Court rejects death penalty for raping children

A child molester going into the state pneitentiary is pretty much assured of plenty of ass rapings. Even murderers, armed robbers, burglars and drug dealers hate a child molester.

Actually, life in prison is probably worse than the death penalty.

Yeah I can vouch for that.

That guy will get torn up in prison. Death row be damned.

He would cry for execution after the killers and the dealers get finished with him.
It would be confusing to say that LWOP is a merciful sentence. Most nations that abolished the death penalty on mercy grounds abolished the life penalty with at the same time. It would be merciful to sentence them where it would be possible to get out on parole some day, but not LWOP. LWOP IS a death sentence. It's just cheaper and not as likely to kill innocent men.

It would be great to rehabilitate all prisoners. But there are some crimes that have a very low rate of rehabilitation. Child molesters are at the top of the list.

LWOP is not meant to be merciful. It is meant to remove a menace from society.
Yeah I can vouch for that.

That guy will get torn up in prison. Death row be damned.

He would cry for execution after the killers and the dealers get finished with him.

I'm almost afraid to ask. But HOW can you vouch for that?
Moreover, particularly at the time of the commission of the crime, the perpetrator usually doesn't believe that s/he will ever be caught. Or at the very least, the prospect of apprehension isn't even part of the consideration. When it comes to child molestation (what a euphemism for this crime!) the abuser generally also terrorizes the victim to the point where he or she is terrified to report what was done, or in one case mentioned above, will accuse others (often unnamed/unidentified) if visible injury has occurred.

The same goes for most types of crimes. Apparently the wrong isn't in the deed, but in being caught.

Rapists are generally very stupid people. Kennedy was borderline retarded. There probably isn't anyone in the system with an IQ over 90. Such retards think it's very likely they'll never be caught, because they have no understanding of forensics.
It would be great to rehabilitate all prisoners. But there are some crimes that have a very low rate of rehabilitation. Child molesters are at the top of the list.

LWOP is not meant to be merciful. It is meant to remove a menace from society.

That's what I'm saying. The LWOP needs to be retained as the modern death penalty for whenever someone is completely beyond mercy.
Rapists are generally very stupid people. Kennedy was borderline retarded. There probably isn't anyone in the system with an IQ over 90. Such retards think it's very likely they'll never be caught, because they have no understanding of forensics.

You think all criminals are stupid?
I worked for the Kansas Death Penalty Defense unit. I don't remember who did the study but a sample of prisoner indicated that if they knew there crime carried the possiblity of Life Without Parole they would be more detered from comitting that crime than they would if it was punishible by death.
I worked for the Kansas Death Penalty Defense unit. I don't remember who did the study but a sample of prisoner indicated that if they knew there crime carried the possiblity of Life Without Parole they would be more detered from comitting that crime than they would if it was punishible by death.

There are real difficulties inherent in a survey/interview/hypothetical scenario sort of investigation that involves self-report data. Not the least of these would involve (especially in a prison setting) the tendency to give answers that would place the respondent in a favorable light and/or would give the answers that he believed are what the questioner wants. Would you agree that the circumstances of the crime, and the level of impulsivity involved, have a significant influence on whether or not the act itself is ever committed?

I worked in the system for four years. One observation that several of us made was that most people never considered that they ever would be apprehended for what they did. When that happened, it was amazing how many insisted that they should never "be here" (incarcerated), because they were set up. Not that they hadn't done what they were convicted of doing, but that it was somebody else's fault that they were caught. <place headshake smiley here>.:rolleyes:
Well I can agree that I believe that most criminals don't think about the consequences at all when they commit a crime. That being said then no punishment is really a deterent.
Well I can agree that I believe that most criminals don't think about the consequences at all when they commit a crime. That being said then no punishment is really a deterent.

Generalizing about criminals is no more useful than other generalizations.

As in other walks of life, there are differences in motivations and approaches of criminals.

Some commit crime out of necessity, some do it out of cruelty, some do it out of greed, and some of each group calculate the risk while some do not.

Trying to oversimplify the psyche of a criminal is not particularly useful.
What I have never understood is that the same people who say it is bad to kill people are the ones who reserve the right to kill people for killing people.

If it is morally wrong to kill someone, then it is morally wrong to kill someone.

I'm speaking of the DP as a practice that exists, not one that I want to see practiced. There are several reasons why I oppose the DP, cost being a huge one, but fear of hypocracy is not even on the list of reasons.

If you can't understand why pro-life and pro-DP is consistent, then you are beyond moronic. It is a question of guilt for most people. But that's cool, kill the babies, love the murderers is a great montra that you should be proud of. One of my #1 beefs with modern liberals - that view is the hypocritical one.
I'm speaking of the DP as a practice that exists, not one that I want to see practiced. There are several reasons why I oppose the DP, cost being a huge one, but fear of hypocracy is not even on the list of reasons.

If you can't understand why pro-life and pro-DP is consistent, then you are beyond moronic. It is a question of guilt for most people. But that's cool, kill the babies, love the murderers is a great montra that you should be proud of. One of my #1 beefs with modern liberals - that view is the hypocritical one.

Hmmm, I don't recall discussing abortion on this board. But you apparently think you know my views on that.

I think its funny that so many take one tiny snapshot of your views and want to pigeon-hole you into a category. If you can label me as a liberal, it makes my opinion more easily dismissed. Or if you can call me a conservative, you can just claim I am following Bush's lead.

No, I do not believe in the death penalty for a variety of reasons. But the hypocracy of using murder as punishment for murder is blatant.

I am also amused that a single issue is all it takes to label me either a liberal or a conservative.

But believe it or not, I decide my stance on the issues based on my own views of each issue.

But when people find out I am a member of the NRA, own firearms, support tax reform and the Fair Tax Act, usually drive a big SUV, and disagree with creative interpretations of the US Constitution, they feel comfortable calling me a nazi, fascist, bible thumping conservative.

And when other people find out I am pro-gay marriage, for the separation of church & state, against the death penalty, against the patriot act, an environmentalist, and a fan of organic farming, they feel comfortable calling me a hippy, communist, bleeding heart liberal.

So find a real argument or stay out of it.
Do you honestly think it's actually immoral to oppose killing another human being? That's something it's going to take me a while to wrap my head around.
I still don't understand why some people don't see that if the penalty for rape (of a child) and the penalty for murdering that child were the same then it's highly likely that the child would be murdered by the rapist.

Is it because some folks have blood in their eyes? Or are they just fucking morons?