Court Upholds the Meat of Arizona Immigration Law...

There are rival gangs in Alaska and people killed over drug deals gone bad in Anchorage all the time. I said "exaggerated" because the drug cartel is not moving across the border and killing innocent people. It sounds like most of the killings were drug deals gone bad. The rancher being the exception, but like you said, he might have just shown up at the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens all over the US and involves US. Citizens killing each other more than foreign druggies running across the border and declaring war on us.

Now US citizens going to border towns, need to be on high alert, although the rest of Mexico is relatively safe, the usual precautions still need to be taken.

No, they force immigrants to become mules, and they are definitely waging a war on and near the border of Arizona killing agents and cops. I posted a few stories about it. Ignoring the issue and trying to say it isn't important because only a "few" have been murdered by the cartels in Arizona is ridiculous.

And this simply ignores and says nothing about other significant issues with illegal immigration within Arizona.
great point.

Az. wouln't be doing this if the Fed's -who claim the right to enforce immigration and laws pertaining would do their job.
DC is only interested in aquiring powers, not actually doing anything, but maintaining those powers.

I lay most of the blame on Congress, although Obama "promised" Comprehensive Imigration Reform" in his first 2 years.
He doesn't sully his hands working with Congress, can't even lead his party. He's on a mission to cling to power -all he really cares about.

They don't get to pick and choose which state to apply the law in, removing "agreements" with Feds that other states can have because they find one law to be inconvenient. It is very true that Arizona wouldn't be doing this if there was effective enforcement by the Feds of laws already on the books. It is unfortunate that we've had ineffective leadership in this arena for so long. I agree with Marco Rubio, we need more than a clear election-year desperate attempt to buy support.
No, they force immigrants to become mules, and they are definitely waging a war on and near the border of Arizona killing agents and cops. I posted a few stories about it. Ignoring the issue and trying to say it isn't important because only a "few" have been murdered by the cartels in Arizona is ridiculous.

And this simply ignores and says nothing about other significant issues with illegal immigration within Arizona.
"Papers Please" has nothing to do with border killings.

It has to do with ridding Arizona of hard working illegals, so that the Chinese can continue to destroy our solar industry w/Brewer's help.