Could Jesus be Libertarian?

Jesus never went to a university where libertarians always revert to when expressing their theories.

I tended to find that libertarians were a rare breed at college. The difference between myself and the leftists was that I had bothered to familiarize myself with them, so that while everyone in the room would be freaking out at a libertarian proposition, I would just nod my head at the classmate, smile, and enjoy the chaos.
Yep....dem evil republicans, makes me glad that I'm a democrat. :) I wonder if the Christ would have rejected someone because they had an "R" or "D" in their title? Labels. There is nothing like obvious "bigotry". It appears that someone's PROGRAMING is well ingrained. It does not matter what someone's personal life is...its the R or the D that defines them.

There is nothing wrong in judging....the problem is people sometimes judge because they have been conditioned to judge without ever having weighed the evidental reality of the actual history. Its a most easy thing to wait until someone opens their mouths and proves they are the asshole you assume them to be.

Its much like some...."claiming" to be one thing with their mouth (I am a libertarian..etc,)....and then their actions prove them to be something totally different. Take TRUMP....if he is a conservative....CLINTON does not allow her hubby to chase tail. But its the "R" that defines them...right...err...left comrade? Funny thing...I have never witnessed a Libertarian or a Liberal that was indeed a social communist. Proving what? Labels don't reveal much about a person....its not what they say...its what they do....the "ID" reveals everything. You can lie to others, you lie to yourself...but you can't lie to your ID.

Very well said
Right...Jesus cares about labels...and what OTHERS THINK. Sounds awful LIBERAL TO ME....doing something or saying something to be with the "in" crowd....Yep, Jesus hates dem evil Republicans. :) You know the best way to spot a liberal? They attempt to generate anger by projecting something that makes them angry or bigoted about. Take for instance the so called tolerant supporter of queerness....the first thing he/she does is call someone a queer because they are only pretending to be tolerant in order to seek the accolade of their cohorts. The proverbial kettle calling the pot black. Read the threads around here and judge just who the intolerant, hate filled bigots really are....the one's that say they are one thing and prove they are something else by their acts.

The first thing my pappy taught me....If you are going to a battle of wits, its best to bring a loaded gun, not an empty chamber. Then again....children are to be overlooked and not taken with any seriousness...I simply allow their imagination to run...its a joyful thing to watch children at play...pretending to be smart...etc.,

Liberals always make these false choices

1) Jesus believed in compassion and helping the poor
2) the government is the ONLY way to do that.
3) if you disagree with #2 then you aren't a Christian.

It is a logical fallacy but the liberals like it
Liberals always make these false choices

1) Jesus believed in compassion and helping the poor
2) the government is the ONLY way to do that.
3) if you disagree with #2 then you aren't a Christian.

It is a logical fallacy but the liberals like it

What fascists mean by 'liberals' has long been a mystery to me. The point they always hide is that collective action is the only effective way to help those they've robbed - everything else is just conscience-money from the thieves, and the poor they will have always with them - or else!
The Jesus in the New Testament is miles aways from libertarianism. Libertarianism only exists among the spoiled, mostly white, children in America. Only they can be so spoiled that a slogan stands in for a worldview and philosophy. Having been on JPP as long as I have, below are links on Libertarian silliness. Enjoy. Oh a more recent quote from Harper's.

And for Threedee (Establishment today), there may even be a Nutshell in there, he likes them so much.

"If you boil the strange soup of contemporary right-wing ideology down to a sort of bouillon cube, you find the idea that things are not connected to other things, that people are not connected to other people, and that they are all better off unconnected. The core values are individual freedom and individual responsibility: yourself for yourself on your own. Out of this Glorious Disconnect comes all sorts of illogical thinking. Taken to its conclusion, this worldview dictates that even facts are freestanding items that the self-made man can manufacture for use as he sees fit.

This is the modern ideology we still call conservative, though it is really a sort of loopy libertarianism that inverts some of the milder propositions of earlier conservative thinkers. “There is no such thing as society,” Margaret Thatcher said in 1987. The rest of her famous remark is less frequently quoted:

'There is [a] living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate.'" 'The Ideology of Isolation' Rebecca Solnit in July Harper's Magazine

PS it looks like a few of my posts are missing, I'll check back when I get a minute. Two above are still available. There was database trouble a while back.

"Libertarian solutions favored by the political right have contributed even more directly to the erosion of social responsibilities and valued forms of communal life, particularly in the UK and the US. Far from producing beneficial communal consequences, the invisible hand of unregulated free-market capitalism undermines the family (e.g., few corporations provide enough leave to parents of newborn children), disrupts local communities (e.g., following plant closings or the shifting of corporate headquarters), and corrupts the political process (e.g., US politicians are often dependent on economic interest groups for their political survival, with the consequence that they no longer represent the community at large). Moreover, the valorization of greed in the Thatcher/Reagan era justified the extension of instrumental considerations governing relationships in the marketplace into spheres previously informed by a sense of uncalculated reciprocity and civil obligation. This trend has been reinforced by increasing globalization, which pressures states into conforming to the dictates of the international marketplace." Daniel Bell in
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