you I would issue a statement talking about the transparency of this pick.
Obama needs to release a press statement saying that this is indeed a transparent ploy to make Hillary voters think they are getting the same thing with the McCain campaign. I want to see them convince us that a conservative prolife candidate is a carbon copy of Hillary. McCain thinks women just require that the candidate have breasts and a vagina and they will support her.

Palin may be a relatively inexperienced politician, but she is hardly "just breasts and a vagina".

She has done some solid stuff in her term. She seems pretty sharp.

Plus, she is well outside the normal DC stuff, which may bring new life in.
Obama needs to release a press statement saying that this is indeed a transparent ploy to make Hillary voters think they are getting the same thing with the McCain campaign. I want to see them convince us that a conservative prolife candidate is a carbon copy of Hillary. McCain thinks women just require that the candidate have breasts and a vagina and they will support her.

I disagree. I think it would be a mistake to issue a release like the one you suggested. It would make him seem petty in my opinion. He can't question Palin on experience as it would backfire into jokes about his own lack of experience. It might also come off as though he was "picking on her because of her gender". Note, I said "might" come off that way.
Palin may be a relatively inexperienced politician, but she is hardly "just breasts and a vagina".

She has done some solid stuff in her term. She seems pretty sharp.

Plus, she is well outside the normal DC stuff, which may bring new life in.
This is an attempt to FOOL Hillary voters into thinking that he hears them and he feels their pain. Except for the Breasts and the vagina Palin and Hillary have very little in common politically.

For this news cycle Obama's campaign needs to accentuate the differences, Bill Clinton should come out and say "I know Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton is a wife of mine. Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton."
Obama needs to release a press statement saying that this is indeed a transparent ploy to make Hillary voters think they are getting the same thing with the McCain campaign. I want to see them convince us that a conservative prolife candidate is a carbon copy of Hillary. McCain thinks women just require that the candidate have breasts and a vagina and they will support her.

Isn't it a play for all women in general? There are plenty of woman who are independants whose vote is in play and they are not part of the angry Hillary supporters.

I agree its transparent but isn't the VP pick usually that way? Obama felt one of his weaknesses was experience and foreign policy so he picks a candidate with experience and a long foreign policy resume. One of McCain's big weakness is his age so he goes after someone much younger.
By the way, it is a strategic but bold move. I think it will pay McCain dividends but how much is to be seen. This election year gets better and better every day.
This is an attempt to FOOL Hillary voters into thinking that he hears them and he feels their pain. Except for the Breasts and the vagina Palin and Hillary have very little in common politically.

For this news cycle Obama's campaign needs to accentuate the differences, Bill Clinton should come out and say "I know Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton is a wife of mine. Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton."

Just one of them? :)